start to get feelings

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(I finally have my computer working! I was writing on my phone before so the paragraphs are going to be a little out of place. Also I'm sorry for being so late to update ;-; I feel even more bad because these are going to be short)


Osano's P.O.V

I walked down the path with Y/N. She looked so pretty today. 'Wait! Osano don't think that!' I mentally slapped myself in the face. 'She's your friend baka, nothing else.' I felt a little sad at the thought of that. 'But... I want to be more than that..' "Y/N..I." I started out, she turned to me with a confused look on her beautiful face.
"Yes?" My face turned a light shade of red.
 "You have a zit!" I panicked and that was the only thing I could think of to block the thing I was going to tell her. Y/N's cute face turned a cherry red.
"I-I do?" She covered her face with her hands. 


Amao's P.O.V

'I love baking with Y/N...' I smiled as I watched the girl bake a cake. Y/N had a cute little apron on and adorable little gloves on. I walked over with a bit on concern as she struggled to pull the cake out. "Y-Y/N! Please be careful! Do you need help?" She looked at me and smiled. I swear my heart skipped a beat. 

"Thank you Amao, but no." She giggled and took the cake out.
"Who's that even for Y/N?" Y/N turned and looked at me with another big grin.
"For someone special." My heart broke, but I smiled anyways.
 "O-Okay! Well you have fun!"


Kizano's P.O.V

I looked at her as she helped with our project. 'She's so smart... So perfect.' My cheeks turned a bit pink at the thought of the angle in front of me. Y/N looked over, very confused. "Kizano...What are you staring at?" I smiled.
"Just at art." Y/N rolled her eyes and continued at on her work. 'When she says my name, it drives me crazy!' She looked to the side.
"Stop staring, it's creeping me out." I swear to god I saw a small blush on her cheeks.
 "S-sorry!" My face turned red as I turned away and did my part of the project, sneaking glances at her. 'So perfect..'


I sat with my friend in the occult room after school. He patted my back as I complained to him. "I-I think she put a s-spell on me.." My friend laughed and I looked up at him. "W-what's so funny?!" Tears started to form in my eyes.
"Oka! Your in love! A crush!" The tears faded away just like that.



Aso's P.O.V

"Come on! You should join the sports club!" I smiled as I put my arm around Y/N, she didn't look very enthused.
"Aso." Y/N growled, warning me about putting my arm around her again.
"Ah! I'm sorry." My cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink on my tan cheeks. "But really, you should." She groaned.
"I don't want to hurt myself again." I laughed and walked beside her.
"You won't around me Y/N." My face turned even more red. 'I'm sorry self... I like her.'


Mujo's P.O.V

"Miss Y/N!" I scolded the girl in my most harshest tone, which only made her laugh.
 "Mujo! You are too cute when you are trying to be mean!" I crossed my arms and puffed out my cheeks, my own cheeks turning red.
"Please don't be so harsh Y/N." I looked away and pouted. "What are you here for anyways?" Her face flushed red.
"I-I need a pad... There was none left in the bathroom." I turned even more red.
"O-of course Y-Y-Y/N." 'Why does it have to be now of all times? I can't help that I like her at all... Especially this question! Why!'


Mido's P.O.V

I glanced at my little pet before continuing on with the class. 'She looks so cute in that outfit!' It didn't bother me that I liked a student, it bothered me that I wanted to be with her. They way she looked at me, it just... Made me go crazy! I couldn't stand it. My face went a bit red.
"Mr. Mido? Do you have a fever?" Y/N asked as soon as the bell rang. I looked up at her.
"I just might...Mind taking care of me?" She rolled her eyes.
"I have class Mido. Bye." She walked out of the class without another word. 'I hate to watch her go, but I love to watch her leave!' My mind cheered.

Osoro- (this one is going to be pretty short, so I'm sorry lol)

Osoro's P.O.V

I picked up Y/N's book, holding it up as she jumped to get it. "Osoro! Give it!" I smirked, my cheeks turning a bit red. "You look cute when your angry." 

"What?" Y/N seemed a bit surprised.

"Your face looks shitty!" I threw the book at her chest as I walked away. 'Jesus! I said that out loud?'


I huffed as Y/N was going to show me something in the computer room. "This is very unprofessional of me Y/N, be lucky I am just doing this so you don't get into trouble." She laughed. That laugh, that laugh drove me insane. I put on a facade so she wouldn't think I was going soft for her at all. Now that would be unprofessional of me, but around her... I just can't help it at all.

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓲𝓶𝓾𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓿𝓪𝓵𝓼 𝓧 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now