Part Two: Chapter Five

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Orpheus was silent as he stared into a tomato, mulling over something. He blushed before hiding his face and sighing, "Oi, Wilhelm. Are you gonna help?" Orpheus looked up seeing Yuma before he smiled, "When do I not help with the garden?" He got a small basket and begun to go through some tomatoes before hearing someone, "Wow!" As he plucked the ripe tomatoes from the garden he heard Yuma cheer, "All right, looks like they're ready for harvesting." Orpheus decided to keep hidden as long as possible, "Wait, is this..." Orpheus heard Yui's voice as Yuma sounded proud, "It's my garden. Wilhelm helps out too." He heard his name before he saw Yuma walk over, "C'mon, hurry up and help!"

"Oh, these are looking good!" Yui walked over before she saw Orpheus, who was casually placing some in the basket, "Orpheus?" Yuma seemed slightly angry, "Don't call him that. Here he is Wilhelm, don't give him that name. It makes him sad." Orpheus chuckled as he leaned against Yuma, "When you say things like that Yuma you make me think you care." Yuma shoved him off with a brief blush  "Shut up Politician!" Orpheus laughed as Yui looked surprised before she smiled, "You really are happy here... huh Orpheus?" Orpheus looked at her before sighing and placing a tomato in her basket, "This is where I belong."

"They look delicious." Orpheus frowned before turning to continue gardening, "Of course they do! I grew 'em, after all!" Orpheus gave him a look before continuing to pick them, "We Yuma." Yuma looked at him and shook his head, "Yeah right, you do flowers most of the time."  Orpheus rolled his eyes as he paused in his work looking at him, "And yet who helped to pollinate them?" Yuma glared at him as he picked the tomato, "Shut up." Orpheus smirked as he picked a new one, Yui surprised by how friendly they were to each other, "Why are you growing vegetables?"

"If we suddenly get cut off from our usual sources, we live off these for a while." Yui noticed Orpheus had paused for a brief moment before continuing to pick the large ones. Yui glanced towards Yuma as she questioned him, "I thought vampires didn't need to eat."

"Well, yeah." Orpheus chuckled as he set down his basket before going to the flowers and tending to them.

Orpheus and Yuma's memory:

Orpheus smiled as he pollinated a tomato plant, "Yuma, this is important, if you want your garden to grow you have to pollinate the flowers." As Yuma observed the male work with the flowers, as he gently took a male one and brought it with others. Yuma watched as he did it before laughing, "You're like a girl!" Orpheus had an angry mark on his head, "What was that?"

End of memory:

"We don't starve to death if we don't eat, but I like eating. And I don't dislike growing veggies, either. I used to be a human, anyway." That took Yui by surprise, "Huh? You were a human?" Yuma looked towards Yui as if it was well known, "Yeah, all of us were. Except for Wilhelm." Yui remembered the dining table when they were talking to each other while Orpheus seemed to be silent, then remembered the photos on Ruki's mantle. Orpheus had been outcasted from the moment we got here, "I see..." She glanced at Orpheus who was quietly humming as he stared at a lavender sprig. Yuma stared at a little tomato that he had in his hand, "Looks like these guys aren't ready yet." Yui looked surprised, "Why'd you pick it?"

"If I don't pick out the bad ones, the veggies won't get big. Wilhelm told me that. It's the same with humans, ain't it?" Yui looked shocked before Yuma made a childish noise, "C'mon, help me out here!" Yui stopped from staring at the purple haired male as she looked at Yuma, "Oh, right." Yui knelt to him before Orpheus started to hum a new song, gently smelling the lavender and smiling as he picked two sprigs, then getting a jasmine flower, "The slums?"

"That's where I was living before I met Ruki and the others. They're not really good memories." Brief flashbacks to Yuma's past with the slums revealed blood on walls and corpses on the dirty ground, "All my friends from back then got killed. And if I hadn't met that person, I'd probably be..." Orpheus walked over with the flowers in a small basket before he sat down next to Yuma, who was surprised by Yui's response, "'That person'?" He promptly fed her one of the little tomatoes before giving Orpheus the other one he held, "Don't ask questions!" She chewed up the tomato before saying, "It's delicious!" Orpheus stood up about to walk off to the house, "Right?"

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