Chapter three

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A small noise awoke Orpheus, making him realize that he had to get up. He got dressed and made sure his hair and everything was in order, before he heard some noises coming from Yui's room. He walked in to see Reiji calmly telling the boys to leave and that Yui was going to school, "You're going to a night school." Reiji explained, but Yui kept speaking, "But it's so late to go to school." The clock said it was 5:15 (17:15) at night, but Orpheus calmly gave a small yawn, alerting his presence to the others, "Orpheus-nii."

"You're awake." He gave a small noise, "I've been awake Ayato, Laito." Reiji continued to ignore him, "We cannot have you being active in the daytime just because you have the common sense of a mortal. As long as your reside in the Sagamaki home, you must adjust to our lifestyle." Yui hid her face in her blanket, "But..." She's already ignoring one of the small warnings I gave her. Reiji looked towards Yui who was hiding, "If you have a complaint, you are welcome to leave at any time." Reiji begun to walk away before Yui started, "But you said if I try to escape, I'm dead."

"Did you say something?" Reiji turned his head looking towards Yui, "N..No!" Reiji glared her way, "Then hurry up and change into the school uniform you see there." Yui looked at the clothes before realizing she couldn't change with guys in her room, "Um..." Yui looked around only to see everyone was gone.

"Orpheus-nii." In the kitchen a red haired vampire walked towards Orpheus, "Yes Ayato?" Orpheus had taken a small juice box from the fridge drinking all of it's contents. Ayato looked irritated as he scrunched his nose up, "You are covered in Subaru's scent." Ayato looked at his shoulder as he had undone his shirt due to a button falling off and a maid gave him a new one, "And he's marked you." Orpheus gave a small chuckle calmly buttoning up the new shirt, "Ayato, last night was his turn. Tonight I shall be on my own." He had finished the juice box, before he got an apple and bitten into it.

"Come, Reiji will be annoyed if we are late." The family, and Yui, piled into the car Orpheus was sitting down closest to the door and Yui sat down near him, the whole car was quiet. Orpheus was looking out the window, Ayato was just staring off, Shu was listening to his music, Kanato played with Teddy, Laito was just staying quiet, Subaru was staring at Orpheus, and Reiji was reading a book. They're all brothers, aren't they? Don't they get along? They don't talk to each other at all. Yui was broken from her thoughts by Ayato, "What's on your mind, Pancake?" Ayato leaned closer to Yui who leaned back, "You have a lot of guys to defy Ore-sama, Pancake." Yui had managed to fall in Orpheus's lap, whose arms immediately wrapped her in a protecting way as Yui quickly spoke up, "You keep calling me that. I have a name and it's Yui Komori!"

"Shuddap! Your opinion won't matter to me in your lifetime, Pancake." Ayato went over to bite Yui who sat in his lap now, and not realizing it. Reiji clapped his book shut and begun to speak aloud, "Ayato, how many times must I tell you? Take such activities to your room." Ayato gave a huff of annoyance before crossing his arms and moving away, Orpheus had not taken his eyes away from the window the entire time. Reiji then paid attention towards the two before moving something towards them, "That is for you. 100% cranberry juice is the best cure for weak blood. Orpheus, make sure you drink yours as well." Orpheus nodded mumbling a quiet, "Thank you."

"Th..thank you so much." Yui looked surprised as Ayato leaned slightly over her and grabbing the two juice boxes. Reiji just stayed calm, "You need not thank me. You must become fully aware that you are our prey and drink that daily." Yui had taken the juice box from Orpheus before looking shocked, realizing the predicament she was in, "Yui-san." Yui jumped at how gentle his voice sounded, causing her blood to rush, "Y-Yes?" Orpheus's deep voice echoed in the car as he leant down near her ear but stayed in view of her, "My hands are full, could you please open mine? Or you could get off my lap if you're uncomfortable." Yui looked shocked that she was in his lap before realizing she felt slightly safer in it. She opened his juice box before he thanked her and begun to drink it.

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