Part Two: Chapter Nine

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Azusa was walking down the hall as he opened the door to Kou and Yuma arguing again, "Yuma, that one is mine!" Kou was whining as he had some food on the fork, "What, you too dumb to count of something?!" Yuma fussed at Kou as Yui sat down near them, watching them argue, "Everyone gets three! That's your fourth!"

"Oh, is it?" Kou looked up towards the ceiling, Yui tried to defuse the situation, "U-Um, there's more if you want." Azusa sat down and Kou asked him, "Huh? Where's Ruki and Wilhelm?" Yuma looked to Azusa, "Didn't you go call for them?" Azusa looked towards Yuma before Azusa spoke, "I did, but... Ruki said he didn't want any. And Orpheus said he was on his way but... he was acting weird." Kou looked to Yuma, "Ruki's been kinda down lately, huh? And Orpheus has seemed to be more stressed."

"Yeah, they have." Kou nodded as he thought about Ruki and Orpheus' strange behavior, "I wonder... if something happened?" Yui looked down, Ruki grabbed her arm tighter, surprised that he didn't bite her. Orpheus covered his face as he tried to tell her, "You don't know what I really am... it's best... if I don't tell them anything."

Yui looked to Ruki's chair and then Orpheus, I wonder what happened? Ruki threw his book against the wall as he sat on his bed with his head down before he looked back up. Orpheus opened the door to the dining area, causing Kou to look happy, "You're here!" Orpheus nodded before he sat down and gave a small smile, "I'm surprised you didn't try to steal one." Yuma gave a noise shaking his fork at Kou, "He did. But I stopped him." Yui looked at Orpheus, surprised at how he joked around with the brothers like last night never happened.

Later that Day

Yui closed her mirror on her vanity, walking away before her wrist was grabbed by Ruki, "Ruki?" Ruki only spoke one word as he dragged her out, "Come." He had a scary look causing her to shiver some, "Ruki!" He dragged her down a random hallway, "Where are we... Ruki!" He turned his head towards her, "Shut up!" Yui was pushed into a room Ruki looking at her, "You will stay here."

"Here?" Yui looked around at a small room, it had furniture and it was deep underground, "Here? But why? What's going on Ruki!" Ruki made a nervous face before he bit into her shoulder, she gasped before fainting, leaving Ruki shocked. He backed away before turning to leave and shut her door behind him, "Ruki..." Ruki looked at his hand surprised that it was shaking, "Ruki?" Kou, Yuma, and Azusa were all looking at him, "Why'd you suddenly..."

"We've been naïve. This is how livestock should be kept." Kou looked surprised at his response, "We'll be demanding even more blood from her from now on, and we need to keep Wilhelm away from her, for the sake of becoming Adam." They all looked at him as he walked past him, "Ruki?" In the night the brothers were gathered in a room, Orpheus was at work but soon to be home.

"Say, Ruki, how long are you planning on keeping Little Masokitty in there? It's been a whole week. And Wilhelm seems to be getting flighty." Kou and the brothers were trying to talk to Ruki, but he was not having any of it, "We need more of Eve's blood to awaken it, and our fodder does not need freedom." Yuma looked over at him, "We can't keep her locked up in there forever!" Ruki suddenly turned his head and glared, "Have you forgoten your promise?" Yuma looked surprised as Azusa looked upset and Kou was silent, Ruki stood up, "We must become Adam. And we must keep Wilhelm away."

"But she's getting weaker, and Wilhelm is as well." Azusa now spoke after Kou had, "If we lose Eve... it affects you, too, Ruki. Wilhelm needs... to interact with humans." Ruki kept walking away as Yuma looked to where he was walking, "What happened to him?" Orpheus gave a tired sigh as he rubbed his throat, He had been recording multiple songs and then danced. After that he had to look at some buisness files to keep in touch with the politics. Orpheus sat in the tree, it's branches wrapping around further on his chest. He gave a small noise trying to pull them off, panicking at the hold it had.

"We are here, your highness." He looked up before clearing his throat, "Thank you." Ruki slammed his fist into the wall, gritting his teeth. Yui slept in her bed, as Ruki stared at both of his hands, before he quickly turned to the window. Orpheus had walked towards the door before someone grabbed his arm, "Ouch!" He looked at the person before looking shocked, "Ayato?" Ayato glared at Ruki, keeping hold of Orpheus who seemed to be trying to make him let go. Orpheus was tired and his head was swimming as Ayato made a noise. All the brothers were alerted that he was here, Ayato bit down on Orpheus, causing him to cry out in pain.

"A-Ayato! Stop! That-agh!" Orpheus' voice changed from surprise to fear before he fainted, Ruki glared down at Ayato for daring to harm their family. A soft voice in the darker cell spoke, seeing the walls that had red along them, "Why?" Yui was bundled up in a blanket, "Why are you doing this?"

"I finally found you, Pancake." Yui looked surprised, there was Ayato, holding Orpheus over his shoulder, "Ayato! Why are you here?! What happened to Orpheus?" Ayato looked irritated that she noticed Orpheus first, "Jeez, you've been such a pain in my ass. C'mon, we're going home!" He pulled Yui out of her blankets causing Yui to wince, "Wait, Ayato..."

"Did you get used to being their pet or something?! You're my food!" He pulled Yui out and the room was empty before the blanket touched the ground. Yuma leaned down and picked up the blanket, while everyone else looked shocked and surprised. Kou picked up the small necklace on the ground, "Ruki, the Sakamakis took Little Masokitty, and Wilhelm! Why didn't you stop them?!" Ruki looked away upset before Yuma grabbed his shirt, "Speak up and answer, dammit! You're not even gonna chase after her?!" Kou nodded, "Yeah, we've gotta get them back!"

"There's no need to go." Yuma and Kou looked surprised, "The hell does that mean?" Yuma released Ruki, "I don't get it." Kou looked down before he strode off, "I don't get it either." Azusa held his arm, "What should we do... Ruki? Without Eve... we're..." Ruki gritted his teeth flashbacks slamming his head.

Yui crying out as every single brother bit her, Orpheus shouting out underneath Ruki, and all the others. Orpheus falling asleep while he researched some different music styles, Yui and Orpheus talking. Ruki walking in on Ayato stealing Yui and Orpheus opening his eyes and reaching to him, "Ruki..." His necklace slipping off as Ayato glared at Ruki before teleporting them away. Orpheus sighing softly as he tried to explain something to him, only to be yelled at and hurt.

Ruki glared at one spot the whole time covering his face with his hand.

Ayato landed and setting Yui near a tree as Orpheus was set down, Yui clutched her head, "Um..." Ayato placed a hand near her, "Lemme have some." Yui looked scared as she stared at him, "Ayato, I..." Ayato glared at her shouting, "Shut up! I can't hold back anymore!" He went to bite her only to see wounds on her neck, and lots of bruising, "What the hell is this?" He pulled down her shirt, seeing many more wounds, "Hey. How much of you have you let them have?!" Ayato bit her, before she gave a small shallow gasp of air, "You're mine." Yui looked up at him, "So don't you dare disappear on me!"

"Ayato..." He bit her again, causing her to look at Orpheus who laid on the ground unconscious as it begun to rain, "I'll mark you so you never forget. You are mine... mine and only mine."

Azusa looked at his knife collection, resting his head against the glass. Yuma stared at the sugar cube eating it on his small couch. Kou laid on his bed trying to lay on the pillow, his eye glowing red. Ruki held his head sitting in the large couch.

Orpheus was in the tree, unconscious as the leaves began to die, the tree started to fall apart as Orpheus fell with it, the rotating arc stopped.

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