Chapter six:

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Orpheus awoke much better rested, he sat up in his bed before changing into simple day clothes.

He made his bed and looked at the fireplace, "I'll have to get a maid to clean that out for me

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He made his bed and looked at the fireplace, "I'll have to get a maid to clean that out for me." He stood up and begun to walk to a room before noticing that something was on his nightstand, "What?" He picked it up before noticing that it was something in a small box, "It's not my birthday..." Orpheus opened the box before he picked up the small red choker necklace, "What? How-"

"O-Orpheus? Are you in here?" He turned his head before he put the necklace back in the box, "Come in." He noticed a small timid Yui open the door as he noticed she was staring at some kind of wrapping around his neck, "Orpheus, You were on the television." He nodded, "Will you accompany me to the gardens? Knowing my brothers they will not want me to be alone." Yui looked surprised before she nodded, "S-Sure." Orpheus walked out of the room with her, calmly shutting the door, "I want to apologize."

"What?" Yui looked up as he stayed focused on the path ahead, "For injuring your wrist, I know it must have been a little painful for a few hours." Yui couldn't believe what she was hearing, the very vampire that she had actually caused nightmares to, was apologizing for getting angry at something she had said. Yui suddenly bowed towards him, "Orpheus, I should be sorry. I was the one that went too far, I should have never brought your old family into that. And... I'm sorry for causing you nightmares." Orpheus looked surprised before he placed his hands in his pockets, walking out the door to the gardens, "Well, I forgive you. But may I make it up to you?" Yui looked up at him, "Make it up to me?" Orpheus nodded as he gave her some shears as she decided to prune and trim some roses.

"Yes, would you like to come to the music room? I could play for you. Or we could cook in the kitchen, I actually quite enjoy making cake." Yui looked at him, as if trying to see a loophole or a secret that it was a trap, but all she saw was some childish enthusiasm. Yui seemed to be trying to think on what to do before she quietly said, "W..well, I do like to cook, and I would like to make a cake." Orpheus looked at her with a smile, something that not only shocked her, but made every brother, who had secretly been keeping a close eye on Orpheus, surprised and envious.

"That's great!" Yui gave a small smile before she became quiet, they both trimmed roses, Orpheus would trim off the dead or sick leaves one by one, while Yui took roses and cut them placing them in a small pile. Orpheus kept his eyes on one of his roses that had a sick leaf, "What is bothering you, Little Lily?" Yui paused from her cutting as she looked towards him, "Little Lily?" Orpheus smiled towards Yui, "Yeah... you most likely will become a sister-in-law, so I'd like to give you a nickname. You can give me one too if you'd like." Yui had a shy smile before she mumbled, "Will."

"Pardon?" Orpheus looked at her as she looked at him and gave a soft smile, "I'd like to call you Will." Orpheus gave a nod before he begun to trim flowers, "Someone use to call me that." Yui looked intrigued as he set down a dead rose, "Really?" He nodded trimming off a thorn near his thumb, "Yes. You remind me of her actually." He nodded before he begun to prune again, before he was calmly hugged from behind, "Yui?" Orpheus looked confused feeling such a warm thing along his back, "Orpheus, You had me worried."

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