Part Two: Chapter Seven

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Yui was standing at the tree, staring at the flowers as Orpheus looked at her with a gentle smile. Yui smiled at him brightly as she noticed one of the branches loosen its hold on his chest. He chuckled at her as she held up her hands with the fallen petals as the light shined warmly around them. "Pretty, right Orpheus?" Orpheus smiled softly and nodded, not taking his eyes off her as she giggled and twirled around.

Yui was staring out the window, "I guess everyone's leaving soon." A knock sounded on her door, causing her to turn from the window, "Yes?" Ruki walked into the room as she looked surprised, "Oh, Ruki..." He kept the same distasteful look upon her, "Get changed." Ruki tossed a pile of clothes onto her fainting couch, "My uniform? I can go to school?" Ruki turned without a word about to leave before Yui said, "um..."

"Hurry up." He left the room before Yui looked at the pile of clothes, "Is it really okay if I go?" Yui got dressed, before putting on her bow staring at the vanity to make sure it was straight. She picked up her little rosary staring at it.

Yui's memory:

Orpheus had came to her a few weeks after he was fully checked and healed from the wound he obtained.

"Yui. You don't have to shy away from me you know." Yui looked away before he sighed and reached to grab her hand lightly, "Yui-!" He moved his hand back before shaking it softly, Yui looked worried as she turned to him.

"O-Orpheus! Are you okay?" Orpheus smiled softly at her and held up his hand, "Gotcha." Yui looked surprised as Orpheus gave a small chuckle.

Back to Yui:

She sighed sadly and held the rosary close to her chest, also remembering the brothers. How can Orpheus not worry about them...

At school:

All the brothers were walking around Yui and Orpheus. Each had a different way of walking as Yui noticed, Azusa walked with his head down, holding his bandaged arm. Kou walked nonchalantly his hand on his neck and elbow in the air. Yuma walked with both his hands in his pockets, his body language screaming at people to leave him alone. Ruki walked with his hand in his pocket and his book at his side, patiently walking. Yui then glanced at Orpheus, his hair was styled slightly different this time, slight spikes stuck up as she noticed a necklace matching Kou's bracelet and a charm of Yuma's necklace. She also saw a ring on his finger, it had a sapphire inside, and some sort of markings around it. She looked at Orpheus's face, it looked calm before he caught her eyes, sending a ghost of a smile to her, making her feel a bit calmer. Ruki stared at the interaction between the two, a frown settling upon his lips. The halls were filled with students, Orpheus was standing near Yui as Kou adjusted his hair for him before he smiled and winked at her.

"See ya later, Little Masokitty! Take care of Wilhelm for me!" Orpheus gave a small noise of irritation, "I'm not a child Kou." All of the brothers walked off leaving a slightly disgruntled Orpheus and Yui stagaring. Yui started to walk down the hall, following behind her was Orpheus, who seemed to be in thought. Reiji was standing near a wall startling Yui but seeming to fly by Orpheus who was bumped into by Yui, causing him to gently touch her arm.


"I was wondering where you'd run off too." He turned his head to look at Yui and Orpheus, "Who would've guessed?" Yui realized that Orpheus grew slightly tense as he realized he was staring at the Mukami brothers. Yui didn't want Orpheus to get in trouble as she apologized, "Um, I'm sorry for not contacting you." Yui gave a bow to him while Orpheus seemed to be cold and only slightly nod his head.

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