Cabinet Battle #1

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[ let's take a look at the height difference of Alexander and Thomas in that vid. Small reminder, Alessia is shorter than her brother :') so she's like at the height where this tissue cravat thingy Thomas wears ends :') ]

"I'm off to a cabinet meeting with the President and the new Secretary of State. Would you like to join me?"

"Sure, why not?", Alessia shrugged and smiled.

When Alessia and Alexander stepped into the room, the first person she noticed was, who would've guessed, Thomas Jefferson. He stood opposite of the seat Alexander was headed for, so she assumed that Thomas was the Secretary of State.

Alexander was already eyeing Thomas suspiciously, even more so when he took notice of Alessia and began to smirk. He made his way over to the Hamiltons and took Alessias hand, kissing the back, before he said "What a pleasure to meet you again, fine lady."

"Can't say I feel the same," Alessia replied, expressionless. Thomas stood straight again and said "I'm afraid I didn't catch your name before." "Probably because I didn't give it to you," Alessia raised an eyebrow at him. Alexander beside them snickered at this conversation.

"Well then Mr Jefferson, I believe I shall take my seat," Alessia then said, noting that it was slowly getting more crowded and she wanted to get a good seat.

"Well then darlin', I suppose you take one last good look at the winner of this debate before you take your seat," Thomas smirked, obviously talking about himself. Alessia scoffed and said "The only reason why I should look at you is because I pity you. Pitying you for your loss. Because nobody goes against the Hamiltons and wins."

Alexander smirked evilly but proudly behind her, especially at Thomas' speechless expression. Alessia turned towards her brother and said "Destroy him." Alexander laughed softly "I will, don't you worry."

"Miss Hamilton, let me assure you, he won't win. Not against me, that is," Thomas spoke up, pulling her attention back to him. She sighed and took a step closer to him, crossing her arms in front of her chest "Let me tell you two things. One, its Mrs Laurens. Second, I may not wear that name anymore but I'm a Hamilton with pride. You dare go against us, we will not let it slide. Keep that in mind, Mr Jefferson."

And with that she turned around and headed to take a seat. She got quite a good seat, close to the aisle and at the front. She had a good view of her brother.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, you could've been anywhere in the world tonight but you're here with us in New York City. Are you ready for a cabinet meeting?", the president opened up, causing the crowd to cheer a little as this was what they've waited for.

"The issue on the table: Secretary Hamilton's plan to assume state debt and establish a national bank. Secretary Jefferson, you have the floor, sir."

"'Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' We fought for these ideals; we shouldn't settle for less. These are wise words, enterprising men quote 'em. Don't act surprised, you guys, cuz I wrote 'em," Thomas began, which actually earned him an annoyed groan from Alessia. She already had enough of his ego and they've only met twice and barely know each other.

"But Hamilton forgets, his plan would have the government assume state's debts. Now, place your bets as to who that benefits: The very seat of government where Hamilton sits!"

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