Whose real name is Wilhelm:

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Part two:

"Orpheus. What are you doing?" Reiji looked at the boy who was only one month younger then him. Orpheus had gotten two sets of tea cups, one was black with a gold ring around it's brim. While another was purple and had beautiful designs along the inside, "I'm making tea. Would you like some?" Reiji enjoyed time with his brother even now he could hear his mother with Shu. It had been two months since he turned up, his clothes had been bloody, his hair had been messy. Reiji realized he had zoned out until the tea cup was in his hands.

"Here, I hope you like it." Reiji took a sip of the strong tea, before noticing a small bit of sweetness at the end. He normally drank his tea with nothing in it, just as his mother would tell Shu. Reiji then took a longer sip, tasting the sweetness at the end even more as Orpheus began to tell him about a book he had found. While Reiji explained how he finished reading his own Orpheus smiled, "We should have tea more often. That way you won't be lonely anymore." Reiji looked surprised before Orpheus smiled looking at the play in his hands, "You know, this play is called Romeo and Juliet, I got a signed copy from William. Maybe he'll sign one for you! He loves when people read his work." Reiji smiled as he nodded, "I would be delighted."

Next Day:

"Are you going to Scarboro fair? Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme." Orpheus smiled softly as he listened to Kanato singing to Teddy, "Remember me to  one who lives there." Kanato smiled at Orpheus who looked at the music, "She once was a true love of mine." Orpheus noticed the song had lyrics that Kanato couldn't sing at the same time, so he joined the song.

"Tell her to make me a cambric shirt." Orpheus' voice joined the melody as he began to sing, "On the side of a in the deep forest green." Neither of them noticed Cordelia and Richter entering the room, "Parsley, sage, rosmary, and thyme." Kanato smiled towards Orpheus, who was sitting in the window with him, "Tracing of sparrow on snow-crested ground." Cordelia seemed intrigued by their voices melding together, as she was being fawned over by Richter. Kanato enjoyed Orpheus' expressions, as if he was becoming a part of the story, "Without no seams nor needle work." Orpheus looked towards Kanato, "Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain."

"Then she'll be a true love of mine." Richter observed the two, knowing that something was different now, "Sleeps unaware of the clarion call." Kanato smiled brightly as he looked out the window to their huge backyard, "Tell her to find me an acer of land." Orpheus looked towards the hill over the small river, "On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves." Kanato loved hearing Orpheus' voice with his own, "Parsley, sage, rosmary, and thyme." Orpheus closed his eyes as Kanato noticed him become sad, "Washes the grave with silvery tears." The other part of the family entered as Kanato touched Orpheus' hand.

"Between the salt water and the sea strands." Orpheus kept his head away as he continued, "A soldier cleans and polishes a gun." Kanato gently held Orpheus's hand as he sang looking down, "Then she'll be a true love of mine." Orpheus cleared his throat, "I think I'm going to stop singing there." Kanato looked confused as he looked at him, "What's wrong?" Orpheus was about to say something before noticing Cordelia who was watching him like a hawk. Cordelia tilted her head before Orpheus excused himself quickly leaving.

Later on:

Orpheus sat down near the fountain, observing the water that flowed inside, observing his slightly blurry reflection. He placed his hand in the water, letting the cooling substance dance around him. His head tilted as he observed someone walk behind him, "You are Richter correct?" Richter paused noticing the normally happy Orpheus calm and serious, making him think of himself, "I am." Orpheus kept his gaze on the reflections, Richter's being crystal clear as Orpheus' stayed blury. He let his hand slosh through the water, "You seem familiar to me. Why?" Richter observed the boy who never looked at him.

"Perhaps because I remind you of someone. Cordelia told me about you, stated you were like our child." Orpheus turned his head, his eyes changing from forlorn to amused, "Really? Cordelia said that?" Richter looked intrigued as he stood up and walked to him, "Looks like you're my stand in dad. Take care." Orpheus gave a smile before running off to go give Laito a piano lesson. Richter watched the boy run off before sighing, "You're going to be a lot of trouble..."

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