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Osano and I went to a pretty nice cafe with each other. I kept teasing him about his blush every time he looked at me. He covered his face with his hands, groaning. "Why do you have to be so annoying Y/N?!" I chuckled, sipping my F/D (Favorite drink).
 "You know, I didn't have to go on this date with you, I could of just gone with Budo." Osano's head bolted up.
"No! He will date anything that moves! I would hate you to- You're a baka!" I laughed at his expression. I looked at him and rested my head on the palm of my hand, a smirk on my face. "You're cute when your flustered." He turned even redder.
"Shut up!" 

"Make me."

(this one is going to be continued in the next chapter, I wonder what that one will be lol) 


Of course, Amao and I went to a bakery. Both of us where drooling over the delicious cakes in the glass cases. "Do you want one Y/N?" I turned my head to him, a goofy grin on my face.
"How about we both share one of these beauties."  Amao laughed and silently agreed, pulling out his wallet. I happily waited beside him and watched the cake get taken out, both of us where drooling again. "Best date idea ever." I giggled.
"Oh yeah." He laughed with me.

We sat at a booth together and ate the cake. "S-Say 'ah'." I looked up from my fork to only see Amao trying to feed me. My face heated up as I obeyed and opened my mouth, he put the food in my mouth and smiled. "Good Y/N." I looked down at my food, quite flustered by his actions."Y/N? Did I do something wrong?" I shook my head, still looking down.
"N-No! Just flustered." I looked up and gave him a reassuring smile. We both enjoyed the food until the date ended.


Kizano was taking me to a play, I was quite excited for this evening. I was happy that it wasn't a expensive restaurant, but this play could've costed just as the same amount. "Kizano, what play are we even seeing?" He looked behind him as we walked in and got our seats.
"The Play that went wrong." (GREAT PLAY, SAW IT IN NYC AND ITS AMAZING ALL CREDS TO THEM) I turned my head to the side, pretty confused.
"What?" He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"You'll see."

By the end of the play, I was laughing my ass off. People where forgetting their lines, thing's where getting knocked over, and everything that would go wrong in a play... Went wrong. Kizano was staring at me, I looked over. "What?" He smiled.
"You look extremely adorable when you laugh like that." My face heated up as he said that.
"L-let's just go." I took his hand and walked out.
"Your blushing!"

"Shut up!"


We really just stayed in the Occult room for our date, which was perfectly fine with me. I smiled as he pulled out some food out of his bag. "I-I'm sorry that w-we couldn't go a-anywhere else." I chuckled and put my hand on his.
"Oko, it's fine. I get to spend time with you, that's all that matters." He smiled and my heart just melted. Oko was always frowning and being shy, I was glad he was opening up a bit. "You should smile more." I took a bite out of the sandwich and looked at him. Oko's cheeks where a pretty pink.

I simply took another bite. "I said you should smile more, it makes you more cute." I looked down, my cheeks turning a scarlet red. 'Oh my god what am I saying?'
"R-really?" I nodded. "W-Well I w-will. For you." I laughed quietly.

"I swear you put a hex on me Y/N."


"I swear, if your going to make me run I will murder you!" I yelled, taking Aso's hand as we walked through the park together.
"I promise I won't..." I sighed in relief. "Maybe." I punched his arm. Aso rubbed his arm and smiled. "Jeez Y/N, take a joke." I frowned and kept walking. Yes I did feel a bit bad I was being rude to him, but he did deserve it. "Y/N." His voice took me out of my train of thought. "Want some ice cream?" I smirked and crossed my arms.
"I thought you only ate healthy things." Aso laughed and took my arm, dragging me to the stand.
"Just for you, I'll kill my stomach." I wiped a fake tear away.
"So nice."

The rest of the date was you and Aso messing around at the park like a normal couple, nothing weird happened at all.  


"Y-Y/N!" Mujo yelled at me as I dragged him down an empty hallway. We where going to have a little date on the roof but he was scared someone would see us.
"Mujo! It's fine! Please just let us have our date in peace." He shut up after that until we got to the roof. We sat down on the bench and watched the sunset, it was just silence. 

"How's your knee by the way?" His voice made me jump a bit.
"O-oh! My knee? It's fine! Why do you ask?" His face burned a rosy color.
"I wanted to make sure you where okay." I chuckled and leaned onto him.
"Thanks Mujo." I gave him an innocent kiss on the cheek and continued to look at the sunset in silence. It was the perfect date for the both of you, and nothing would happen to the clumsy Mujo. 


You agreed to the date, but didn't trust him at all. He bought some lunch for the both of you to eat during lunch. "Why so coy Y/N? No need to be shy! I won't bite." He paused. "Unless you wanted me to.~" I rolled my eyes and ate the soup he got for us.
"Trust me, I don't want that Mido." I laughed at him, he seemed to smile at that.
"See! I made you smile! I must've done something right!" I raised an eyebrow at that.

"What do you mean by that?" He spun around on his chair and drank his drink.
"I was thinking you didn't like me. You where always so mean and rude. I can say I was quite surprised that you agreed to this date." I laughed at him again.
"Mido, I was told stories about you and how you hit on students so I kept my distance. Yes, I have to admit... I very much do like you, I just don't want to get into trouble." Mido was touched.
 "I won't let that happen Y/N."


Osoro took me to the back of the school again by the cherry tree where we both confessed that we liked each other. He had a little picnic back there with some food. I giggled. "What are you laughing at pu- Y/N." I looked at him, covering my smile.
"I thought our date was going to be us robbing a bank or getting matching tattoos." He frowned.
"I may be a delinquent, but I at least have some class and respect." You laughed even more and sat on the blanket.
"You Osoro, are a dork." He chuckled and sat down beside me, putting his arm around my waist.
"Says the one who reads in her free time."

"You like this dork though." I looked up at him.
"Of course I do." He gets out some food and places it in front of us.
"Now let's eat."
(This is actually me and my boyfriend lmaooo)


"Megamo." He rolled his eyes, doing paperwork at his desk. "Megamo!" He spun around
. "What could possibly be so important right now Y/N?" He crossed his arms, his intense stare on me.
"When are we going to go on our date?" His closed his eyes, rubbing his temples.
"Where do you want to go to? There is a bunch of fancy restaurants around here." This time I crossed my arms.
"Megamo, I don't want to go to a fancy ass restaurant. I want to spend time with you alone." He looked a bit offended at the 'fancy ass restaurant' part.
"Then what do you want to do Y/N." I walked over to him, grabbing his arm and pulling him down his stairs.
"Let's watch a movie like a normal couple." He frowned.

I sat in front of the TV, picking out movies. I eventually picked one out and sat next to him, cuddling up at his side. "What are you doing?" My eyes stayed at the TV.
"Cuddling." Megamo made a grunt and slowly put his arm around me through the movie. We both fell asleep on each other by the end of the movie.

I honestly had no ideas for these so I am deeply sorry if they sucked :,) - Panda Dad

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