Part two: chapter Six

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"My senses lost, I cling to you." Orpheus sang a few words as he nodded to a bit of music playing in his headphones, "Orpheus, what do you think?" Orpheus gave a warm fake smile to the woman who showed him the song, "I think it will be a good song. Who would I be singing with? It appears to be a duet." The woman smiled, "Wow! You're so observant! You'd sing with Kou, the Idol!"

"Ah. Sounds interesting." Yui was in her room, flipping through some thoughts as she brushed her hair. She set down her brush before looking at the cross on the vanity, remembering something only a few months ago.

Yui's memory:

Orpheus recoiled from her hug before his wrist made contact with the silver rosary, causing him to release a hiss and hold his wrist closer. She looked at his wrist in shock, seeing an ugly red marking along it in the shape of a cross.

"Did... you just get burned? By my rosary?"

End of memory:

She looked to the door after hearing a knock, "Y-Yes?" Kou popped his head in with a bright smile, "Hey, Little Masokitty, how're ya?" Yui stood up confused, "Kou? What is it?" Kou was holding his hands behind his back before he held out a large bouquet of roses, "Tah-dah! Got a present for ya!" Yui looked surprised as she stared at them, "What's the occasion?" Kou smiled at her, "It's a symbol of our friendship! It's for you!" Kou handed her the large bouquet of roses, which she took with a surprised thank you and smelled them.

"They smell wonderful." Kou smiled brightly, "You like 'em?" Yui smiled as she looked up at him, "Yes, they are very pretty." Kou smiled brightly with a laugh, "Great! Well then," he knelt lower to her, "You'll thank me for 'em, right?" Yui looked confused, "Please, did you really think you could get something without giving in return?" He pulled Yui close to her before saying softly in her ear, "The world's all about give and take, right?" Yui gasped before trying to push away, "No! Stop!" Kou looked surprised to be shoved back as Yui looked at him.

"Um, I-I'm sorry!" Kou rubbed the back of his neck before his voice changed again, "What a pain..." He looked at her with a frown, "You think you can get all uppity with me?"


Orpheus was calmly messing with some roses near Yui, humming a soft song before he trimmed a rose. Turning his head, "I believe that making roses into a pastry is quite nice... Yui?" Orpheus sighed at her before he held a small rose to her, "Here. Why don't you keep that?"

"Wilhelm?" Orpheus turned his head from the rose bushes seeing Kou, "Hmm?" The male stared at the flowers, before he took the scared male in his arms. The two vampires rested in the scarlet roses, "What's wrong Kou?" Kou's voice was soft as he begrudgingly stated, "Nightmare... can you sleep with me tonight?" Orpheus smiled before he nodded his head, "Sure."

"Why do you like roses?" Orpheus stared at him before smiling some, "Well... they remind me of you all." Kou looked surprised as Orpheus looked thoughtful, "Us?" Orpheus nodded as he looked at the flowers around them, "They are beautiful, and they make me feel not so lonely, but at the same time." Orpheus touched a stem as the thorn cut his finger, "They also have thorns, a defense mechanism, they can hurt too. That's why I love them. And you all too."

End of memory:

Orpheus was at the tree, the branches were now wrapped all around his legs, as he gazed at the flowers and Yui. Yui sat at the base of the tree looking around before a petal fell and Orpheus spoke, "Yui." Yui opened her eyes she slowly sat up, seeing all the stems and petals astray on her floor. She looked to a small vase next to her noticing one rose and a juice box.

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