He scares you/Pranks you/ ?

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"Osano! I swear!" You looked under your covers, looking for Osano. The both of you decided to go and play hide and seek in your house. You sat on your bed, looking around your room. You have checked almost every spot in the house but your room, so this means he must be in there... Or on the roof.

"God Osano, I know you're in here somewhere." You huffed,getting ready to stand up as a hand grabbed your ankle. You scream so loud there was a thump under your bed.

"Jesus chirst Y/N!" He groaned in pain and slid his head out as you backed away.

"You are such a little shit Osano."

"You love me though."

"I do." You said, kneeling down and kissing his head, then shoving him back under your bed.


Amao had been trying to scare you all day, but you? You are a tough cookie and your hard to scare. He has failed every attempt to do so.

You walked down the hall, books pressed against your chest as music blasted through your ears. At this point you where unaware of the robotic mouse coming at you. Once you looked down you screamed, dropping your stuff and trying to shoo it away from your feet. Two sets of laughter was heard from the other side of the wall. 

You walked over there and found Kaga there with Amao. Kaga had a remote control with mouse ears on it. "I hate both of you."

"No Y-Y/N wait!" Amao laughed, chasing after you as you ran away laughing at him. He didn't catch you.


"Hey Kizano." You walked into the club room and found him in the middle of the room.

"Kizano?" You walked up to him and poked his shoulder, and 'he' fell over. The sound of the manikin falling startled you, causing you to fall back into someones arms. This made you even more scared. "Let go of me!" You thrashed in your captors arms.

"I guess you could say, you fell for me!"

"Kizano you are so dead!"


  "Y/n~" You coyly walked down the empty hallway, paper in hand. Oko had put a note in your locker to come to school early and meet him in a classroom, what for? You had no idea.

"Oko.." You said, your pace getting faster. "This isn't funny!" You came to the classroom that was said on the paper. B132.

You slowly slid the classroom door open, peeking in. No one was there.

"Y/N,~" His voice echoed through the room.

"Oko! Get out here right now! This isn't funny at all!" Behind you a locker squeaked open and out came Oko, hugging himself like a mummy.

"I-I'm sorry..." You jumped up in fright, not expecting to hear his voice at all. His ghostly laughter filled the air. "N-now I'm not." You walked up to him and dug your face into his chest.



You put a woopie cushion on every seat in the school, well.. Aso's seat. 
He stormed up you you, putting one under your butt before you sat down. The noise from the cushion made you jump.

"Jesus!" You abruptly stood up, looking at the prankster. "Aso!" 

"Payback." He hugged you and kissed your lips. "Love you my little prankster."  


"Ehehehhehe." You sat in the closet with a smirk on your face. You being a little shit, you hid some one Mujo's needles on him. Once you heard him rummaging you couldn't contain your laughter. 

"Y/N?" He bursts through the door, scaring you. A smile appeared on your face. "Karma for hiding my stuff darling."


Mido was out sick today, but you where unaware of this. Well, he wasn't 'sick' he was really just setting up in the auditorium for the up-coming play, again... You where unaware of this too. 

"Hello Mr. Mid- Your not Mido." The older man looked up at you, just his face scared you. 

"No, I'm not." He said harshly. "Take your seat."


"Osoro.~" You purred, seeing the lump on your bed. From your last little 'incident' things have been very good between you two. You walked over and jumped on the lump, tearing the covers off thinking he was going to be there. Wrong. "Osoro?" You said, cocking your head to the side to only find some pillows.

Someone grabbed your waist, picking you up and placing them on your lap. "Hey! What the hell!" You squirmed in the persons arms until you heard their voice.

"You shouldn't be straddling anything but me.~" Osoro purred, petting your head. 

"O-Oh.... mAYBE LATER."


Megamo wouldn't scare you, but he did one thing once.

He was over and you where changing in your room, getting some comfy clothes on. You where unaware of him opening the door and walking in. "Y-Y/N?!" You looked up as his face grew red (Somethin else grew too ;D) 

"Megamo! Fucking knock!" He ran out, his face now a tomato and now you are too.


He hid in your closet, he was... really in there for no reason. You had no idea he was over at all.

You walked in your room and started to strip of your clothing. A nice baggy shirt and no pants is what you needed. As you where in your undergarments, Ayano came out of his hiding place, red in the face. You turned your head, red. "AYANO!" He walked over to you and kissed your lips. 

"I-I'm sorry. Seeing you like this just."

"Go home and do what you gotta do ya nasty boy." You patted his head and shooed him out. Him being there kinda scared you a bit. The question is.

How did he get in?

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