Without you/ Without them

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(language in this children ^o^)


Osano P.O.V

"Stupid Stupid Stupid!" I yelled, punching my boxing bag. I've learned to take my anger out on other things other than my lover. After Y/N, my heart has been torn, it was all my fault that I was like this. I caused this and I couldn't help it. I could of said anything but that

I raised my shirt up wiping the sweat that was dripping off me. This tactic has worked for my 'anger issues', but every time I see Y/N in the hall-way I get mad all over again because she is so beautiful. She doesn't deserve to feel like this. I love her so much, yet I caused her so much pain.
(-actually almost cried writing that-)

Your P.O.V

I couldn't handle the silence anymore, there was no one making snarky remarks to me, telling me I was stupid and then lovingly hugging me. I felt so weird on the inside. Is this was a heart break felt like? You saw Osano in the hallways, he looked angry. 'It's because I annoyed him with my existence.' I thought, heading to my next class.

Amao P.O.V

"You are a whore!" The girl looked at me, tears in her eyes. It reminded me of Y/N.

"A-Amao.. I love you.." This girl wasn't Y/N, I never loved this girl. I was angry with myself for no reason.

"I don't, so get the hell out!" I yelled, my eyebrows furrowing in anger. I broke Y/N's heart and I was going to fix this pain I caused. She didn't deserve to feel like this. She didn't deserve to? She needed to be with someone better than me, but I still wanted her. As the girl walked out, I cried. I cried harder than I ever had before.

-No your pov for this, sorry :,))


Kizano's P.O.V

I pushed everyone away after that day. Even that girl who liked me. With that girl, I had hurt Y/N, terribly and now that I think of it. My acting has been terrible and the member's are thinking of making Kokana the new leader. I needed to fix this, not just for the acting. for Y/N. I missed her face, and her smile.

Your P.O.V

"What?" Kokana stood proudly in front of me, her head held up high.

"Yeah! Kizano is maybe going to be kicked off!" I scoffed, Kizano was a good actor and this girl could never surpass him at all. He was perfect, too perfect.

"Well. Why?" I asked, curiosity taking over me. Kokana frowned.

"He has been acting really weird lately, not doing so well." I was, surprised. I smiled at Kokana and said my goodbye. 'Did I cause this?' I was worried.


-I'll make this one special ;D-

You sat on the couch with Oko, nuzzling his neck as we watched 'it'. "Y-Y/N." He shyly said, still looking at the TV. You looked up and then looked at the screen, screaming in fright. Oko laughed, he laughed at you getting scared. His face was as red as a tomato though and then he looked serious. You looked up at him with an adorable frown, as he looked back. 
"You... You look adorable when your frightened." He leaned in, kissing your lips. You leaned into him, kissing his lips back as you pushed him onto the couch. Oko's hands slithered around your waist as he asked for an entrance by licking the bottom of your lip.

You liked this new side of Oko, and decided to enjoy it while you could. You playfully denied his request and then you felt him grab your ass (;D LIKE I SAID, SPECIAL) making you let out a gasp. He slipped his wet muscle inside your mouth, exploring his new area. Both of you spent a good hour making out, nothing less.. Nothing more.

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