Megamo- Control Freak ~Lemon~

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-Little warning for this one: If you don't like the 'daddy' *shutters* kink, I suggest you ignore this scenario. Hope you enjoy ya nastys- (also please remember, I suck at these :C) 

Megamo looked at my with anger in his eyes. "Y/N, what did I say about stealing my stuff?" I shrugged and continued looking through his papers. "Y/N." He said sternly, walking over to me and placing his hand on my wrist. "If you don't give those back on the count of three, there will be a serious problem." A shutter went down my spine as I thought of all the dirty things he would do to me. As a hormonal teenager who's hormones are on override half the time, the thought of him dicking me down was quit exciting to me.

A smirk was placed across my face. "You won't do shit to me Meggy." I purred, using my other hand to softly pry his hand off my wrist. You wouldn't dare lay a finger on me." Something other than anger sparkled through his eyes. Lust. 

"You're right." I cocked my head to the side. "I'll lay my fingers inside of you." My eyes widened just a little bit, a blush covering my cheeks. Was I really going to go through with this? Yes, yes I was. He must've taken my silence as a yes and smacked the papers out of my hand and roughly kissed my lips. As soon as I comprehended what was going on, I kissed back with about the same roughness. Megamo slid his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for an entrance.

I kept my mouth closed, payback for yelling at me. A growl escaped his mouth as his hands ventured down and squeezed my ass, making me gasp. Quickly, he stuck his tongue into my mouth, exploring the area he had once claimed. I started unbuttoning his shirt until it came loose, and easily took it off. 'God I love seeing this man shirtless.' I thought, a bunch of lenny faces floating around my mind as other thoughts like that came into my mind. 

He stopped. "Lay down on the bed." I smirked. "Don't make me put you there." I rolled my eyes and laid down on the bed on my back, looking down at him. Megamo walked over and starting undoing my pants as I was taking off my shirts. "A-Are you sure you want to do this Y/N? I just want to make sure. 

(Always have consent kiddos)

"Of course Megamo." I said, a smile on my face. He frowned. "What now?" A blush ran across his face. 

"Call me daddy." I went red. I never thought, Megamo of all people would have this kink. Now that I thought of it, he is kind of a control freak. 

The blush deepened across my face. "O-Of course daddy." I squeaked out. He nodded and slowly took off my pants. After, his fingers glided down my stomach and into my soft fabric. I let out a small moan as he slipped one of his fingers inside, pumping them in and out. "M-Megamo." I breathed, my hands clutching the sheets. He stopped, and then I remembered. "D-Daddy, please keep going." I breathed, and he started to pump faster. My moans where music to his ears as he entered another pair of fingers into my cavern. 

My hands reached up as I twisted my buds, having more pleasure running through me. I let out another moan as a knot started to evolve in my stomach. My womanly juices flowed out onto his hands and the sheets. He lifted up his finger to his mouth and put them into his mouth, a smirk on his usual stoic face. "Give me more Daddy." I squirmed underneath his gaze. Megamo raised an eyebrow. 

"I don't think I can hear you Y/N?" He started to undo his belt slowly, watching my every move. 

"Fuck me daddy, please. " I groaned, my hands gripping the sheets. He smiled a little and pulled down his pants, a tent was underneath his CANDY boxers. (I'll take you to the candy shop, i'll let you lick thE LOLLIPOP)

"Are you ready for this?" I nodded, as he pulled down the rest of his clothes. I closed my eyes and awaited the pain. I knew it was going to hurt, but I loved Megamo and I trusted him. "Tell me when to stop, okay?" He put the tip in. 

"O-Okay." I gasped, clutching the sheets.

"Okay what." He said, grabbing my hands and pinning them above my head. "Say it Y/N." Megamo whispered in my ears.

"Okay daddy." I said quietly, a yelp of pain escaping my mouth as he thrusted in. Megamo stayed there for a few moments and started to thrust some more. I rolled my eyes back in pleasure, taking in the bliss he was giving me. I felt the knot appear in my stomach again as my juices once again flowed out onto the bed, but he hasn't came. Megamo let out a few grunts and a couple hard thrusts before he came to his limit. 

"Meg- Daddy!" I yelled, my hands holding on tight to his. "Pull out when you cum." I said as he was riding  out my orgasm. He nodded as he pulled out and everything came out onto my stomach. 

"Well." He scanned over my body. "We should do this more often Y/N."


Ewewewewewewewew. I hate that word so much you don't even know. I hate that I had the idea for this one so I wanted to get it DONE AND OVER WITH. It was so cringy that I just, no. *Slams down computer* TIME TO PLAY TO SIMS!- X :CC

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