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*Sigh* Guess I should update huh? :,) - You know the drill, I will only do the scenarios I think they will do, have fun kiddos - S.P Also, some of these will be a mix of certain scenarios or some will be left out because I'm very lazy C: 

Hayanari Tsumeato

You meet

"You are shitting me." Your mouth dropped to the floor, looking at your friend in shock. "You want me to talk to the Hayanari Tsumeato?"  You violently whispered to your friend, peeking over the garden clubs hedge and looking at the young delinquent. You whipped your head around to your friend and waved around your arms. "Dude I'm gonna die!"

"Then you owe me 20 bucks." She said with a smirk, an eyebrow raising up. You loudly groaned and dusted off some imaginary dust off of your uniform. You walked up to your friend and smiled.

"I'm not losing my money to some girl." Your friend looked at you with astonishment. 

"Y-your doing it?" She thought this was a good way to get money off of you, but boy was she wrong. "Y/N! You could actually get beat up doing this! O-Or even worse, die! Who am I going to get food from!?" You sweat dropped.

'So that's all I'm good for eh?' You waved your hand at her and started to walk over to the small rectangular building. "Get someone else then?" Your heart was beating in your ears, the tough act you were pulling was going to falter soon, but you had to win this bet. Speak to Hayanari Tsumeato. 

All eyes were on you as you approached the gang of boys "The hell you want sweet-cheeks." Said the boy in the dark blue shirt, his grip on his weapon tightened. "You want to fight?" Hayanari looked you up and down. "As if you can." That ticked you off just a bit. Just because you were weak meant nothing, well to him it meant something. 

"Hey, I'm not here to start a fight." You raised your hands up in defense. He looked at you with a puzzled expression on his face. You noticed the scar on his lip, funny. "I'm just here for a bet, my friend thought that I wouldn't have the balls to talk to you but here I am!" You let out a nervous laugh. "Now I'm going to go get my money.." You pointed your fingers towards the garden club area and practically sprinted back to it. "YOU OWE ME SOME MONEY F/N!" A corner of Hayanari's lips tilted up.

"Interesting girl."

You become friends

"The fuck dudes!" You yelled, squirming in the delinquents arms. "Let me go! I have a life ya know!" The boys ignored your shouts and dragged you to the back of the school. 'They are killing me for talking to them from yesterday, oh god.' They let you go and threw you on the ground. "This is how I'm going to die.." You whispered to yourself, looking down at the ground. "Goodbye cruel wo-" Your last words were interrupted by a rough masculine voice. 

"I'm not going to kill you idiot." He barked. You lifted up your head and noticed the hand in front of you. "Now get up." Said Hayanari, getting impatient with you. You awkwardly grabbed his hand and pulled yourself up with the help of his strength. "I bet your wondering why you're here." He started, letting go of your hand and wiping it on his pants. 

"No, I'm wondering why these little friends of yours had to drag me here!" You yelled, waving your arms in the air like a maniac. "You could of just asked!" You huffed, crossing your arms. Hayanari looked at you as if you were a psychopath. 

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓲𝓶𝓾𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓿𝓪𝓵𝓼 𝓧 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now