When he sees you dance

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It was the weekend, and you where just casually dancing in your room to one of your favorite songs. You swayed your hips to the beat, moving your arms above your head. Sadly you never heard the door open and your boyfriend walking in. "Y/N?" You heard him say over the music. You slowly turned around.

"What the fuck Osano! Knock before you enter, I could've been naked!" he chuckled, crossing his arms and looking at you with a smirk.
"Not like I haven't." He purred.

"Shut up!"



You turned up your stereo, turning in the mirror and singing along to the first song that came up on your stereo. "I'm Miss SugarPink, liquor, liquor lips. Hit me with your sweet love. Steal me with a kiss ." You turned around to the mirror and blew a kiss to it, Amao was in the corner of the mirror. 
"Wow..." He breathed, you swiftly turned around and yelped, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at his face. 
"Tell me when your coming in!"



You twirled around in a F/C dress (I am so sorry if you hate dresses) singing to a nice happy up beat song. You busted out into laughter once you saw yourself in the mirror. "Wow do I look like an idiot." You laughed even more.
"What do you mean? You look beautiful like that, but it would even be better if." Kizano said, leaning against the door frame as you just stared at him.
"If." You said, crossing your arms.
"If I was dancing with you!" He yelled, grabbing your hand and twirling you around. Kizano dipped you to the ground, smiling down at you while a gigantic smile appeared on your face.
"You're the best."



Oko wouldn't suspect that you would be into that type of music. Pierce the veil blasted through your door, he would've never thought you would listen to them. Oko thought twice about opening the door, but went with his gut. He reached his hand slowly to the doorknob, and opened it.

Oh boi

 He would've thought you would be head banging, but it was a bit.. sexual. Oko slowly reached for the door handle again and closed it. He learned his lesson to knock and ask to come in before he sees something he might regret, but a little (MORE LIKE BI-) part of him still wanted to see..



"Y/N?" Aso has never really seen you in a sports bra, and dancing. It did look kind of silly since you did have earbuds in. "Y/N." Aso came closer, placing his hand your shoulder. You swear you jumped 5 feet in the air. 

"WHAT THE FUCK ASO!" You yelled, ripping out a earbud from your ears and glaring at him.
"Jesus Y/N! I didn't know that I would scare you so much." Aso now had a good look at you. He looked you up and down, then whistled. "Lookin good babe." He reached his arm over. You squealed.
"Don't touch me! I'm sweaty!"
"Do you now?"



Mujo had gone off somewhere to do some teacher stuff, and you where left alone in the nurses room to do some studying since this was the only way your study hall teacher would let you visit. Boredom took over you, and you stared to play some music and do some little dance moves.

Mujo came back and almost tripped at the sight of you dancing. "Y-Y/N? Shouldn't yo b-be studying?" A small smirk was on his face.

"Oh hush."
"Make me."

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