The Third Oldest Brother:

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Part one:

"Orpheus, come here." A young boy excitedly walked towards the purple haired woman, "Yes Cordelia?" The woman smiled at the poor boy who was fooled, "This is my lover, Richer." A male in a green coat looked at Orpheus, who looked at him and gave a smile and soft bow, "Pleasure to meet you sir." Cordelia gave a noise pride as she 'fawned' over the boy, "That was so good. I'm so proud." Orpheus gave an adorable proud smile at the approval of the lady, "is there anything else?" Cordelia shook her head as she decided to be with Richter who seemed intrigued, "No, why don't you go practice piano?"

"If I can learn the song in a week, will you come to listen to me play?" Cordelia looked as if she was surprised at his expectation, "Why would I not? Now, run along." Orpheus smiled as he nodded, excusing himself before happily running off to the music room. As Cordelia and Richter observed his retreating figure Richter spoke, "Why are you amusing yourself with such a boy?" Cordelia smiled towards him, "Oh? Are you jealous my darling? I simply want to groom the newest project of Karls." Richter looked at the woman before deciding to continue a new topic, love.


Orpheus was sitting down at the piano, his gaze focused on the sheet music before him. His smile could be seen, he was never happier then to be playing the piano, to make Cordelia happy. Orpheus gave a small giggle to himself stating aloud, "Cordelia will be so happy to hear this song! It's the tune Kanato sings that she loves." Orpheus hit the wrong note in the middle, his face looking a little disappointed but never less continued playing.

"I'm going to catch you!" Laughter was echoing outside the cracked door of the room, Orpheus gave a small smile hearing the three brothers playing. Kanato's laugh sounded with a joyful tune, "No you won't! Teddy and I are too fast!" Kanato ran into the room, Orpheus continuing to play as he giggled at Ayato running inside after him, "Ore-sama is so much faster than you!" Orpheus became focused again, his eyes scanning the paper as his fingers moved along the keys. Kanato laughed loudly as Ayato bumped into a chair, knocking one of his suspenders of his shoulder because Kanato dodged him. Laito was watching his siblings play around before he looked towards their older brother.

Laito always loved hearing their adopted older brother play. He found nothing made him happier then to hear one of the melodies he poured his heart into. He sat next to Orpheus who gave a glance towards him, before playing the tune all over. Laito listened to the song as he closed his eyes, practically feeling each note vibrate in the air. Even as Kanato laughed and Ayato caught him, he could hear it, the joy, the loss, the love. He wanted nothing more then to do exactly what Orpheus was doing, "Onii-san, you sound so pretty." Orpheus gave a bright smile towards Laito, one that could only be seen in the music room, kitchen, and garden. His smiles were often causing each brother, even the older ones, to feel joy.

"Thank you Laito!" Orpheus continued to play, even as Kanato and Ayato ran out of the room, Laito stayed. Orpheus knew Laito enjoyed the music, but Orpheus wanted him to experience it, "I'll teach you, if you want." Laito looked surprised, curious if Orpheus could see his true passion. Laito looked at him, wondering if he was only lightly joking as his mother often did, "Really?" Orpheus smiled as he moved his hands away from the piano, "Yeah! It can be our thing. You know?" Laito smiled before hugging his brother tightly, "Yes! I would love to!"

The next day:

Orpheus was in the kitchen the chef was teaching him how to bake an apple rose pastry. The boy was covered in flour, after he had accidentally poofed it in the air. The chef was very happy to have such a willing child in the kitchen, other then Shu, who would come in only to eat the pastry and Kanato, who came to steal cookies. Orpheus was hitting the dough as he tried to flatten it, "Now now Young sir. You don't beat it, you kneed it, like this." The chef used the palms of his hands stretching the dough out some as Orpheus watched before slowly copying him.

"This way?" He made his just as the chef did, causing the Chef to be proud, "Excellent work, you will be an excellent desert maker." Orpheus gave a joyful smile towards the man, while other cooks were preparing lunch. The Chef brought over a few apple slices he had shown Orpheus to prepare earlier, "Now that we have cut the dough the way we want, let's lay these down beautifully right?" Orpheus nodded as he took a slice and placed it down carefully, "What makes these taste so good?" The Chef smiled at the young boy as he nodded softly, "Love. When you put your heart into something, it shows." Orpheus smiled brightly as he looked at his slightly lopsided treat, "then mine will taste better!"

"Oh really?"

A little later:

"Shu-nii! I want you to try this!" Shu looked over at the young Orpheus, who held up a lopsided pastry that had a little too much apple. He looked at it confused as Orpheus smiled proudly at his creation, "What is it?" Belatrix was observing the two boys, as Orpheus laughed softly, "It's your favorite. Apple rose." Shu looked at it before deciding to try it, as he took a bite he could taste there was too much apple. Shu loved the fact that Orpheus got him one just for him, "It's pretty good. Why did you want me to try it?"

"I made it myself! With love." Shu looked surprised at the fact Orpheus took the time to make him something, as did Beatrix who smiled at the two. Orpheus was proud before he looked at the smiling Shu, "When I bake again, will you be my taste tester?" Shu took another bite of the pastry before smiling at Orpheus, "Sure. It will be our thing." Shu couldn't understand why he felt so happy that Orpheus made him something with 'love'.


Hello everyone. This is Scarlet here! I'm giving a small side story for the book because I have no idea what to do for the ending. Let me know if you have any ideas! Until then, you will learn about Orpheus and his relations with all the brothers, even Ruki and the gang.

Thank you so so so much for all the reads, Votes, and Comments, I love reading every single one! I hope you enjoy and until then, Take care my snakes.

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