He looks like his heritage:

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"So when you put this here, it become you're. Because it's a combinment of you and are." A noise of understanding entered the room as the familiar purple haired male showed a male much younger than him a book. The boy had a soft smile as he looked at the lettering and worked on his homework, his teacher smiling softly towards him, "Wilhelm... will you help me with my homework every week?" Orpheus nodded softly, as the young boy sat in his lap, making it much easier to see over him. The boy smiled as he began to spell out the newest word he had learned with pride, as Orpheus had a soft smile on his face.

"Wilhelm, hold still." An older Ruki stared at the male who was sitting under a tree, in a beautiful deep green cloak. The male looked uncomfortable at first as he figited with the regal item, "Are you sure you want me in this?" Ruki sent a look to him causing Orpheus to sigh before he stared off to watch Yuma tend to the garden. A peaceful look casting upon his face as the wind blew softly, carrying the soft scent of lavender, and the small laughter of Kou and Azusa. Ruki watched his manor change as he softly smiled, enjoying the quiet time they had in the house. Much later Orpheus was awoken by Ruki, who gave him a folded peice of paper, a drawing of him resting against the beautiful apple tree.

"Wow, You really are amazing Ruki." Ruki shrugged as he sat down next to him, "Not really." Orpheus smiled warmly towards him as he nodded his head, "I think you are, you lead the family well, and everyone can see your compassion. You're amazing." Ruki smiled towards him as he watched Orpheus close his eyes, "It's good to be home." Ruki felt the large cloak around his arm as Orpheus shared the material, "Why did you want to draw me in this?" Ruki chuckled as he looked towards Orpheus, "Because Wilhelm, You needed an idea for your portrait. Besides, I think you'll be a great leader too."

Week later:

Orpheus entered the garden, observing the garden of ripe veggies. A familiar red haired vampire was plucking the cucumbers from the vines they grew on. Orpheus had walked towards the flowers holding some lovely new additions as he sat near the dirt.

"Why do you always plant flowers?" Yuma looked towards him as Orpheus began to dig a hole in the ground, "Why do you tend the vegibles?" Yuma looked confused before he stated the obvious, "Because I feel human when I do it." Orpheus nodded his head as he motioned for Yuma to sit, offering him to hold the delicate purple flower. Yuma sat holding the beautiful buds as he looked towards Orpheus, "I may not truly know... what it's like to be human... However." Orpheus smiled as he picked up the flower and taking it out of it's case and placing it in the dirt, "When I plant flowers I can have a moment of pretending." The roots were covered with the freshly tilled soil, "My family always had human gardners you see. So, when I was young, I had always watched them out my window."

"Sometimes," Orpheus smiled as he lifted his hands and slowly took off his gloves, "I was able to go out with them." Orpheus looked at his hands before he sighed softly, "But... I didn't have the control I do now." Orpheus touched the soil around the plant, "So I would often cause one of the gardeners to become forgoten the next day." Orpheus's eyes glowed softly as they changed into a gold and green glimer, his hair began to move as if a wind was blowing only on him. The flower bloomed upon the rush of what looked like green sparkles down his arms. Yuma looked amazed as he watched the beautiful flowers bloom, "Wow..." Orpheus removed his hands as his hair went back to normal with his eyes, "This flower is called Wolfsbane, it's often thought to be used for witches potions, it's always responded well to my powers." Orpheus smiled towards Yuma, "Gardning makes me feel normal, it's my atempt of being human."

Years before:

Orpheus was calmly humming as he stood in a large room with a massive window. His long hair was braided back as he looked around, "Azusa? Where are you?" A little boy with blue hair walked over, he was covered in bandages. Orpheus lookes towards him as the boy looked towards him, "Wilhelm, can you... hurt me?"

"What?" Orpheus looked surpised as Azuna looked towards him. Orpheus had a bandage around his neck from a punishment he recieved, "Do you... like pain?" Azusa looked towards Orpheus who knelt down and hugged him tightly, surprising Azusa before Azusa suddenly felt his eyes brim with tears. Orpheus kept hold of him as Azusa began to cry, "I'm here. I'll keep you company." Orpheus held him tighter as he pressed his head against him, "I'll give you atention whenever you want, no need for pain." Azusa cried weakly into his shoulder as Orpheus carried him towards his room.

"Azusa... did you know Europen Vampires are part witch?" Azusa had finally stopped his crying as Orpheus sat on the bed tucking him in, "R... Really?" Orpheus smiled as he nodded his head picking up the cup of water next to his bed, "Yes. Would ypu like to see a trick?" Azusa nodded his head as Orpheus smiled, "Alright, Can you hold this cup?" Azusa reached towards the cup of water before Orpheus touched the cup, his hair blew back slightly as the water slowly froze solid in Azusa's cup. Azusa had a large smile along his face as he looked towards him, "Amazing."

A few weeks later:

Orpheus was sitting down near a fireplace that was unlit, as a soft voice came over, "Wilhelm... Can I play... with your hair?" Orpheus looked at Azusa covered in bandages before he smiled and nodded, "Sure. Just don't tug too hard." Orpheus looked at the boy who actually looked happy, he had less bandages than usual, "Okay." The little boy got a brush and a ribbon before making the slightly older vampire sit down. The child was brushing his long hair, first getting the tangles out before beginning to play, "I'm going to put it in a ponytail." Orpheus gave a laugh at the boy's excitement as he smiled, "Okay Azusa."

"Wilhelm what is-bwahahaha!!!" Orpheus was silently regretting letting Azusa play with his hair as he was sitting there for an hour as Azusa made every hair style he thought of. Yuma, Ruki, and Kou had entered and all were holding their sides at the latest one, he had tons of braids all along his head and he looked quite silly.

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