Part Two: Chapter Four

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Yui walked to the tree, seeing Orpheus sleeping in the tree again, noticing one of the branches was around his ankle as he had a small smile in his sleep.

"Orpheus." She reached to him and the tree before she awoke in her bed with her hand out in the air. She stared at her hand before slowly sitting up again and holding her head, looking at the sunset streaming through the windows. Yui got dressed and walked down a hall hearing someone call out.

"What the hell?! Give it to me!" She opened the door to see three of the vampires at the table and heard Kou's voice responding to Yuma, "Hey, what are you doing?! That one's mine!" Azusa was looking at Yuma who held up a fork with something on it, "You were trying to take the last fried shrimp for yourself! Do you not know how to share things equally?" Kou gave a small hmph as he responded, "Hey, you snooze, you lose!" Kou stood up with a bright smile trying to grab the food, "Nice try!" Kou looked upset as Yuma held it up too high for him to reach and looked to Azusa.

"Hey, Azusa, do you really not want it? You haven't eaten much, right?" Azusa looked up at him before staring at his plate, "If you give it to me... I'll take it." Kou pouted as he sat down, Yui entering and watching the three brothers talk, "I'm not asking about that! Tell me if you want it or not!" Azusa looked towards Yuma quietly telling him, "Then... I want it." Yuma handed the shrimp over to him, "Here." Ruki's voice entered the room, "I've said it a thousand times. Keep it down when we're at the dinner table."

"All right, all right." Ruki set down a plate of fried shrimp while Kou else gave a cheerful laugh, "Oh hey, there's more!" Yui almost started to laugh at the boy's smile, "Why you, don't cut in front of everyone!" Yuma coddled Kou who looked happy to eat before turning to the quiet one, "And you, Azusa, speak up and eat already! Else Kou's gonna eat it all!" A small laugh caused all of them to look at the male, Orpheus smiling as he held a plate of fruit for the table.

"You guys never change do you?" Yuma frowned towards the snickering male, "You should eat too Wilhelm! You know how you are if you don't!" Orpheus held up his hands with an embarrassed laugh, "Take it easy, take it easy!" He sat down at the head if the table closest to Yuma and smiling at him. Yui was completely surprised by how happy he looked compared to being at the Sakamakis' house, "You should hurry and eat too."

"Ah right..." Yui looked at the food surprised, "Did you make all if this, Ruki?" Orpheus was eating his share of food, "What if I did?" Yui looked surprised at the fact he thought she was insulting him, "Huh? Oh, no! I just think that it's great that you can cook. And..." Yuma was giving Azusa some shrimp as he portioned it out, "Hey, I got way less!" Kou pouted and Yuma waved the spoon and fork at him, "That's 'cause you ate a ton before." Orpheus laughed at the two before he shook his head, "Kou always did eat more than you think."

"Wilhelm! Don't be mean!" Yui looked surprised, "Everyone gets along so well. It's kind of a change." Yui remembered the dinner table at Sakamakis, everyone was quiet as they ate, Orpheus would just silently eat the food and then wait to be excused. Orpheus was calmly eating his food now, acting as if Yui was not there. Orpheus was laughing with Yuma who told him something about a garden, "Thanks!" Orpheus frowned and stole back his shrimp from Kou, "That's mine. I didn't say you could have it, gutton!" Some people at the table chuckled at Orpheus and Kou's bickering over shrimp.

"Oh, then I'll go, too." Yui stood up hearing them talk about school before she froze, "You idiot." Yuma stood in front of her while Orpheus went to Kou and adjusted his hair for him, "You're staying home, Piggy." Ruki had his head tilted back with just a glance towards her as Orpheus was calmly fixing his tie, "Those Sakamaki bastards will be there." Yui looked surprised before she softly said, "No!" Kou cheerfuly said, "Today, Azusa will be babysiting Little Madokitty! Wilhelm will be staying behind to, right?" Orpheus gave a small smile, "Yeah, I will, I've got a lot of work to catch up with." Yui turned around to look at Azusa who had a small smile as Orpheus moved to him, "All alone with Eve and Wilhelm... I'm really happy."

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