Part Two: Chapter Eleven

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Shu was in the garden with Yui, drinking her blood, "You don't care who sucks your blood, do you?" He gave a noise of pain, "Shu! It hurts!" Shu stopped biting her for a moment, "That's because I'm making it hurt. That face you make when I'm sucking your blood... It's like your egging me on." He grinned darkly, "You slut..." Yui gave a noise, "Let go of me!" Shu looked at her, "Why don't you tell me how you really feel? That you want me to suck your blood?"

"Shu... Sto-" he took hold of her hand that clutched his jacket so tightly, "Shut up. You sure are disobedient for a hunk of meat. Should we place you with Orpheus?" He bit her gingerly causing her to whimper as the were near the roses Orpheus had tended to with Subaru, "But what a fine hunk of meat you are." He put her hand down, "I will not let anyone steal you away from me." He bit her again on the shoulder, "And... getting you back is a pain." Yui opened her eyes, seeing the brilliant red roses behind them, "You should just let me suck your blood, right here." A petal fell off the largest rose.

Everything was earily quiet at the Mukamis, Ruki sat in his room, on his bed. Staring at the floor in silence. Kou, Azusa, and Yuma were all sitting on a couch in a room, Kou broke the silence first, "Hey, what should we do?" Azusa nodded his head, holding his arm, "Yes... We can't stay... like this, without Eve and Wilhelm." Yuma tried to be the voice of reason, "What else are we gonna do? Ruki hasn't said anything." Kou looked irritated and conserned, "Yeah, but why did Ruki let Little Masokitty go back then? And Wilhelm too?"

Ayato glared at Ruki while he led Yui and Orpheus reached out to Ruki before the disappeared.

"I, too... was wondering about that."

"He was really being impatient about not seeing any signs of it's awakening, too. And arguing with Wilhelm... he never did that. There's gotta be a reason for it." Kou rubbed the back of his head, "You're right. I've never seen him like that, ever." Azusa nodded their head as he agreed, "Yeah..." Yuma took a breath, "We're not gonna get anywhere just lounging about and talking about it. We gotta ask Ruki directly, yeah?" The brother looked surprised as a wolf shattered the window snarling. Two of them bared their fangs, "What the hell is all this?!"

"Wolves..." One wolf came behind them, picking up a necklace with it's teeth. Kou's voice trembles, "Hey, guys... we could have a really bad situation on our hands here!" They all looked around the room, the wolves bared their fangs before leaping to them.

Yui walked to the tree, "The apple tree... is dying?" She stared at Orpheus who laid on the branches, "But there were so many pretty white flowers blooming on it before." Yui reached out to touch the tree and Orpheus before a bell rang.

"Huh?" She turned around as the bell continued to ring, "What's happening?" She turned back to the tree seeing that it was starting to disintegrate, and Orpheus was dropped on the ground before everything became white. Yui stared out the window, before she looked down upset, "What are you thinking?" Yui looked up to see an angry vampire, "Ka-Kanato?! Wh-what's wrong?"

"You traitor." Kanato leaned down to her with an angry expression, "I thought you were mine! So... why did you go with them?!" Yui froze at his anger as she blanked, "I-I..." Kanato moved his hand to caress her face staring at her, "You're my toy!" The fire crackled and popped, "I'll never forgive you!" He bit her straight on the neck, making her cry out in pain, "It's best when I'm sucking your blood, right?" He bit her again, as Teddy watched from the fireplace. His angry expression soothed out, "That's all right... as long as you stay by my side... just stay here." He looked at Yui dead in the eye, "As long as we're here, together..." he bit her again, but paused the minute the doors opened, revealing a beaten Azusa, "Eve, it's bad! Ruki is..."

"Azusa?" She noticed his wounds, "What's wrong? What happened?" She stood up to move to him, but Kanato grabbed her hand, "Why? Why are you trying to go to him?" Kanato tightened his grip, almost crushing her hand, "Ow! Kanato, let go of me!" Kanato looked extremely angry as he growled out, "You really are a traitor. Well then... I'll destroy you and Azusa, and Everything!" Yui shouted in fear and pain, "N-No!"

"Eve! Hurry!" Kanato glared at Azusa, "Shut up! Leave us!" His grip tightened even more, "Just get out!" Yui made a noise of pain as cracking was heard, "Stop." Kanato looked shocked before he spoke again, "I see... If you won't stay with me... I should just kill you." Yui looked terrified as Azusa started to walk over, "Eve?!" Kanato started to choke her, "Kanato..." Teddy was picked up by Azusa, causing Kanato to look at him. Azusa's glare became cold and scary, "I won't let you get in my way!" Kanato looked scared as he looked at him, "Sorry, Kanato." Azusa tossed Teddy into the fire, causing Kanato to shout out, "Azusa!" Kanato gave a loud yell as Teddy begun to burn, "Teddy! Teddy!"

"Ka-kanato!" Kanato was crying as he stared at his bear, "Teddy! Teddy!" Azusa grabbed her hand, "Let's go."


"but-" He pulled her away. The windows were shattered, curtains torn, blood on the wall, everything was broken. Blood dripped from the table. Orpheus opened his eyes holding his head, "It's coming... ugh..." He gave a groan before the door opened causing him to look to it, "Who-" Orpheus froze as he felt his body tense at the figure before him.

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