Part Two: Chapter Twelve

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Orpheus opened his eyes and sat up quickly, startling Reiji and Subaru, who had came to release him. Subaru looked surprised as Orpheus suddenly spoke to them, "They need me." Subaru lept back, "What the hell?!" Reiji was calm as he gently pushed him down, "Who needs you?" Reiji tried to sooth him as Orpheus was panicking, "They need me... my people...My... Family!" Orpheus tried to get up again but groaned, "You need to rest."

"No!" Orpheus shoved Reiji off, who flew into the nearby wall. Reiji gave a noise of pain while Subaru looked startled, "!" Subaru looked at him before looking back at Orpheus, who was breathing quickly and glared him down. His voice was dangerous as he tensed his body, "You will not stop my destiny. You can't." Subaru reached for his back pocket as he growled out, "Like hell I can try."

Yui looked at Ruki, who had a large cut all along his shoulder and chest, "Ruki..." He was asleep, resting as if he was dead, "How did this happen?" Azusa looked saddened and guilty, "He... protected me. It's my fault... he's..." Kou stopped Azusa, "I told ya, it's not your fault. There wasn't anything else we coulda done in that situation."

"It was so sudden."

The brother's flashback:

The window shattered, surprising the three causing them to huddle together as large wolves flocked them. Yuma said what they were all thinking, "What the hell is all this?!" The wolves begun to try and attack them, Kou and Yuma dodged them, Azusa dodged one but was caught by surprise. He crashed into a door and watched in horror as a wolf went straight for him, Ruki appeared in front of him, receiving the large wound for him. His blood splattered about as Azusa shouted out, "Ruki!"

Back to current:

Yui looked in surprise, "Why did wolves..." Kou's eyes stayed on Ruki the whole time, "It's weird, right? But we don't know the reason, either." Yui stared at Ruki again, her gaze was worried, "Ruki..." Kou sighed as they all stood in the large entry way, "To tell ya the truth... Ruki's been kinda weird for a while now... so was Wilhelm." Yuma sat on the stairs, "He's been worrying about the plan all by himself. And Wilhelm had been having so much pressure upon him."

"The plan? Wilhelm?" Azusa spoke, "The Adam's Apple Plan." Kou explained, "One of us will awaken as 'Adam'. For that awakening, we need Eve's blood, your blood, to put it straight." Yui looked confused at the two, "My blood?" Yuma explained it to her as she listened, "That's why we kept drinking your blood. We had to become Adam." Kou nodded before looking at his fallen brother, "But Ruki... started to worry about the fact that he hadn't awakened."

Yui's arm was held tightly as Ruki looked shocked staring at her. Ruki threw her against the wall, and had bitten down on her.

"And Wilhelm... we all have been protective of him. He has to become king... when the Lunar Eclipse happens. He has been doing two jobs... and also had to learn to control his temper. Ruki was trying to guide him in some things he studied, but Wilhelm was too stressed. They both lashed out causing, Ruki and him got in an argument."

Ruki glared at him staring at the angry prince, "You can't become Adam, Wilhelm!" Orpheus growled towards him, insulted at his acusation, "Why would I!? Do you honestly think I want to be?! That I wanted this life!"

"If you hate it here then why don't you leave?!" Orpheus looked shocked at his response, his eyes widening when he heard the sentence. Ruki looked surprised at his words that flooded from his mouth, regretting it instantly. Orpheus suddenly became quieter, his voice creating a scary calming anger.

"You... You think I hate it here? What part... nevermind... if you want it that bad... so be it. I'll make your wish come true!" Orpheus shouted at him before quickly leaving the room, Ruki looked shocked.

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