The fight/The break up

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"Stop!" You poked him playfully. "Y/N! I said stop!" He pushed her away. You where hurt by his actions, you looked at him as if he just killed a puppy. Osano has been in a bad mood for a couple days, and he reached his limits. "Jeez! Your so annoying." He snapped, his orange eyes looking at you with hatred.

"Fine." You spat. You where sick of his shit, and walked out the door without a word. Osano watched you, and realized his actions soon after. He realized he had lost someone he loved.


Amao has been staying after school with this girl lately, you didn't think about it for a while until he had a hickey on his neck one day. It was clear he had been trying to hide it, but you saw it.

"Amao." You crossed your arms as you pulled him aside during lunch. "What is with you?" He looked at you with innocent eyes. 

"What do you mean?"

"You are a cheater!" His yes widened. 

"Y/N, now.. Let me explain." Amao said calmy, trying to calm you down.

"No! You had a hickey, you where cheating. There is no explanation for that, I will never forgive a insolent bastard like you." With that, you walked to your next class. Amao got the message that both of you where over right away. He walked to the cooking club and sighed, putting his head in his hands. Amao knew what he had to do. 


Some new girl joined the club, and had been hitting on Kizano. He hasn't been doing anything about it and it bothered you very much. From your view, he had seemed to enjoy it. You where going to talk to him about it after school and settle things out. 
The final bell rang and you raced to the Drama club room, to see that Kizano was already there. "Kizano? Can I talk to you?" He turned his head to you, cocking his head to the side.

"Yes?" He simply said, clearly being bothered by your sudden presence.

"Can I talk to you about... Something." He nodded and sat by you. "That girl. She's been flirting with you."

"No she isn't." You frowned.

"Yes she is Kizano. I know when a girl is flirting with my boyfriend." You scoffed, offended that he didn't believe in you. 

"So I'm your property now? So I can't have any friends?" He snapped, abruptly standing up. 

"Kizano that's not what I mea-" You started, before he interrupted you. 

"I got to go and hang out with E/N (enemy name). Bye Y/N." He looked at you with such hate.
"We are over." Your eyes widened, tears dripped down your face as he left you there to sob. The next day, you didn't even show up to club. You avoided him at all costs, and he was fine with that.


He is too pure and shy to do that to you at all. We all know you would kick his ass if he even thought about breaking up with you. 


"Do you see everything as a competition?" Aso just looked at you, a blank and lifeless stare. His yellow eyes bored in your E/C ones.

"Aso? Why aren't you answering me?" He looked down. 

"Y/N. We should go on a break." Your heart broke into little pieces as he said that to you.

"Why?" You choked. All of a sudden it felt like your lungs where being squeezed. 

"I-I don't feel like we are good together. I'm sporty and you're..." Your eyebrows furrowed, knowing what he was going to say already.

"Fat?" He nodded. That hurt you the most. He knew how you where about your weight, it was a sensitive subject for you to talk about. "You know what? Yeah. We aren't good together. You are an ignorant, barefaced, impudent little shit! I'm surprised I even dated you! Fuck you Aso!" You gave him 'the bird' and started to walk away.

"Y/N, please. I'm so-"

"There is no room for sorry now Aso. Bye!" You yelled, now in a full on sprint and making a direct B-line for the school.


He is too nice to fight or even have a break up. You two are happy at the moment. Be lucky I didn't say three ;).


  "Hey Y/N." You looked up at him from your homework. "I have something to confess." Your expression changed into worry. 


"We should be seeing other people." Teared formed. "I'm your teacher and your a student. If someone found out, we would be done with. It's not you, it's me." Anger bubbled up into you. You slammed your pencil down. 

"Don't give me that 'it's not you, it's me' bullshit!" You got up and walked out. "So maybe we should see other people!" You yelled, walking angrily down the hallway. How does he have the balls to say that? 'I guess everyone was right, he is just a womanizer.'


"Do you even care about me?" Osoro looked at you with a look that would kill.

"What makes you think I don't?" You retorted at him, raising and eyebrow at his sudden question.

"Is it because I'm a monster!? No one likes me in this school and you are too much of a good-two-shoes! You aren't even my type ya'know. You should be glad I at least care about you." He growled, crossing his arms. Osoro's face had no emotion. 

"Why are you acting like this!" Tears formed in your eyes, your whole body was shaking. "And not your type? You where the one who started to like me! Maybe if you didn't in then first place we shouldn't be together at all!" You yelled at him, turning your back and walking away, all that was heard was a 'Fine!'.


"Y/N? What are you even doing with your self." Megamo has been acting like a prissy bitch for a couple of days, and ignoring your depression. Also the cuts that lined your wrist.

"W-what do you mean? Megamo, one day you love me and the next you act like you only give a shit about your reputation!" You walked to him. "So! How's it like dating a low life Meggy! How is it?"

"Terrible!" He yelled, his white hair covering his eyes.
"Fine! Then if I am so terrible then leave!" You yelled back.

"Then I will!" He yelled. Megamo walked out of your house with no regret. You cried in your room for hours. You picked up a small little razor and started to cut. He had done this.

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓲𝓶𝓾𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓿𝓪𝓵𝓼 𝓧 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now