You Become Friends

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Since that day, both of you have seen each other around and actually decided to become 'friends'. It was quite interesting because of his tsundere tendencies, but how did this all happen?
Y/N had seen Osano around since that day. He had been in her class and she was seated next to him. 'What did he mean 'you must be new'?' She thought about this for weeks on end. It was Y/N's lucky day when the teacher told us we had to partner up and Senpai was taking a sick day. Osano turned to Y/N.
"Do you want to be partners? Not like I actually want to or anything! So don't think of it as anything!" She frowned at first, but it turned into a smile.

They worked on the project, and it actually went really well. The teacher handed back the paper with their grade on it. Both of you got an 'A'. You jumped up with joy, hugging Osano. "We did it! We did it!" He seemed a little shocked by your actions. You looked up. "Why do you seem so shocked? We're friends right?" He let out a small laugh and hugged back.
 "I guess we are." His bright orange eyes glittered with happiness. Looks like the little prick turned out to be nice.


You finally joined the cooking club and everyone seemed to click with you right away! "Y/N!" Amao yelled, happy to see you. "Can you help me make a cake today?" He smiled and you nodded, walking on over and getting a apron on.
"Ya I can help." You stood by him, watching Amao do his magic with baking
He got flour and eggs out, setting them down on the counter. (Lowkey have no idea how to make an actual cake) You eyed the flour as he poured it into the bowl. While his back was turned, you grabbed a pinch of flour. As he turned back around you flicked the flour into his face, snickering. 

"Now Y/N... You know it's not safe to do that in here." Your smile faltered. "With the flour throwing king."
"Wha-!" Before you could finish the sentence a cloud of flour flew into your face. "Oh Amao it's on!" You cheered, having a full on flour fight with him. After that, you became friends and cooked all the time together.


Well. He insisted on going to your house and working. As in he insisted, Kizano forced you to let him in. You showed him to your room and started to work. "Wait how did you know where I live?" He smiled innocently.
"I simply asked around. It's a wonder what you can do when you are popular." He laughed. You did the first problem and started on the second, rolling your eyes. "Wait. How did you do that?" Y/N looked up. "What do you mean?" He pointed to the first problem.
"How did you do THAT!" You chuckled.
"Use the algebraic equation that we took notes on." He looked at her, frowning.
"I didn't take notes."
Y/N gets up and digs through her bag, getting some notes out. She hands it to him. "There!"
"Thank you friend." Y/N sits down next to him and started to work.
"Friends huh?" She laughed.
 "What's so funny?" He looked up, looking into her E/C (eye color) eyes.
"Didn't think me and you would ever be friends." Kizano smiled wider than ever.
"Well we are now deary!"


Y/N and Oko met in the library everyday during freetime. Both of you clicked just like that by talking about paranormal things and conspiracy theories.
"Did you see (insert fav youtubers name) new video?" He shook his head, his hair falling down over his eyes. "They bought these babies and set them on fire trying to play this hide and seal game where a demon or something possesses the doll." Oko looked really interested.
 "R-Really?" Y/N nodded.
"Want to watch it? It's really funny." Oka nodded vigorously. She pulled out her phone and watched the video with him.
"M-Maybe we should do that for a meeting..." Y/N got excited.
"Yes! We should!" Oko smiled. "Then it's s-settled.. Friend." You smiled back.
"It is settled."


You walked, more like hopped into school the next day. Since you had sprained your ankle, you had to have crutches. "See F/N, this is what running does to me!" Your friend laughs.
"Hey, you got to be carried by Aso~." She lets out a dreamy sigh. This friend wasn't in the Sports Club, but they did have a major crush on Aso. "Oh Oh! Y/N he's walking over!" Your head whipped around.
'Oh no.'
"Morning Y/N!" You hopped past him.
"Morning." You grunted, him catching up to you.
"How's your ankle?"
"I could carry you again!"
"No!" You blurted out, stopping in your tracks and looking up at him. "Then I guess I'll have to take care of you because this happened in my club!" He smiled, doing a heroic pose. "Aso, you really don't have to-"
"No buts!" 'I didn't say but...heh... Butt..'


You had to come in every day to take some medicine because Mr. Mujo insisted that you had to.
"Now Y/N, I know you don't like the taste but please... Please take it." He gave her puppy eyes.
"No! Let me do it myself! Last time you dropped it all over my white shirt! It's red!" Mujo's face flushed pink.
 "It was an accident! You are weak right now, please let me give it to you." You shook your head. "Y/N." He said sternly. "Please open your mouth." You quietly obeyed, quite surprised by his voice change. It went from soft to hard (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). Mujo must've saw the surprised expression on your face. "Oh my goodness I am sorry! I didn't mean to be so stern! Please let us be friends still!" He hugged you, almost knocking you down.
 "U-Uh Sure Mr. Mujo!" 'I didn't know we where friends in the first place.'

Mido- (tbh. I don't know what to do for this one, so bare with me 😂😅)

Wensday afternoon, lunch. It was interesting because the teacher wanted to have lunch. With you.
"Ugh! Y/N you are so lucky! You get Mr.  Mido all to yourself!" Y/N scoffed.
"Lucky? He's a womanizer! A sleeze bag!"
"Miss L/N, is that what you really think of me?" You whipped yout body around.
"Mr. Mido! Of course not!" He gave you a smile.
 "Please, we shall discuss this. Follow me back into the room please." Your friend pushed you to go follow him, and so you did.
"Miss Y/N. I get that you don't like me at all." You nodded.
"I don't, and I clearly stated that when I was with my friends." You looked up as he propped himself against the teachers desk.
"So, I want us to be friends."
"I will give you A's.~ I know your a super senior Y/N. You can pass." You looked up at him, your E/C twitching. "Fine. Only friends!" He nodded.


"Y/N Y/N Y/N!" Someone yelled. You sighed, turning around.
"What!" "The delinquents are asking for you." Your jaw dropped.
"What." F/N nodded.
"The leader I guess, wants to talk to you." You where in shock and then it all came out. "I'm going to die! They are going to kill me!" Your friend shakes her head.
"I will avenge you.."
"How is that suppose to make me feel better!" You made your way to the back of the school, quite confused that Osoro called you back there. You saw him in the distance, the others wheren't there. You walked up to him. "You wanted me?" He nodded.
"I want to be friends." You where more confused than scared now.
"Don't question me!" Y/N nodded.
"Y-Yes Osoro."


A couple days later and you got the gist around the place, but you where also super confused still. "M-Megamo!" You waved to the white haired boy. He turned around a sighed.
"Yes Y/N? What do you need?" You shuffled through your bag and pulled out your schedule.
"Where is the... Pool?" You looked up at him.
"Your serious. You don't know where that is?" You shook your head, your eyebrows furrowing. From your time here, people have told you about Megamo and how he is the most popular around the school.
As he was walking you spoke up. "Just because your high and mighty doesn't mean you have to be rude." You snapped at him. Megamo glanced back.
"And just because your new here, you don't know everything." He snapped back.
"Just because your the head of a club does not give you a right to be a brat!" He turned around, grabbing your shoulder.
"I am not a brat!" You looked into his hard white eyes.
"Then stop acting like one." Megamo seemed a bit suprised at this.
"Your interesting you know that? I'm making you one of my friends." Your eyes widened
. "Who says I want to be friends with you!?"

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓲𝓶𝓾𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓿𝓪𝓵𝓼 𝓧 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now