Chapter two:

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A car was driving down a long winding road, a girl with platinum blonde hair, and strange pink colored eyes. Her name was Yui Komori, daughter of a priest. Past a lake was a large mansion that looked quite old but stately, this was where she was to be staying. She walked through the gates, towards the front door, walking by a fountain that had a strange gargoyle on the top. The once beautiful picturesque sky had grown dark, and it begun to rain.

"It's raining!" Yui had said, before she was frightened by a flash of lightning and a loud crack of thunder. She ran quickly to the tall front doors pulling her suitcase up the steps before knocking twice, "Hello!" She called out when the door was not opened when she waited a short amount of time. She reached to the door handle only to leap back only slightly when it opened on it's own. She pushed it open and pulled her suitcase inside, "Excuse me, is anyone home?" The door shut behind her quieting the storm outside barely, "That's funny. Maybe they weren't told I was coming today." She then walked down the long entrance hallway, to the grand staircase where a large Chandelier hung.

"Hello?" Stopping at the foot of the staircase down another hall one could see a brief flash of lightning, and a small rumble of thunder could be heard. Yui looked around before noticing someone laying on a couch on the right of the staircase just under a window that lit with a flash of lightning. The one laying there was Ayato, his pants leg rolled up and a knee bent while one arm rested on his lower stomach, his shirt unbuttoned on his chest and a red ribbon around his throat. It appeared as if he was sleeping. Yui stared at him before she seemed to come out of her brief pause, "Um, excuse me." She knelt down and gently touched him, once her hand touched his she flinched.

"You're cold!" She put her bag down quickly, "Are you okay?" Leaning on his chest she listened before she stated in a loud panic, "He has no pulse! Oh, no! I have to call an ambulance!" She quickly scavenged her bag before pulling out a pink phone that matched her pink sweater. When she started to dial it was snatched from her grasp, by the very boy she believed was dead. He sat up grumbling, "Damn, you're noisy." Ayato casted his green eyes on her and growled out, "This isn't your house, so be quiet." Yui, who was stunned at first, quickly stuttered out, "Y... You're alive!" With almost a childish pout Ayato responded, "Why wouldn't I be alive? What do you think I am?" Yui leaned back some, "But your heart was stopped." She stood up only to be thrown on the couch by Ayato, "What?!" He gave a smile staring down at her like a piece of flesh, "You already know the answer to that. I'm about to take you." He leaned down and licked her neck smiling devilishly as he moved to bite her.

"Ayato, what's all the commotion?" Ayato paused as he gave a noise of anger, "Damn, not you, Reiji." Reiji looked at his brother frowning at them, "This is the entrance hall." Reiji stood with his arms crossed like an angry mother, "This is meant to be used as a place to greet our guests. Take your activities to your private room." Ayato frowned as he leaned near her before sighing and sitting back up, "Well, that was dull."

"Please help me!" Yui covered her chest running to Reiji, who only glared at her, "And you are?"

"I'm Yui Komori. My father said I was suppose to live here." Reiji calmly replied not taking his eye off her, "I've heard nothing of the sort. Ayato, explain this to me." Reiji then turned his head to Ayato, who frowned, "Huh? How should I know? You never said anything about that, Pancake." Yui hotly retorted, "That's because you attacked me out of nowhere." Ayato gave a sassy 'hmph' turning his head from her before her cheeks became slightly pink, "Wait, did you say, 'pancake?' Are you talking about me?" Ayato frowned at her, "Of course I'm talking about you, stupid. You're as flat as a pancake." Yui glared at him before Reiji spoke again, "That is strange." Reiji placed one of his gloved hands on his chin in thought.

"I wasn't informed of this." Yui quickly spoke up softly, "Excuse me, but who are you?" Reiji interrupted her question, "We shouldn't talk here. Come this way." Reiji turned around and begun to walk to a random room, "See to her luggage." A butler appeared and took her suitcase startling Yui as he calmly disappeared. Yui then looked at Ayato who still had a childish pout on his face before she quickly followed Reiji.

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