Chapter Eleven:

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Richter stood staring at the lake, we will soon meet again. Now. You must awaken now... Cordelia. Yui awoke from her large empty bed sitting up before her chest throbbed again. What is wrong with me? My chest hurts again.

Orpheus slept for a while, prompting Yui to walk inside, "Will? Will are you okay?" She saw the fire had became a breif color of purple before it stayed it's dark crimson red as Orpheus moaned, "Ngh... no..." Yui suddenly looked worried as she observed his sleeping self, "Will?" Yui had only seen him sleeping twice in his own bed, when he was ill, he gave a moan, "S...stop. No..." He was caught in the covers, Kookie was under the covers away from him, Yui saw the items laid upon a table. It was a red choker, yellow rose, a vial of blood, a crown and a cape, a deep dark green cape.

"Will, Will wake up." Orpheus still slept, struggling in his sleep, "Don't... please..." Yui's chest suddenly throbbed before she quickly shouted, "Wilhelm! Get up now!" Orpheus suddenly shot up right his eyes shining a bright green as he gasped for breath. His eyes were wide as he had awoken from a nightmare. He looked at Yui in surprise while Yui held her chest surprised, "How... did you do that?" Yui shook her head as she stumbled in fear, "Y-You weren't sleeping peacefully." Orpheus frowned, "I meant, how did you know my real first name." Yui looked surprised before she looked away, " did I know..."

Later on:

Orpheus was silent as he baked in the kitchen. Just quietly creating an apple rose pastry. He never took his eyes off his work as he called out in the empty kitchen, "I know you're there." He cut up some more apples as the male walked inside, his green hair and black trench coat, "Hello Orpheus." He calmly looked up, "You have been in her room. And have been in mine. Why is that Richter?" The male walked closer, "Can I not pay respects to the woman I love, and visit an adopted son." Orpheus glared at him, "Not while they are asleep." The male gave a small smirk as he watched Orpheus begin to continue his work, "So did you enjoy your presents?"

"That was you?" Orpheus seemed to keep calm, but just barely, "Why did you give me those things?" Richter gave a small smile towards him observing the male, "I thought you'd enjoy some things from your past, and your future." Orpheus looked up at him, "I don't particularly want to remember my past. Nor do I want any reminder of my future!" He started to kneed the dough before he looked at him, "Get out of my sight." Richter looked at his authoritative posture before he gave a smirk,  "You will watch what you say. And keep an eye on your 'little lilly', don't want another Elizabeth do we?"

"Get out!" Orpheus snarled, his green eyes bright and sharp as he flashed his fangs in rage. Richter gave a bemused look before he nodded politely, "Very well, excuse me." He gave a bow before leaving, causing Orpheus to stare distastefully at his over kneaded dough.

After he finished baking:

Orpheus walked outside, taking a deep breath of the cold air, he had cleaned everything he did, and let the baker take over what he was doing. While the crisp air cooled his heart he heard a voice, "Onii-san?" Kanato had been sitting outside, when he watched his 'brother' storm out in a bit of rage and actually broke something. Orpheus seemed to take a few more seconds to relax before turning around as if nothing happened, "Hmm... Kanato." Orpheus turned to look at him, as he breathed normally, "What happened?" Orpheus trembled in anger as the thought returned to him, "Richter... he..." Kanato looked surprised at how vivid he really was, he walked over and pulled him into a hug, "K..Kanato?"


"How dare you speak to me in such a way!! You stupid hag!" Kanato screamed at a bride, he had already slapped her multiple times, the woman was crying, "I... I'm sorry!" Kanato hated hearing her lies towards him, "You are not!" Kanato screamed as his voice grew hoarse before he felt arms wrap around him, "Kanato." Kanato struggled in the arms of Orpheus, "Angelica, leave us be."

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