Part Two: Chapter Thirteen

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A loud crash sounded in the Sakamaki home, Ayato had thrown a candelabra at a wolf, while it dodged it. Shu and Ruki stared at them, and Subaru punched one away, it had stopped him from getting to Orpheus, "Hey, what the hell is all this?!" He had to dodge one that tried to leap onto him. Ayato, Kanato, and Laito were surrounded too, Ayato gritted his teeth staring at the moon. A wolf suddenly launched itself at Ayato. A loud yell sounded from higher in the home.

The home was shredded, and an absolute mess. Ayato sat down on a step, blood along his shirt.

"Damnnit! What's with all these wolves!" Kou held his arm while Laito looked at his hat. Ruki picked up his glasses that had dropped, "From the fact that they timed their attack to coincide with the lunar eclipse, it's most likely..."

"You know somethin'?" Subaru was angrier than usual, Shu sat down and answered, "Surviving founders."

"Founders?" Ruki spoke, "There should be two founders left alive." Kanato was angry too, "What the hell do they want?!" Ayato spoke too, "They want us, right?" Reiji looked to be contemplating something, "The did not use their full force on us; instead; they let us be. Which leads me to believe that something else was more important to them." Laito looked at Reiji, "'Something else'? Wait, you don't mean..." Ayato sat up, "Pancake?!" Subaru looked surprised before he teleported up and then suddenly appeared, "Orpheus is gone. His room is trashed as well." The wolves ran along the ground, Ruki speaking, "Perhaps, seeing as she was the only one who wasn't here. And they must have taken Orpheus too." The wolves ran with Orpheus on the back of one of the larger ones, he was unconscious.

"Why would they want them?"

"They most likely want her blood, and he is to become one of the most powerful vampires, they will most likely try and trick him. Right now, they must be searching for her whereabouts." The red haired golden eyes man smirked, while to brother kept his eyes closed before they opened, both of their eyes were shining red. Ayato shoved the door open, "Screw it!" Shu spoke, "Don't. The founders are at their strongest during the lunar eclipse. Orpheus could only match them, and he is captured. Picking a fight with them would he insane." Ayato turned and faced him, "Like I give a damn! I ain't lettn' them have Yui! Nor Orpheus!" Subaru went to Ayato and stood near him, "I won't let them have Orpheus either."

Ruki looked out the window, as Yui entered with water, surprised to see him standing, "Ruki, are you all right now?" He turned to look at her, "Yeah..." she smiled, "Good, I'm glad." She went to close the door before Ruki spoke, "You!" Yui paused while Ayato stood behind her, some claw marks on his chest, "Damn, Pancake, you sure have shit luck. Good timing coming over to their place. Too bad Orpheus didn't join."

"Ayato?!" Ruki looked worried when he heard about Orpheus but then masked it, Yui noticed his wounds, "What happened to you?! And what do you mean Orpheus?" Ruki looked at him, "Were you attacked too?" Ayato looked at him while Yui looked back and forth, "Yeah... and they stole Orpheus too." Yui set down the water as they all begun to talk, "Which means this is the founder's doing?" Ayato nodded as he sighed, "Yeah..." Yui looked confused as she askedx "What do they want?" Ruki looked out the window, as Ayato stared at Yui, "You, Pancake. They took Orpheus, they must have wanted him as well." Yui looked shocked and scared, "Me?! Orpheus?!"

"They're probably going after your blood."

"But why?" Ayato hotly retorted back, "Hell if I know! Don't ask me!" Ruki spoke, "If the founders truly are going after your blood, they'll be coming here soon... once they are at the height of their power." Yui looked horrified at the moon, halfway dark, "No way... I won't trouble you all anymore!" Ayato looked confused, "Huh?" Yui shouted in determination, "If I'm the one they want, then you don't have to get involved!" Ayato walked forward angry, "Like hell we don't! What the hell are you gonna do on your own? It's not just you! They stole Orpheus too!" Yui tried to argue back, "But!" Ruki spoke calmly, "Sorry to say, but he's right. If you were alone, they'd take you away. Just like they did to Wilhelm, yes?" Ayato nodded, "And..."

"What?" Ruki looked to Ayato, "During a lunar eclipse, a vampire's power weakens. You purebloods should be especially affected. If Orpheus was taken out that means something had happened before he was attacked, he's european vampire, he's strong at this time." Ayato looked at him, "So what?" Ruki seemed to have tried to spit it out, "We have to work together." Ayato looked surprised, "What?"

"To protect Eve from the founders, and to save Wilhelm." Yui looks at him and so did Ayato, who made a noise, "Not like we have a choice."

"Is that all right, then?" Yui looked surprised that he talked to her, "Huh?" Yui looked towards Ruki who tilted his head, "I'm asking for your opinion." Yui looked determined and nodded, "Yes."

"But, just so you know..." Ayato pulled Yui close, "We're not letting you guys have them." Ruki looked at him while Yui looked up, "You get that, right, Pancake? You're ours."

Kanato stared at the fire a sad expression on his face.

"Kanato, if you ever want to have me read to you. Just tell me. You, Teddy, Kookie, and I will sit here and read." Orpheus smiled warmly to him as they rested in his room near the cozy fire.

Someone else threw a dart into the center of the dart board, later revealing it was Laito, a serious expression on his face.

"Laito, I bet I can beat you in the dart game. If I win you have to garden with me." Laito looked at Orpheus' confident look he gave him, sending a shiver down his spine.

Shu stood out by the roses a determined expression as he closed his eyes, a fallen rose on the ground.

"Shu... why do you bite me here? ... Shu... please. Stay." Oprheus was in the rose garden as he held tight to Shu's arm, his head down.

Reiji read a book in his lab an empty chair near him, his journal out.

"Reiji, I love our tea times. Have you read that book I gave you?" Reiji nodded as Orpheus smiled and started to talk to him about it.

Subaru stood out in the hall, near Orpheus's room, staring out the window his hands balled into a fist.

"We'll be monsters together. I won't leave you alone." Orpheus held onto Subaru as he comforted him, whispering stories about his family.

The moon was almost completely gone. "You remind me of my old self." Yui turned her head looking at Ruki, "Imprisoned, my freedom taken from me, suffering endlessly..." Yui looked down, "But it can't be that way. Perhaps it's because Eve is free to believe and choose as she wishes that we can become Adam." Yui looked surprised, "So that's why you just..." she remembered him asking her, "I wanted to confirm your opinion..."

Yui was enveloped in the large dome again, "For 'Eve' to choose me as 'Adam'." Yui was surrounded by all the Mukami brothers and Orpheus laying on the ground where the tree was, Kou looked at her and smiled, "I'm not givin' up either, Little Masokitty." Yuma smiled too, "Hell no!" Azusa gave a soft smile, "Because you are... our..." they all walked to her, "Precious... Eve..." Orpheus slowly sat up and looked at her, "You are my little lily."

Yui was back to the room, Ruki and Kou was on her left and Azusa and Yuma were on her right. The moon became a complete crimson, "Shall we begin, Brother?"

"Yes..." The male lying near a dead tree started to move, his clothing blowing in the wind with the harshness and taste of danger. Orpheus opened his eyes, they changed into a shimmering green and gold, "I won't let my family and Lily down."

The dome began to move again and Yui walked towards the center, looking at Orpheus and where the tree used to be. Apples began to fall, and Orpheus opened his eyes, Yui looked shocked. He smiled and gently showed her the baby apple tree, gently planting it with her his hands glowing green.

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