Hanging out

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(some of these might be a bit short. Sorry ^^)



Both of you walked through the park, of course talking about school and such. "Dude. Osano. This one girl in class will not shut up! She keeps trying to talk to me during class!" Osano crosses his arms, looking ahead as you complain.
"Well maybe she wants to be friends?" You both looked at each other.
"Nahhhh." You said in unison, bursting out into laughter.
"Wait, are you saying that no one wants to be my friend?"
"I never said that!"
"You where implying it!" You laughed even more.
 "Was not!" The walk was both of you fighting the whole time and Osano just giving up.
"Fine! I was implying that." You hid your smile. "But I'm your friend.~" He looked down, glaring at you.
"I will not hesitate to slap you."


Both of you hang out everyday and fool around in the kitchen! There is really no explination needed for this. You guys always have a good time!
(tbh. I had no idea what to do for Amao)


Kizano had tricked you into joining the drama club so you two could hang out more. How exactly?
"Y/N. I am declaring war on you!" Kizano martched in, slamming his hand on your desk. Of course, you looked up at him... Embarrassed.
"What the hell Kizano!" You whisper yelled at him, putting your head down to avoid the stares.
"I am declaring war on you Y/N." You got up and grabbed him by the shirt, dragging him out of class. You pulled him to the side.
 "What are you doing? What's this for?!" Kizano smiled innocently.
"I want you to join the drama club, if you don't. I'm putting a war against you." You raised your hand to rub your temples.
"Why am I friends with you..." You groaned, turning away from you
"Is that a yes?"
You sighed. "Yes."

Both of you hang out in the library a lot and talk about supernatural things and watch spooky videos. That's all you really do, but! You got him to go to outside to the park in town.
"Oko push me!" You swung on the swing, him standing behind you.
"W-What if I accidently push you off?" You laughed.
"Trust me! You won't Oko!" You look back and smile at him.
Long story short, you got flung off the swing. Oko felt bad bad, but you were fine. 

Since you sprained your ankle, Aso has been around you like a guard dog. "Aso... I can eat by myself..." He got some food on the fork.
"No! I got this." You rolled your eyes and opened your mouth as he put food in.
"My ankle is sprained. Not my hand." You gave him a goofy lopsided grin. Since both of you have become friends, you've been a little more comfortable around him. He helped you through out the school day. Aso carried your books, fed you, helped you down the stairs, etc... (ik the school doesn't have any elevators so I'm just being realistic here)

You sat on the bed, you looked at Mujo as he walked in. "Hello Mujo!" He jumped up in suprise. "Y/N! What are you doing here?" You shrugged.
"Just wanted to hang out." Mujo walked over by you and crossed his arms.
"You need to go to class."
"But Mujo!" You whined, giving him the pouty lip and batting your eyelashes at him.
"Okay fine! Only for this class!" He sighed, walking away and looking at a medical book. You hopped off and went behind him, going on your toes and looking over his shoulder.
"Whatcha reading?"
"The reprodu- Y/N!" You bursted out laughing. Mujos cheeks where red once he turned around.

You wheren't allowed to stay after with him, but! He sat with you during lunch. He forced you to sit in his room or else he would give you detention, and of course you didn't want to spend any more time with Mr.Mido than you had to.
"So Y/N, how was english?" You looked up from your burger.
"Terrible. The teacher kept eyeing me up." He looked a little offended for a second.
 "Well then!" Mido crossed his arms and leaned back onto the chalk board. You two didn't talk for the rest of the lunch period.


You sat down by one of the many cherry blossoms that lined the school. Your brought your favorite book to school today to read during the morning. You opened the book with excitement until someone went behind you, looking at the book. "You read?"
"Yes Osoro, I do. You should try it sometime!" He let out a grunt, taking the book directly out of your hands and walking away with it. "Hey! Give that back!" You hopped up and chased after him.
"No one needs to read!" You stomped after him, knowing better than to touch him.
"Well I like to!" Osoro made his way to the back of the school, dissapearing from anyone's sight. The rest of the day was you trying to find him, and during lunch you did. "OSORO!" He was reading the back of the book.
"Your an egghead ya know that?"
"Just give it." He handed the book back.
"Egghead.~" He said
"Deliquint.~" You replied, laughing a bit.


"Don't touch that." He shooed your hand away from some papers on his desk.
 "Sorry." You looked away and sat down on the bed. Since you two had become 'friends' he insisted on inviting you over. "So... What do you want to do?" He shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't know." Y/N mumbled some colorful words under her breath.
 "Well. I am not going to stay here if we are just going to do nothing." You stood up, walking to the door. Megamo caught you by the sleeve of your uniform.
"What do you want to do Y/N." You thought for a moment.
"Let's just talk about things. Whats Akademi like?" Megamo looked and put his hand ln his chin. "It's an interesting place I would say."

You two both talked about the school for a while."So. Your telling me that someone pranked one of the teachers?" You laughed as he looked at you in confusion.
"What is so funny? It was disrespectful!" You raised an eyebrow.
"Really Megamo? Why do you have to be so serious? Take a chill pill!" He turned his head to the side.
"Chill...Pill?" You got up and walked over to him, placing your hands on his shoulder.
"You have much to learn young one."

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