They want to spend time with you

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"Y/N..." He groans, turning into a burrito with the covers. You rolled your eyes and looked at him.


"Give me attention." Osano tried to give you the puppy dog eyes, but sadly. That doesn't work on you. He crawled out from his little burrito and went over to you and hugged your waist, pulling you close. "Please.~" You rolled your eyes and turned around, pinching his cheeks.

"Only because you are adorable."


Amao was trying to get you to bake some cake with him after school. You had other plans.
"Y/N." He whined, his eyebrows furrowing down. "Bake with me."

"I don't know if I can Amao." You gave him a lopsided frown. "I have to-"

"Great! So you can!" You sighed as he said that and raised your hand up to your temple before his hand grabbed yours. "Y/N, I just want to spend time with you with something that we both like." He smiled sweetly. How could you say no to this?



"Want to see a play?" You sighed in annoyance. This is all Kizano wanted to do for a date, and you where honestly sick of it.

"Why can't we just go to the cafe in town like a normal couple?" You growled, crossing your arms. He didn't seem to notice your anger. 

"Cause we aren't a normal couple darling." He laughed, taking both of your hands and holding them up. "You are always the star of my show." He paused. "My Juliet." You couldn't help to say yes to his offer with him acting like this.


"Can we.. uh." Oko shuffled his feet, looking down at the floor. "C-Can we go on a d-d-daa.." He brought his hands to his face, his face a cherry red.

"Are you asking me on a date again?" You chuckled, leaning onto his shoulder.

"N-N... Yes.." He said finally after what seemed like 3 minutes.

"Well, I have homework to do.." If you thought his face couldn't get more sad, your wrong.


"But!" His dark violet eyes lit up a bit. "I can move anything aside just for you. He bent down and kissed your cheek. 

"L-love you."


"Let's run!" Aso said excitingly, running up to you as you watched him run around the track for a good 5 minutes. You gave him the pouty face.

"Aso, I'm a fatass. I can't run." He frowned, looking you up and down.

"Y/N you're not fat. In my eyes you are beautiful no matter what." Your cheeks heated up as you turned away from him.

"I-I'm still not running!" He smiled a bit.

"Piggy back ride?" Silence.


Mujo- (other way around for this one)

"You have to stop getting hurt during school, people are going to notice." Mujo frowned, bandaging your ankle.
"I-I just want to spend time with you Mujo. We never get to see each other out of school that much." He blushed and fumbled with the bandage, his hand missing when he grabbed it, now grabbing your thigh. Both of you blushed madly. 

"I-I'm sorry Y/N!" You weren't sure whether he was saying sorry about the thigh grab or the situation.

"I'll make it up to you I swear!"
Guess that gave the hint.


"Can you please stay after school with me?" Mido whined, leaning over the desk and looking at you with big dark hazel eyes. 

"You know for a fact that I can't do that without a detention." A sly smirk graced his face.

"Is that so Mrs. L/N?" You looked up at him, giving him a venomous glare.

"You know if I get a detention then that will be on my record, and then I can't go to the school I want to go to." Mido thought for a moment.

"I'll just say you need help in English, then maybe I can teach you some things about speech." He winked. "Mouth to mouth." Your face reddened at the thought. A nice make out would be nice.
"Then it's a mini date Mido."


"Y/N." A deep voice said behind you, startling you. 

"Osoro?" You looked at your group of friends nervously, you weren't used to him coming up to you in the morning. Including if it was around your friends, he knew they didn't like him.

"Good morning." He hugged you, planting a kiss on your head. You looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. This was out of the blue.

"What do you want?" Osoro tilted his head to the side like a cute confused puppy, well. A slightly terrifying one.

"What do you mean? I just want to show you affection." You backed away and crossed your arms.

"And?" A pink shade rose up to his cheeks.

"And I want to spend a little more time with you." You rolled your eyes and walked up to him, grabbing his hands and waving at your friends. They looked at Osoro with anger for stealing you away, he smiled innocently at them. This was his girl.


"Let's go on and watch 'beauty and the beast'." Megamo said, his phone close to his face.

"Hmm, didn't know there was a movie about you." He laughed, walking over and ruffling your hair.

"I'm the beauty?" Your turn to laugh.

"The beast." He planted his hands on your shoulders and got close, causing your face to redden. You kept your calm facade up.

"I can show you a beast Y/N." He growled, kissing your lips and leaning you onto the bed. His tongue slipped into your mouth almost right away. You moaned in pleasure as he ran his tongue over the roof of your mouth. Wanting to spend time with you turned into Megamo wanting you. ;D


"Y/N." The monotone boy said, walking next to you. "I want to hang out."

"I have homework." He looked over your shoulder, your eyes glued to your algebra homework.

"Please? I'll give you some food." You almost instantly put your homework away, clinging to his arm.
"You know me to well Ayano." His face reddened and he looked away.

"Of course I do, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't." You stopped him and planted a kiss on his soft lips.

"Still a perfect one."

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓲𝓶𝓾𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓿𝓪𝓵𝓼 𝓧 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now