How you first met

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Quick note before you start reading. This book was written my freshman year of high school, I am no longer in high school anymore. The writing is going to be cringy because I was one cringy mf back then. I understand making fun of the book due to some aspects, but nothing about it is going to change. Freshman year me was super excited for this book, and I was even more ecstatic when it took off and started getting more traction.

Nothing about this book is going to change, I hope you all enjoy it as much as younger me did. Thank you.

Today was the day. First day at Akademi (?) Highschool and you just went through the gates. People with all sorts of colored hair walk down to the entrance on the path. "Jeez. It's a rainbow here isn't it?" Y/N grumbles, pulling up on her bag and walking down the path with all the other kids. Y/N notices a ginger haired boy yelling at a girl.
"Jeez! I told you to wait for me!" He yells at the girl who was shorter than him.
"Hey I'm sorry Osano, I was getting ready." The male crossed his arms, his cheeks turning red. "You women and getting ready." Y/N walked over, mistaking this for bullying.
"Hey! Don't yell at the poor girl!" Y/N crossed her arms as the male turned. "You must be new." He huffed. "I hate newbies." You scoffed at him, crossing your arms.
"Well fuck you too sunshine."

"Cooking club...Cooking Club... Where is it?" The poor girl was lost and this could of been her fifth time around the square on the bottom floor. Y/N knew it was there, but not exactly where it was.
She finally found it, and Y/N was quite early. You slid the door open and peeked in. "Hello?" No answer. "Well, pffft mind as well wait." Y/N strolled in and looked around, she lifted up a knife and clumsily cut open her finger. "Gah shit!"
"Miss are you okay?" Y/N's head darted up to only meet eyes with light turquoise ones. "No! I cut my finger." She frowns as the man gets a bandaid. "Why are you here Y/N?" He hands it to you and you take it. 'How does he- You know what? Nevermind. My finger is bleeding.' "I wanted to join the cooking club, a nice little change from the art club don't you think?" Y/N lets out a kind-hearted laugh as she puts the bandaid around her finger.
"Well you can join, just please no cutting your finger open." You looked up, pointing your bandaged finger at him.
"No promises."


"Alright Alright! Class listen up! You are being partnered up with people who need help the most, and also someone to help them." The teacher claps and looks around the class while reading out names. Your head lazily looked up as you groaned. 'Great! I have to SOCIALIZE." Y/N wasn't the most popular, but also wasn't a loser if you know what I'm saying.
"Y/N and Kizano."
"What." Y/N spoke aloud, not really meaning too. She earned a couple of glares from some girls. Kizano walted his way over to Y/N's seat, sitting down next to her and bringing his rose held purple hair to the side. "So Y/N, I guess we're partners.~ I bet you are the one needing help! And I will greatly assist!" He said, smiling.
'Dear god help me.' You gave him a fake smile back. "I guess you are."


You frowned as you picked out a book from the 'fiction' section. "Paranormal appearances? Why is this in fiction!" Y/N yelled, looking at the book in surprise.
"P-please keep it down." You looked up to see the Occult leader looking at you shyly.
"Oh my go-goodness I am sorry." Y/N chuckled. "I was just suprised this book would be in fiction." He looked over.
"A-Agreed. I-I don't k-know why either. Q-Quite rude." Y/N took the book and put it in her F/C bag.
"Pffft yeah. Hey your the occult leader right?" Oko nodded, avoiding eye contact with her. "Mind if I join?" You had always taken a liking into these sorts of things. It always caught your eye.
He looked up, a bit suprised.
"Y-You want to join?" There was a little sparkle in his navy purple eyes.
"T-that's great. U-Usually everyday a-around 5."
"Got it." Y/N walked away, leaving a happy Oka in the library.

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