Part Two: Chapter Ten

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Yui walked around the no longer spinning arc looking around, "Why?" The tree's leaves had fallen off, its limbs baren as Yui walked to it, noticing something wrapped in the center. Yui opened her eyes, slowly sitting up to see she was in her room at the Sakamakis.

"I... where am I?" Yui gasped as she remembered bits of the past, Ayato appearing with an unconscious Orpheus, grabbing her and teleporting her out, dumping his body on the ground to bite her. She looked down before hearing someone speak, "Welcome back, Little Bitch." She gasped to see Laito laying on her bed, "Looks like you were pretty tired after Ayato drank a whole lotta you." Yui looked scared at seeing him, "Laito!"

"I missed you." Yui looked surprised before looking nervous as he got closer, "Just imagining what they were doing to you over there got me so riled up. They even took Orpheus away too."

The brothers bit her while Orpheus looked at her, she reached out to him as he just covered his face and yelled at her.

"Huh? Did I make you remember?" He pulled her blanket off her leg causing her to look at him, "St-Stop!" Laito smiled at her complaint as he smirked, "C'mon, fight back more, just like Orpheus used to do, Little Bitch."

"St-sto-" Laito rubbed her leg giving a little chuckle before he bit her. He looked surprised before letting her go as the blood flowed from her leg, "What's this, what's this? You've changed, Little Bitch." He bit her again, giving her a pained look, "I like that expression. I can't get enough of it. I want you to react to me even more." Yui was trapped on the bed, Laito's hat had fallen off, "I'll make you feel good and forget about everything." Laito went to bite her again before a voice cut him off, "I think that's a good place for you to stop." Reiji was glaring at him sternly, "Huh? It's you Reiji. Wanna join me?"

"I have a question for her. Get dressed and come to the living room." Reiji sat down in a sitting room, as Yui entered, "Um, Reiji, what was your question?" Reiji looked at her, a small notebook in his hands, "Will you tell me everything you know about them?" Yui looked a little uncomfortable as she mumbled, "I don't know if I know much... Orpheus does... he's lived with them-" Reiji looked irritated before he placed his calm face back on, "He refuses to speak with us. Did you notice anything about them?" Yui was shocked that Orpheus actually refused Reiji something, "Um..." Reiji sighed at how she stayed silent, "As usual, you're no help at all." Yui continued to think before she spoke, "U-um, I don't really understand why, but they kept calling me 'Eve'. They also called Orpheus 'Wilhelm' and even gave a bow to him at times."

"'Eve'? 'Wilhelm'?" He smiled before speaking, "I see. Did they say anything about 'Adam'?" Yui gasped, Ruki looked at her, "You have Eve's blood. With that, we will definitely be able to find Adam." Orpheus sat down near a window, Yui just quietly sitting there with her, "I got into an argument today... with Ruki."

"What?" Yui looked surprised, knowing Ruki and Orpheus were close as Orpheus looked upset, "He said... 'I don't want you to become Adam'."

"Yes..." Yui looked surprised as Reiji hummed, "Just as I thought." Reiji was still smiling, "Um, Reiji, do you know something about it?" Reiji looked off thinking as he spoke, "My goodness. What are those lowly ex-humans planning?" Yui looked surprised, "You knew they were ex-humans, too?" Reiji looked at her as if it was obvious, "Of course. If you think about it, it only makes sense. What else?" Yui tried to scan her brain as she thought about it, "Um..." Reiji just offs a comment to her, "I was shocked at the state you and Orpheus were in. What on earth were they doing to you over there?" Reiji glared at her, "Did you just let them suck your blood as often as they desired it? You are truly a fool."

"Now that I think of it, they said they needed my blood for some sort of plan. For 'his' sake." Reiji looked towards her, asking about the one they knew, "And with Orpheus?" She looked at him, "He said that they were his home. That he felt happy there. His family." Reiji looked intrigued at the fact of something she said about Orpheus, "Is that so?" Yui looked shocked, "Did you hear that just now, Shu? Have you heard anything from Father?" Yui looked surprised that Shu was laying down on a couch a little farther away, "No, not really. But they're definitely planning something."

"It certainly appears so." Yui looked a little confused as she mumbled, "Um, Reiji? Why do the Mukamis all call me 'Eve'?" Yui turned her head to be startled by Kanato, "Kanato!" Kanato looked upset at her, "Going off on your own and then coming back on a whim, what were you thinking? Even if you cry and say you're sorry, I'm not gonna forgive you." An angry voice entered the room, "Did you have fun at their place?" Yui jumped at the voice gasping, "Subaru!" Yui turned her head to see him as he looked angrier than usual, "I didn't-" Subaru punched the pillar, causing some to crush into rubble, "Oh, really?! Dammit, that really pisses me off!"

"When you sat that, Subaru, it makes me think you really missed Little Bitch after they took her." Laito smiled at Subaru who glared at him, "What?!" Yui looked confused and timid, "U-Um-" Now Ayato was here too, "What are you all talking about?" All the brothers were in the room now, "I don't wanna hear their names around here, nor the nickname they tried to give to Orpheus. And Pancake, keep your mouth shut." Reiji looked calm, "You're finally all here."

"What'd you call us all here? Where did you put Orpheus?" Reiji answered Ayato's irritated question, "He's in the dungeon, he's been quite rash and misbehaved as of late." All the brothers were confused at his announcement, "This kind of fathering really is rare, especially since we're not having dinner. What's all this about?" Laito agreed with Ayato as he rested on the couch, Kanato was angry, "I don't have time for this. What do you want?"

"This is no time for such light hearted chatter."

"What do you mean?"

"The full moon us upon us."

"What's wrong with it?"

"The next one's a lunar eclipse, right?" Shu spoke, "It's not just an eclipse."

"Is something going to happen?" Yui spoke, shu responded, "It's a special lunar eclipse that will occur in both the spirit world and the human realm. Our vampire powers will be severely crippled, Orpheus shall be stronger."

"It's not that big of a deal."

"No..." Shu sat up, "You shouldn't take it lightly." The brothers all looked at him except for Reiji, "Hopefully nothing comes of it..." Orpheus gave a loud shout as he punched the wall, before he fell to the ground and laid down gasping for air. "Let me out Reiji!" The male glared at him, "You will be in there until you have learned your lesson." Yui sat down on her bed staring out the window. Yui looked at her rosary, sighing softly. Orpheus laid on the ground as he struggled to stay awake, he had used too much energy and was tired. Yui knocked upon Reiji's door, "Reiji... may I come in?"

"You may." She opened the door and looked around, "Excuse me..." Reiji was absentmindedly reading a book as Yui walked toward him, "What's the matter?"

"Um, I thought you might be the one to know, Reiji. I'm still currious on why they called me 'Eve' and why Orpheus told me he got in an argument with Ruki who called him 'Adam'." Reiji just continued to turn the page in his book, "What does it have to do with my blood? And who is the person the Mukamis keep talking about?" Reiji gave a small laugh with his closed lip smirk setting down his book, "There's no need for you to know such things." He turned his head and gave her a cold smile, "I don't believe their plan will go well for them, anyhow."

"What do you mean by that?" Reiji grabbed her wrist and shoved her against a desk, "Reiji?!" He gave a chuckle, "You really are a fool. However, it is true that your blood is special." Reiji lifted up her arm as the sleeve rolled down and he bit her, "Your blood is bewitching. It smells so sweet, and drives everyone crazy." He bit her again, before he went close to her, "Thinking about how they stole your blood... is upsetting."

Near the Mukamis, some wolves appeared they snarled before one moved to the house. Orpheus laid on the floor sleeping as Subaru walked in and picked him up setting him on the bed.

The tree held Orpheus as he slowly opened his eyes, a small noise of pain coming from his throat. A voice echoed around the room as he struggled in the remains of the tree, "It's almost time... for you to take what's yours." Orpheus gave a small noise as he looked around, softly repeating, "What's mine..." He closed his eyes before falling limp again.

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