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You first meet-

The sound of rain was soothing to you, maybe a bit too soothing for a gloomy day like this. Unlike everyone around you, the killing of the students didn't really alarm you that much. Yes, of course it was out of the blue that one student was dying almost every week. Where is the proof that a student was killing someone?

You shook off the raindrops from off your umbrella and shoved it in your locker, but it didn't fit unfortunately. "Ugh, come on." You groaned. "My day can't go to shit this early."

"Want some help?" You looked to the side to see who was offering their assistance. It was the boy everyone called 'senpai', you never really took interest in him because of every single girl liking him.

"Yeah sure." The sudden feeling of someone watching you hit. As Senpai was trying to get your umbrella in your locker, a girl with dead eyes was glaring daggers into you. You looked at Senpai and thanked him for the help. He left. It was just you and that girl.

"You do not touch my senpai!" Suddenly, you where slammed into a locker. The air in your lungs have left the building! You shut your eyes, awaiting the pain, but instead a warm substance hit your cheek. You opened your eyes so see a raven haired boy stabbing the girl who was about to kill you. He looked up at you with ruby red eyes.

"You're welcome Y/N."

You become friends-

You have never seen this boy around school until a couple weeks ago, since then you saw him everywhere. He lurked around the hallway, always to the side and never in a crowd. "Maybe he just needs a friend." You said out loud to yourself while eating your lunch. 

"Who needs a friend." The boy was sitting right next to you on the roof, both of you where alone. Did he always sit there?

"I t-thought you maybe just needed a f-friend, since you are alone all the time." An eyebrow raised, his bored red eyes looking into your E/C ones.

"Who says I need friends, I am just fine on my own." You laughed. "What is so funny?" That was the first time you've heard emotion in his monotonous voice.

"Everyone needs a friend, no one likes being alone." Before he could say anything, the bell rang and you where walking away just like that.

"Strange girl.." Is all you heard.

Hanging out-

A day passed since that conversation, and it was now the morning of the next day. "Good morning Y/N." His voice made you jump. "Did I scare you." You turned around to see Nemesis looking at you. Since you never knew his name, that is what you guessed since he was all dark and mysterious.

"Just a bit." A giggle escaped as he just looked down at you.

"I don't get why you laugh all the time."

"And you don't?" He shook his head. A sly smirk graced your face. "Well Nemesis, let's make you laugh." You grabbed his wrist and started to run off.

"Y/N, where are we going?"

"We are ditching!"

After a few minutes of walking, the both of you where at an amusement park. "This should make you laugh." He sighed.
"I don't get why you want to make me laugh so much, why are you determined to do this Y/N?" You looked up at him.

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓲𝓶𝓾𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓿𝓪𝓵𝓼 𝓧 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now