Chapter Eight:

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Orpheus was silent, when Yui had entered every male could see that Orpheus looked at her and then grew silent again, "M...morning."

"Morning, Bitch-chan. What's got Dusk-nii so quiet?" Orpheus glared at Laito before he took a bite of an apple, "You're injured. Why did you not tell us?" Orpheus looked at Kanato, "He... he got burned on my rosary." Orpheus's hand was grabbed by the closest brother, who happened to be Reiji, and the bandages were unwrapped, revealing an ugly red along his wrist and a cut along the bone, "What about this cut?"

"Laito shoved Yui against me, she held a silver knife and cut me slightly. It's not very bad, I will be alright for today." Yui looked confused at how calm he seemed to be, even as they talked about such terrible injuries, "Today?" He gently took back his wrist before wrapping it back up with some new bandages and gauze that a butler gave him, "I have to go for an interview today. Nothing special." Kanato looked confused and irritated to be out of the loop, "Interview?" Yui walked towards him but the boys looked at her coldly causing her to freeze, "Yes. He will be there, I must be more lively and energetic this time."

Later on:

Orpheus sat down in a large car, calmly staring at Tougo Sakamaki, "Good morning Orpheus." Orpheus gave a polite bow as he addressed the elder male, "Good morning Father. Are you doing well?" Tougo observed his posture before smirking, "Yes. I see you have an injury. Explain why." Orpheus calmly looked at him, "I was nicked by a silver knife, and then accidentally touched Yui's rosary. It will not affect my performance today." The car slowed down before he followed Tougo to the news studio that they would be in, "Good. Do not fail me."

"Of course not." He sat down in the large chair they set him in, before people were looking at him, "Pleased to meet you Sakamaki-san." Orpheus gave a smile before he bowed his head, "No, The pleasure is mine. Please, call me Orpheus." The woman smiled as she looked at him, "Welcome to hit news. Today we would like to talk to you about you." Orpheus placed a surprised look upon his face, even though he already knew, "Me?" The woman smiled, "Yes, we would love to know what it's like, being an already popular political figure and an 'heir' to the family business. What makes you tick?" Orpheus gave a chuckle, "Well, tea for one." The lady laughs at his joke while he smiled at her before beginning to speak.

"Well, I can't say very much, I was never raised to brag. My father taught me. Like any child I had rules, I was raised to always be generous and to never believe I was better than anyone else." The woman smiled, "He must be quite loving, very generous." Orpheus smiled stating his thoroughly rehearsed words, "Yes. He is a great man. As for being the Heir, I don't see much, I am only to continue my father's wonderful legacy." The woman smiled at his honeyed words, "You are so humble. Could you grant us a little insight? What is your dream?" Orpheus looked off guard before he gave a sweet smile, "My dream?" Orpheus smiled as he thought over it, "My dream is to find love, to make my father proud, and to help those in need. Is that not what everyone wishes?" The girl was moved apparently, she had tears falling down her eyes. Orpheus calmly held out a handkerchief, "Here you go." The woman took it, "Thank you... I'm sorry, I'm such a mess."

"No ma'am, you are beautiful. Every person needs to cry once in a while." The girl smiled before she sighed, "Well, I'm afraid that's all the time we have left for today. Thank you so much for coming Orpheus-san." he smiled and gently shook her hand before bowing, "Thank you for having me. It was wonderful." Orpheus smiled in the photos he was to take, before he was calmly led to the car, "You did well today Orpheus."

"Thank you father." Orpheus seemed slightly on edge, "How are the brothers?" Orpheus was quick to respond on what they were talking about, "Yui seems to have captivated Ayato, Laito, Reiji, and Subaru' attention." Tougo looked at him as he tilted his head, "And yourself?" He looked down stating the truth towards him, "I too have found her interesting. However, I know my place." Tougo nodded at his honesty before beginning to question again, "Good. Now, how is the prospective bride?" Orpheus looked confused, "She seems a bit odd, she told me of chest pains, though I could sense no illness. Her blood is familiar, I just can not place it." Tougo gave a smirk before he nodded, "Keep me updated on her. We can't have her dying. It appears she has given you some of her blood." Orpheus looked up at him surprised, "Y-Yes... she seemed worried about my health. Told me to drink from her."

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