Kiss ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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(Some of these might be short? I have no idea lmao)




Osano pushed himself out of his chair and made his way over to you. "Osano! What in livi-" You where cut off by his soft lips. Your face burned red as he backed away with a smirk on his lips.
"I guess that shut you up? Didn't it?" You let out a inhuman squeak as he sat back down, that smirk never fading until the next day.

-Next dayyyy-

"Hey Osano." He turned around.
"Yes Y/N?" You went on your toes and kissed his lips. He melted right in and wrapped his arms around you and backed away. "What was that for?" You smirked.


You both bought cakes a lot together at the bakery almost every week. You happily ate a piece of cake that Amao was going to give you. You closed your eyes and felt something soft hit your lips that wasn't a cake. You opened your eyes and looked at the culprit of the feeling. 'Amao?! He's kissing me?!?!' He backed away, his cheeks red.

"I-I'm sorry! Your lips just looked so soft and I..." He hid his face.
"A-Amao! It's okay! I didn't mind!" He looked up from his hands, his amazing eyes filled with glee and joy.
"Really?" You nodded and laughed.
 "Of course it was okay."


You huffed as the people fit you in the beautiful old timed dress. Kizano had tricked you into joining the drama club and now you where Juliet. There was a kissing scene and Kizano was more than excited than that, and you? Nervous. This was your first kiss, and Kizano was going to steal it.

He walked out on stage, his hand grabbing yours. "My Juliet, your lips look as pink as a butterfly bush. May I kiss them?" You smiled.
"Of course my dear Romeo." He dipped you down, leaning in and kissing your soft lips. He parted with a smile on his face.
"Thank you my beautiful Juliet..." 


You and Oko where hanging out at your house, watching horror movies and such. You cuddled up to him, digging your face into his chest. "Y-Y/N. Are you s-scared?" You shook your head, not even looking at the TV.
"L-Look up.." You did as he said and looked up at him, he leaned forward and pecked your lips. You saw his cheeks turn pink.

"Oko? What was that for?" He smiled softly, it was so innocent and pure.
"I thought it w-would help you b-be not scared... D-did it work?" You silently nodded and turned to the TV.


Both of you went to a ice cream parlor, it turns out that was his favorite type of dessert food.  We sat on a bench and people watched. Aso was judging people's body shape, while you with clothing. You licked the ice cream cone as it got on your cheek. "Y/N." He said, leaning in to kiss your cheek, but lucky you. You turned your head so his lips meeted yours. Your face turned a scarlet red as you hid your face in his chest. A skirk only remained on his.


It was the afternoon, and you where spending time with Mujo and it went pretty well so far. No teachers or students came in, it was just Mujo and you. "Hey Y/N?" You looked up at him, a puzzled expression on your face. He bent down and kissed you.
"Mujo! What was that for?" He pointed at the time.
 "It's 11:11, my wish was to kiss you.." You pecked his lips.
"Well your wish was granted, twice!"


"Y/N.~" You sat and did your homework. Ever since you two started to date, you sat in the room with Mido at lunch and free time. "Y/N.~" You felt his breath on the back of your neck, and you also felt your face heat up along with it.
 "Y-yes Mido?" You didn't turn around at all, actually quite afraid of what the sultry teacher was planning.
"Can I have a kiss?" You swear you could feel his smirk.

You spinned around in your chair and grabbed his collar, pulling him in for a sweet kiss. His eyes widened in surprise. Mido wasn't expecting you to actually kiss him. He broke the kiss. "Y/N!" You smirked.
"Yes Mido?"


You sat with the delinquents at lunch, sitting with your 'boyfriend' Osoro. He wrapped his arm around you, your face heated up like a wildfire. "O-Osoro, w-what are you doing?" He smirked, looking down at you. You weren't used to him showing you affection when he was around his friends.

"OOOO! OSORO GET IT!" Your face turned even more red, you dig your head into his chest. You felt the rumble of his laughter. You looked up.
"Stop laugh-" You where cut off by his lips kissing yours. You just went silent after that, looking at the ground. 'Damn him.'


You of course, had movie nights with Megamo all the time. He had taken a liking to Disney movies all of a sudden. "Y/N!" I whirled around, smiling at him. Only around you he was more open, it was quite pleasing.
"Yes?" You giggled as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
 "They say a kiss is magical, can I please try one?" His white puppy dog eyes almost made you melt as he said that.
"Y-yes, sure." He bent down and kissed your lips.


I am so sorry this one was mega shitty. I had no ideas so i just went with the flow. R I P   ME - Panda dad

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