Part Two: Chapter Three

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Yui was asleep under the tree, a flower blooming, Orpheus was nowhere to be seen.

"Everything will become clear... in due time... Eve."

The apples fell down again, yui slept before a vision of the male calling her happened again, "Eve." Yui opened her eyes in a gasp sitting up from the fainting couch near a large window showing a sunset, "Where am I? Where is Orpheus?" She looked around taking in the details of the room realizing she was not at the estate.

"You're finally awake." Yui turned her head quickly to stare at the person that spoke, "You certainly are a slovenly piece of livestock." Yui stuttered out, "L-livestock?!" She stood up quickly, "Wh-who are you?! And where am I? And... Orpheus..." The male looked at her, Yui realized that his hair was not grey but a duller purple, the very male who reached out to her. When he didn't answer she spoke again, "Why did you take me-" A loud bang against the window shocked her as the red haired male slapped the window, "Shut up! God, I knew you were an ugly pig, but stop your squealing!"

Yui looked shocked before someone else spoke up, "Now, now... We did just suddenly steal her and Wilhelm away. Of course she'd be confused. Right, Little Masokitty?" The blond male was there now, Yui turned her head to see him, "Wilhelm?" Someone grabbed her hand gently, "Hey..." Yui turned her head surprised, "Pain, do it?" Yui gave a yell of shock moving away from him and falling on the chair again.

"Hey now, Azusa, you can't just ask someone that all of a sudden. You have to introduce yourself first. Speaking of formalities..." Yui turned her gaze away from Azusa to the blond, "I'm Kou Mukami. Nice to meet you, Little Masokitty." He gave a little wink to her before the red haired male spoke, "I'm Yuma Mukami."

"Mukami?" Kou spoke again to answer her hinted question, "We're all brothers. Okay, over here's..." Azusa's deep voice spoke out to her, "Azusa." Yui turned her head to look at the final brother, "I'm Ruki." Kou had a light cheerful voice, "This is our mansion. You'll be living here with us from now on, Little Masokitty."

"Here?" Yui stood up and looked at Kou, "I can't! I have to go back!" Ruki shut his book, "Go back?" He stood up and turned to face her, "You want to go back to the Sakamaki house?" Yui turned her head stopped from running, "When you lived there, you were those vampires' plaything, weren't you? Just like they did to Wilhelm." Yui looked shocked before she looked down, Ruki spoke again, "Since they kept you as their pet, even your heart believed it was livestock." Yui looked up, "Th-That's not it... b-but... you're vampires too, right? So you're just the same as them!" Ruki looked angry, "Do not compare us to them." Yui looked surprised again that they were insulted.

"We at least have some degree of sense about us." Yui looked at them warily, "And that's supposed to make me trust you?" Kou's voice changed, it became deeper and darker, "Ugh, she's so annoying." Yui looked at him surprised, "We don't care if you go along with it or not." Ruki spoke again, "That's right. We need your blood, Eve's blood, for our plan."

"Eve's blood?" Yui held her head again, "Eve? You mean me? What are you talking about?" Azusa spoke again, "You are... without a doubt... Eve." Yui was desperate to leave as she shouted loudly, "N-no! I'm not Eve!" Someone glared towards her, making her long to be with the Samakis, "God, shut up already." Yuma stood up, glaring at her, "Just keep your mouth shut and obey us, all right?!" Yui's head was harshly turned to Ruki as he stared at her, "You have Eve's blood. With that, we will definitely be able to find... Adam." Yui looked even more confused as he smiled at her, "'Adam'?"

"You're going to be living with us from now on. No matter what you think, as long as you are Eve, you'll follow our rules." Yui was placed in a fancy room, "Cool your head here for a while."

Yui's memory:

Yui was staring as Orpheus stared at the random drawing, his eyes narrowed. Yui had noticed he often had a drawing in his pocket, she noticed him quietly mumble, "Ruki..."

"Ruki?" Orpheus turned his head, "What?" Yui shook her head, "N-Nothing." Orpheus chuckled, something he did a lot after staring off. Yui tilted her head as he folded up the picture carefully and gently patted her head, "You're so strange Lilly."

End of memory:

Yui stared out the window, "Orpheus." She sighed before hearing the lock click, she walked over and turned the knob, surprised it opened. She poked her head out of the door looking around before running quickly. She would glance back every now and then to make sure no one was following. She paused and looked around before running again, there has to be... a way out somewhere! Where is Orpheus! She continued to run opening a door to another hallway seeing a light and quickly running to it. She saw apples falling again hearing the loud bells causing her to clutch her head. A shadow appeared before her, before she became frightened at the sight of Ruki. She was thrown into the room, onto the floor as he shut the door.

"Trying to run away? You really are an untrained animal, aren't you?" Yui slowly sat up as he walked by her, "You sleep here tonight." Ruki sat down in a chair near the desk, "I won't stop you if you want to run away, but if you try, you'll only get yourself punished. So be prepared." Yui looked scared as Ruki looked at her, "Why are you looking at me like that? Are you trying to make me feel bad for you?" She got up to her knees, "N-No!"

"Unfortunately, that doesn't work on vampires." Yui looked upset before she stood up and looked around noticing a picture on his fireplace mantel. Ruki walked over and put the photo down, along with another one near it she had yet to see, only catching a glimpse of someone with an apple, "I'm sorry." He turned his head and looked at her, "Eve, huh?" He walked towards her as she backed away, "Who knew that one of the only things we desired was a plain woman like you?" Yui had backed into a wall as Ruki pulled her close and moved her hair, "But this is all so we can achieve our goal." Ruki bitten her neck as she gave a noise of pain, "N-no!" Ruki moved back and smirked, "I see... so this is Eve's blood." He looked at the wound as it leaked more blood before he leaned over to bite again.

"Stop!" She shoved him away and ran to the chair gasping for air, releasing a startled noise as Ruki moved her head to an odd angle and drank from her shoulder. Her vision grew blurry before she ultimately fainted, Ruki let her go, a small Bat looking in from the window, "As long as they desire it, we... will keep lusting after your blood."

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