Chapter Ten:

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A woman with long purple hair, Cordelia, was lying in rose bushes that Orpheus had tended to. Her chest was covered in blood along with the white roses now stained crimson, blood trailed down her mouth as her eyes stared dull and lifeless at the sky.

Yui stood at a large bush of roses, watching Orpheus hum quietly as he trimed one off, "Yui?" Yui seemed to finally land again as she looked towards him, "Hmm?" She looked up realizing that he had been trying to talk to her, "Sorry Will, what was that?" Orpheus sighed shaking his head, "You really are ditsy aren't you? I was telling you about preparing the perfect apple rose pastry." Yui nodded staring at the roses, "R..right."

"Something on your mind, Yui." She shook her head, "No... just, had a strange dream the other night." She looked up at him, "These roses are beautiful." Orpheus smiled before he handed her the rose he cut, "Here. Why don't you keep that?" Yui blushed brightly at his strangely cute smile, "What?" Orpheus smiled and gently placed the rose in her hands, "I want you to keep it. Excuse me, I've got to go now." Yui gave a blush as she held it, noticing he cut off the thorns for her, "T..thank you, Will." Orpheus nodded before he picked up his items and walked back inside. Yui stared at the rose he so gently gave her before lifting her head, "A piano..." Yui walked inside the house as she followed the music's beautiful tone. She opened the large door to come across the music room. Large bay windows and a beautiful grand piano, the one playing it surprised her.

"Why, hello, Bitch-chan. I'm thrilled that we ran into each other here." Yui looked stunned before she begun to walk towards him, "Laito... Who is the woman in the purple dress? The one that looks so much like Orpheus?" The beautiful music suddenly stopped, "She's a pretty lady... with long hair." Laito moved his hands back from the piano, straightening his posture with a displeased frown as if remembering a bug that dared to crawl on the floor in front of him. Yui suddenly looked surprised hearing Kanato's voice, "Why do you want to know that?" She looked up see not only Kanato, but Ayato as well, "What are you doing in here?"

"Ayato, Kanato... tell me... What is your mother's name?" Yui looked surprised seeing Kanato hide his face with Teddy, Laito looked down, shadows of his hat covering his eyes, Ayato stared right at her and what surprised her the most was Ayato was the one to answer, "Cordelia."


A loud scream wracked the building, a crimson moon lighting the sky above the mansion. Cordelia held her abdomen, breathing heavily moving away on the stairs, "Ayato..." Blood trailed down her mouth, there was Ayato, his white shirt drenched in blood, as he lifted his arm and looked at it, "What a shame, it's ruined now." He lifted it up higher staring at the sleeves, "And I really liked this shirt too. It was a gift from Orpheus. It's soaked in your blood, mom." He licked his hand tasting the blood and smiled, "Your blood taste so sweet. It's so delicious." He kept licking his hand, as if he was drowning in the joy of drinking her blood, he looked up, the blood trailing down his mouth.

"I want more." Cordelia gasped before she quickly tried to run away, as Ayato's laughter rang out through the great hall. Blood dripped all down the hall as she slowly made her way down it, falling against the wall in pain she used it as support. Dragging her body against the wall it smeared her blood all over it leaving an even larger trail. She ran into a room, shoving the doors open and stumbling, there was Laito, who sat at the piano, "Laito..." she weakly stated, and yet he could not hear her, "Laito..." Louder she gasped before Laito's voice responded. His eyes were closed as he smiled, "Oh, no. What's the matter?" Cordelia looked as if she was going to cry and scream at the same time, "It's Ayato. He's torturing me!"

"Wow, really?" She looked so surprised at how calm he seemed to be, "Well, I knew this would happen sooner or later." Cordelia held up her bloodied hand, "Laito, I command you to help me!" Again, Laito's hands were moved away from the piano as he frowned and opened his eyes. Cordelia jumped away from a banging noise, "Ayato has come for me. He has come to kill me!" Laito stood up staring out the window, the wind outside made all the trees, who were asleep for the winter, hit the window.

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