You get hurt/sad

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(Some of these deal with depression and some of these are just goofy ones because I have no actual imagination. So if you take depression and all that stuff harshly, I advise you not to read it)


sidenote- I lied. I wont update a lot anymore so I am dearly sorry. School and work. Family stuff, other things... Plus my writers block kind of went away. So please don't kill me for not updating so much D: 
-Panda dad


Your pet goldfish died. Yes you heard that right. Goldfish. You and Osano stood around the toilet. "H-He's dead!" He patted your head and hugged you.

"Shhhh, I know Y/N. You had him for a long time. He meant a lot to you." You cried into his chest. This fish was your favorite pet, yes you only got him last year but he still meant a lot.

You grabbed the bowl and poured the water with the dead lifeless fish into the water, tears streaming down your S/C face. "Goodbye Wasabi..." You whispered as Osano flushed down the toilet. The little golden fishy went into tiny circles before it went down the drain. He hugged you again.

"You want to go get another fish?" You nodded as he took your hand and walked you out.


You of course where helping Amao cook. He wasn't a good cook, but you sure where. So you thought.

"Okay! So we just have to cut an an onion and then we can throw it all together in the pan!" You nodded as you watched your overly excited boyfriend read off the instructions to you.

"Yes sir!" You shouted, getting an onion and knife. You cleaned the vegetable off and started to cut it into tiny little pieces.

"Hey Y/N!" The sound of his voice startled you, and therefore you cut your finger. He apologized like it where the biggest mistake he had ever made.


"Y/N watch out!" Kizano screamed, racing to save you from falling off the stage. You reached out for his hand and missed. "Y/N!" He screamed, diving after your falling body. Funny thing is, the stage isn't that far from the ground to stop situations like this. But Kizano had to overreact about the most simplest things. 

"Kizano." You said, chuckling. "You can get off me now, I think I'm fine."

"You could of died Y/N! DIED!" You rolled your eyes and pushed the purple haired boy off you.

"But I didn't."


"Okay Y/N, now you be careful with that knife." You laughed at your worried boyfriend as he ushered you away from the knife that stuck out of the skull.

"Oko, I am a big girl. I can handle myself." He let go of the knife.

"F-fine." His cheeks went a bit red from being scolded as you held the knife in your hand.

It slipped out of your grip right away, sticking out of your shoe. "Jesus Christ!" You fell back onto the floor onto your ass. It was quite funny to anyone passing by, but not to Oko.

"Y/N!" He took the knife out of the shoe. "What did I tell you..." He sighed and helped you up, hugging your small frame with his noodle arms (lol).



"leave me alone."

"Y/N! I'm sorry!"

"That cat could of been saved!" Aso sighed, opening your door with crossed arms.

"That cat could of had something wrong with it babe." He sat on the bed next to you, cuddling your side. "Next time, if I find a cat I'll get it for you." You laughed.

"the only pussy you'll ever get." You snorted, covering the smile on your face. 

his face went cherry red. "Y/N!"


you've been hurt so many times in this story it's not even funny. Mujo is used to it by now and takes care of you any time.


"Now, what would you need Miss Y/N?" You held up your pointer finger with a large paper cut on it.

"paper cut." His face paled. Little did Y/N know, he had a fear of blood and fainted if there was a lot of it. In this case it wasn't a lot, but there still was a lot of it.

"A-Ah... right in this drawer." You opened the said drawer and put the band-aid on, after class he kissed your finger when no one was around. "Maybe this will make it heal aster love.~" Your face went red as you headed to your next class.


"Okay Y/N, just place your feet like this." Osoro was teaching you on how to ride a skate-bored. it wasn't going so well. "Y/N don't go that-!" You went straight into the tree and flew off before he could finish his sentence. Osoro shook his head and walked over, carrying you bridal style. "No skateboarding."

"You can put me down, I'm not dead."


(this is the serious one. If you don't like the depressing stuff, don't read this one.)

  "Hey Mrs. L/N." Megamo walked in, waving at your mother.

"Y/N is upstairs." He nodded and walked up the stairs and turned into the hallway. Something just seemed wrong.

"Y/N?" He walked to the door and placed his hand on it. "Y/N. It's Megamo" There where little cried heard from the inside.

"I-I'll be out in a minute." Megamo's eyebrows furrowed as he turned the knob. There you where, huddled up in a ball with a small shiny object in your hand.

"Y/N..." He closed the door and walked over, seeing you sit on the bed like this hurt his heart a lot. "Let's get you cleaned up." You looked up at him and nodded, ashamed of having him to look at your newly formed cuts. He took your hand and stood up. "Y/N, please don't hurt yourself anymore. I don't know what your going through, but this is not the way to go. You are a strong woman and I know it. What ever you are going through love, you can get through it. If you need to talk I am right here for you when you need it." He paused. "I am not as good at these types of things, but Y/N. I care about you so much so don't hurt yourself. I love you so much you know." 

you looked up, tears in your E/C eyes. "Thank you Megamo. I-I love you too."

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