Chapter Four:

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Yui looked up in shock as he glared at her, "O-Orpheus." He gave a glare and bared his fangs, "Get Out. How many times do I have to tell you?" Yui looked terrified and quickly ran out if the room, as Orpheus gave a sigh. "Stupid girl."

Yui sat down at a large dining room table, all the brothers except one was there, Orpheus isn't here. It was quiet, the spot was clear where he was, his food was out but his chair was empty. Reiji looked at the clock on his wrist as he stated, "Orpheus is late." Kanato looked at Teddy, all of his sweets were laid out beautifully before him, "Teddy said he saw him... he looked angry." Yui looked scared, she didn't eat, he's mad at me.

"Sorry I'm late Reiji. I had gotten quite dirty when I was cleaning and washed up." Reiji looked towards Orpheus who entered the room calmly, "Don't be late again." Orpheus sat down, nodding his head before calmly saying "Let's eat." Everyone began to eat their own food as Yui stared at the males who just silently ate. Yui jumped when someone spoke towards her, "You haven't eaten very much, Bitch-chan." Laito leaned on her right side with a smile, "You need to eat properly or you could become anemic. Would you like me to feed you?" The whole table could feel Orpheus become angry before Reiji broke the tension, scolding Laito.

"Laito! It's bad manners to get to your feet during a meal." Laito stood up with a large smile, "Yes, sir." He turned towards Yui smirking at her, "We'll continue this later, Bitch-chan." Subaru, who was right next to Orpheus calmly touched his leg, causing Orpheus to look at him before he begun to eat silently again. Shu stood up, causing Orpheus to pause as he looked up at him, "Shu-nii." Everyone looked towards the eldest brother, "Shu?" Yui had called his name before Shu calmly stated, "This is a pain." Orpheus watched as he walked away before he begun to eat again.

"That deadbeat." Reiji griped about him, "Nothing good can come if anyone who grows up spoiled rotten." Orpheus paused in his salmon as he looked towards Reiji, "Reiji-nii." Reiji looked towards him before nodding towards him, "I apologize Orpheus." He nodded before beginning to dine again, ignoring how Kanato was stabbing his food with a dastardly laugh.

"He won't even make the effort to attend our monthly dinner party. That will be all for today." All the males stood up while Orpheus picked up his plate, Yui stood up before Reiji stopped her, "One moment. Your table manners are deplorable. One of these days I will take you aside and discipline you thoroughly. Understood?" Yui stood up before softly saying, "Yes, sir." Orpheus sat down next to Reiji, calmly nibbling on some bread as he and Reiji began to speak calmly.

"What has you so on edge? I've never seen you quite like this except when you first came." He paused in his eating before calmly speaking to him, "The 'guest' decided she would go back into the room again. And ever since she came you all have been a little off." Reiji gave a small sigh before placing his hand on the side of Orpheus's neck, "You were always so clingy. That's what we enjoyed." Orpheus then stayed still before Reiji sunk his fangs into his neck, causing him to make a soft groan of pain, "R-Reiji..."

"That's for being late. Now, finish cleaning up, then you can have the music room to yourself tonight. I believe Laito and Ayato are planning on something." Orpheus nodded before he paused, "Reiji-nii?" Reiji paused as he looked at the male who stayed seated, "Yes?" Orpheus looked at him turning his whole body as his neck hurt, "Please don't ignore me anymore." Reiji looked surprised before he regained his blank look, "It's hard to ignore you when you're always getting into some kind of trouble."

After clean up:

Orpheus gave a small hum, seeing Kanato in his room, "Hmm?" The purple haired boy was playing with Teddy, and a lovingly cared for stuffed fox, "Onii-san. Teddy wanted to see you and Kookie, I did too." Orpheus gave a gentle smile before walking over to his same hair colored brother, gently kissing his forehead, "Well, shall we have a small tea party? I always keep your favorite cookies in a secret spot." Kanato gave a bright smile, Orpheus always gave him the attention he wanted, he never judged him for how he loved Teddy. Meanwhile Yui had found Shu in the bath, "You're all brothers, so I wonder why you're all so different?" Shu kept his eyes closed as he mumbled, "We have different mothers."

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