Chapter Nine:

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Yui sat down in her room, thinking over of what happened. Why had Laito bitten Orpheus? Why did he seem so unfazed by it? How did that help him? She thought about it before she laid down, desperate to soothe her troubled mind. Orpheus sat in his room, staring at the fire before he flinched slightly at a smell, "Why... do you still torment my mind? Why does this still haunt me?" He stared at the fire before climbing into bed and drifting into a fitful nightmare.


Yui opened her eyes, the pounding rain outside and the thunder had awoken her, "Was it a dream?" She slowly sat up looking towards her window, "It's raining really hard." She slowly got out of the bed, wearing her pink nightie before moving the curtain slightly to look onto the roses. Her face took one of shock, seeing the long haired woman out at the roses, the very ones that Orpheus had tended to only a few days ago.

"What? Who is that?" The woman slowly turned her head gazing at Yui, who looked shocked before she gave a cold smirk. Yui's chest throbbed before she slipped into unconsciousness. The window opened violently, with a harsh gust of wind. Before Yui stood up, her eyes void of emotion. Orpheus was in the room, the very room he demanded Yui to stay away from. Staring out into the rain he curled under the blanket tighter, it was rain like this that drove him mad. The kind of rain where you could get lost, the kind of rain where you could lose someone. Yui walked down a waterway, slowly as if she held no control of her actions, towards two enormous doors

Yui came to in the middle of day, right next to the very Fountain that Orpheus seems to love so much, "What?" She was curious on how bright and beautiful everything looked, "Over here!" The sound of children laughing as Yui looked around, "Where am I?" The laughter grew louder as three children that looked very much like the triplets ran by, chasing after bats, "The bats I just caught got away." The young Kanato rubbed his eye with a sniffle, hugging Teddy.

"Don't cry, Kanato. We can catch them again." A young Laito spoke to him while the young Ayato gave a smirk, "Yeah, stop your sniveling! I'll catch 'em for you!" The two started to run before a woman spoke, "Ayato?" The two stopped as the long purple haired woman walked over with a stern frown, "Is this where you've been? Now come along with me." Yui watched, staring at the scene, Is she the one I just saw in the garden? Kanato ran over towards them before Laito looked at him and smiled, "Kanato, let's go." Kanato seemed happy to play with Laito again, "Sure!" The two giggled and ran away to play some more.

"You're going back inside to study." Ayato looked and balled up his fist, "N..No way! All I've done is study!" The woman was harsh to him, "I don't want any excuses. Return to your room." Ayato seemed to be unhappy at what she commanded him, "How come Kanato and Laito get to play while all I ever get to do is study?" The two ran off chasing bats as the mother responded, "Because you're not like other children." Ayato yelled towards his mother , "No, I wanna play more!"

"How many times must I tell you?!" Ayato looked up scared at his mother raising her voice, "You are the successor. Do you understand what that means? Now, tell me what you must do." Ayato looked down sad as he timidly said, "I must become number one. I must become better than anyone."

"And if you fail?" Yui's heart broke as she heard what he said, "I am not my mother's child, so I will be sunk to the bottom of the lake?" The woman's voice became praising, "That's it, good boy!" She smiled as she said harsh words, "You are worthless to me unless you are number one. Worthless boys must spend eternity at the cold, damp bottom of the lake, all alone, where no one can help them. Unless that's what you want, go to your room."

Yui walked around before seeing the woman again, Kanato running over, "Mother?" She was leaning on her fist, "Kanato, my little song bird. Sing. Sing that song for me." The young Kanato gave a smile before he began to sing for her, "Yes, mother." Laito ran over with a large smile as he listened to his brother sing. Is this pretty lady their mother? But that... Yui turned hearing the noise of a puppy before seeing a energetic and giggling Shu. Then seeing a blond woman embroidering as a young boy was reading with her, is that Reiji? The puppy touched Shu's face causing him to laugh, the woman stood up, "Shu, what are you doing there?" Shu smiled and ran over to her as she walked only two steps, holding out the puppy.

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