For he is a witch hybrid:

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Kou, Christina, Belitrix

"Wilhelm!" A young Orpheus bolted out of bed as he looked around, the searing hot embers of the nightmare was taking hold. A young blond boy looked towards him as he was shivering, "Kou..?" Kou started to cry as he hid his face, as Orpheus walked over and pulled him towards him. Both of the boys were crying softly as Orpheus was closing his eyes, "Kou... I'm sorry." Kou had slowly quieted to the noise of Orpheus' voice, he was humming a soft tune. Orpheus gently held him as he asked softly, "Do you wanna hear a story?" Kou nodded his head as Orpheus smiles towards him, "one of my gardners use to tell me about Jack and the Beanstalk." Orpheus spun the story as Kou smiled and rested as both of them dozed off.

A few years later:

Orpheus was quietly sitting down in the cemened room, bare and dark with no light. He was thinking as he sighed and laid down on the ground, he was exauhsted, after working so hard the whole day. 'Father' was pushing him much harder as the date drew closer. The steel door slowly opened, only slightly creaky from lack of use, "Wilhelm?"

"Kou... Why are you in here?" Orpheus looked towards him, his head was pounding. Kou sighed as he sat next to him, "You wanna hear a story?" Orpheus looked towards Kou as he smiled softly, "Do you know Jack and the Beanstalk?" Kou laughed softly as he nodded his head laying down next to him as he now spun the story. Orpheus couldn't help feeling relaxed and happy to have Kou telling him a story. Kou smiled as he explain the amazing adventure as he told Orpheus all about Jack and his magical plant. Once he was done Orpheus was asleep, getting some much needed rest as Kou smiled and rested against the floor with him, both enjoying each other's company.

Many years ago:

A beautiful woman with white hair was stuck in a tower, a teenage Orpheus was standing there talking with her.

"How is Subaru?" The woman looked concerned over her son as Orpheus nodded his head, "He'll be okay. He's started to plant white roses." Christina smiled softly as she looked out her window at the rows of white, "I don't have much time left." Orpheus looked down as he seemed upset, "I... I know." Christina reached her hand out from between the bars, "Orpheus..." Orpheus felt her palm aganist his cheek as he leaned against it, "I... I have to go... Cordelia wanted me..." Christina nodded her head as she drew her hand away before she whispered softly, "Don't cry..." Orpheus nodded as he wipped at his eyes, "Yes ma'am."

After Subaru stabs him:

Orpheus held his side as the searing hot pain coursed through his side. His breath was raggad as he tried to control the raw emotion. Christina had forgotten him again, just screaming at him to let her go.

The little boy heard footsteps, as his mother panicked, "Who is it? Let me go." He turned seeing a figure and accidentally cut their side, "Ouch. Subaru... come on." A slightly older boy looked at him before looking at the knife with his blood on it, "Orpheus... take care of Subaru... he's such a sweet boy." Orpheus just nodded before he knelt to her, "I will..."

"I will grant your wish."

A woman in the tower stared out the window, as a little Subaru looked up. Before she turned away causing him to drop the bloody knife. Orpheus hugged Subaru kissing his head as his blood mingled with the white roses on the ground. Subaru looked scared as he pushed the male away, "D-Don't touch me!" Orpheus looked shocked as Subaru sniffled, "Subaru? What's wrong?" Subaru tried to hide in the rose bushes he planted as he sniffled, "I... I'm a monster." Orpheus sighed as he released his grip on his side and pulled the scared albino into his arms, "So am I." He felt Subaru stiffen at his kind hug, even after he had hurt him as he continued to talk, "But we can be monsters together..." Orpheus sat on the ground in the roses as he softly spoke, "I'm going to be here for you." Subaru looked shocked before he began to bawl in Orpheus stained but warm shirt as Orpheus held him, "I promise."

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