Has a Secret:

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Subaru, Kanato, Belatrix:

"Tell me a story tonight." Subaru was sitting in a coffin with Orpheus, who was spending the night with him. Orpheus smiled softly as he nodded, "My mother and Father were first cousins. Father was the future king of the European Vampires, known for defeating the American vampires during the great vampiric war." Subaru enjoyed watching Orpheus spin the tales to life, "Mother was to marry his brother, for her older sister was betrothed to father. But that didn't stop them from writing, sending empty promises of love to each other."

"My Aunt died on her wedding day, causing my mom to take her place. Many people believe that my mother's fiancé and my aunt were sneaking behind their loves back." Subaru looked intrigued as Orpheus took out a small ring, "My father was said to have poisoned them with holy wine. A slow death for us vampires, takes twenty-four hours to completely kill us." Orpheus make sure to tell him as he nodded, "My mother and Father only had one child, it was unknown why. They prayed for it to be a male. They were lucky is what some people said, for I was born."

"Many people were excited for the new heir, knowing that this one must be the strongest one yet, for his blood was 'pure'. They never knew he struggled with a blood disease that caused him to become faint. They didn't know he looked nothing like his mother or father." Orpheus became quiet as he reflected upon his past, Subaru for once tenderly placing a hand on his thigh, "They didn't know he would be stronger then them both, Orpheus." Orpheus nodded towards him, giving a soft smile, "They berothed him to a lovely girl, her name was Elizabeth Vonhichin, she was a Transylvanian vampire. The two became close, the boy and girl planed their wedding, he told her they would have a ball monthly, just because she loved to dance."

"The young boy would practice piano, something his mother loved to keep her happy. He would practice his power with his father, keeping up appearances. One day, Vampire hunters entered the castle in the day, killing off the royal family, the young boy was awakened by Elizabeth. Both fearful of what was happening." Orpheus looked at Subaru, "The hunters killed Elizabeth, before the young prince, causing him to become angry. The wind picked up, shattering the glass. The boy's eyes glimmered as he shouted at them. The hunters had awoken a beast, the demon lurking in the young boy's soul. The boy allowed hatred to take over his heart, feeling the elements cater to his will. He went after the first two, easy targets as they were novice." Orpheus gave a small smile towards Subaru, who looked tired.

"The preist was difficult, for he would try to splash holy water on him. The boy dodged it, before he ultimately used the weapon they used against them. The silver blade, they had imbedded into Elizabeth's heart, though it burned his hands, he shoved it into the preist." Subaru looked intrigued as Orpheus smiled wickedly, "The preist had cried out, leaving the boy alone, taking the girl's body to his parents, seeing them dead. The boy cried to them, holding his mother's hand, crying out for someone to save them. The boy was taken away, before he met a few boys, deciding to take care of them too. Hiding from his future, though he knew he couldn't escape." Subaru hugged him, as the two laid down in the coffin, Orpheus was calm, "sleep well Suba."

That morning:

Ayato was staring at the lake, his body shivering in terror. Orpheus gently placed a hand on his shoulder, "I won't let you drown. Come on, we'll swim together." The teenage looking Ayato looked towards Orpheus, who had grown into a handsome purple haired vampire. They both wore swim trunks, Ayato and Orpheus were both shirtless as Orpheus gently brought him into the shallow end. Ayato looked unhappy the moment the water hit his waist, "I don't like this."

"It's alright Ayato. I'm right here, come on." Orpheus gently dunked his own head under the water, coming back up to watch Ayato do the same. A chill ran through Ayato's spine as he felt the cool water go over his head, standing up quickly sputtering. Orpheus' warm laugh made him blush in embarrassment, "Water went up my nose." Orpheus laughed loudly as Ayato looked irritated, "Stop laughing at me!" Ayato shoved Orpheus' head under the water causing Orpheus to come back out coughing. Ayato started to laugh at him as he wipped his face.

"You're in for it now." Ayato looked nervous before he quickly tried to run out of the water, only to be tackled. Ayato opened his eyes under the water to see Orpheus' long hair floating around him, almost as if he was made for the water. Orpheus was smiling at him, holding onto his waist as Ayato felt himself smile, both moving up for air. Ayato smiled at him before nodding, "Teach me how to swim." Orpheus smiled before giving a bow, "Of course Ore-sama."

"Like this?" Orpheus and Ayato had been swimming for a few hours, Ayato had picked up the technique perfectly. Orpheus nodded with a smile as he started to lead him out of the water, trying to get water out of his ears, "Yes." Ayato smiled at him as they finally exited the lake, only to see an angry Cordelia.

"This is where you've been? And you dragged him away from his studies, Orpheus?" Orpheus flinched at Cordelia's words, as Ayato excused himself to leave them alone. Cordelia grabbed his arm, teleporting him to a place in the woods. Orpheus suddenly could feel his breath caught in his throat as he looked around at the trees. Orpheus knew he was saving Ayato from punishment, but he was terrified.

"How dare you disobey me! You will stay here, if I find out you left I'll put you in the trees!"

One week before:

Orpheus was staring out the window as Ayato was walking back from the lake with Cordelia. He was with Beatrix today, who had requested him so she could speak with him. Orpheus looked towards her as she called his name, "Yes ma'am?" Orpheus tilted his head as Beatrix showed a sweater, "Do you think Shu will wear this?" Orpheus frowned as he sat down across from her, "No. He will not." Orpheus reflected on Shu's behavior, ever since the loss of his friend Edgar he's been less caring. Orpheus was worried about how Edgar had been, after he managed to move him far away, earning a punishment for interfering.

"He will if I make him." Orpheus sighed loudly, displaying his slumbering side, "You are so stupid sometimes." Beatrix looked insulted at his response, throwing a yarn ball at him, "How so? Most likely less stupid then you are. Why can't you allow the brothers to accept life." Orpheus shouted loudly at her, "Because they are children! They don't need to suffer just because you women and that man are estranged." Beatrix looked shocked at his anger, "They should be able to be loved. To enjoy each other's company, and not be jealous over who gets the attention. To not be ignored, or used for sexual favors. I know you know."

"It is none of my business. How that woman-" Orpheus frowned as he cut her off, "Her name is Cordelia. You are scared of her because she is nothing but a manipulative bitch. She has Richter wrapped around her finger, Laito as well." Beatrix looked over at him, "You are under her finger too, Orpheus." Orpheus sighed loudly, picking up the yarn ball, "I know. I can't fight her. You need to give Reiji more attention." Beatrix looked at him angrily, "How I raise my children is none of your business." Orpheus chuckled as he walked towards her, "It is always my business. Who do you think gets the lashing after you scream? Who do you think picks up the pieces when you destroy. I'd do anything for those boys." Beatrix looked at his face that had a soft frown, "When Reiji kills you... I'm going to burn you. So you don't come back." Orpheus walked out of the room, as Beatrix started to tremble in fear.

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