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"Y/N, please listen." You turned you body away from him as he grabbed your shoulder, now turned to him."Y/N!" Osano yelled.

"What!" You snapped, looking at him in the eye. "What do you possibly want from me Osano! You want to talk to me now that I'm not so annoying?" Osano looked surprised.

"Listen, I know you are mad." You huffed, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow. "Understatement, very mad." He paused. "I know you don't want to accept my apology but please Y/N. Hear me out." You hesitated for a moment, but nodded silently. "Seeing you like this, hurt and sad. It makes me angry. I know what I said, and I regret it deeply. Y/N, I miss you so much. Yes I said that you where annoying but I miss your face. Please, I didn't mean a word of what I said, I want you back." Osano stepped up to you, arms open. "Forgiven?"

You stepped into the hug, letting his arms surround you. "Forgiven."


Little cupcake and snacks have been left in your locker. For a few days it was very confusing, and then it hit you.  
You opened your locker and a cupcake was right there and you sighed, picking it up and throwing it away. As you turned around someone tugged at your uniform. "Y/N." He said, you wanted to cry at the sound of his voice hitting your ears. You hurt, everything still hurt from the incident.

"Amao, go away. Please." Another tug.

"Y/N... Please listen. You don't have to look at me, touch me, or anything, but for the love of god please listen to me." You stayed and stood there. "I know that I'm not perfect at all, but what I did was a mistake. That girl Y/N, was nothing like you. This girl was needy, weird, and bitchy and look at you." His hands where on your shoulders now. "You are perfect to me." Tears welled in your eyes, you turned around and cried into his chest. "I missed you."

"I missed you too."


Red roses have been on your desk in every class you where in. You smiled to yourself as you picked one up in your science class, and then you looked at Kizano and his face was red. At first you thought it was out of anger, and then it hit you. As you walked towards Kizano, his eyes lit up and then that light died down once he saw your face. Pure anger is what he would describe it. "Me. You. Outside right now." You said, pointing at him and getting out of the class. What was the meaning of this?! He had no right to do this right after what happened! And that's exactly what you said once he got out there.


"What." You snapped, looking at him and his stupid purple hair. 

"I'm sorry." You raised an eyebrow.

"Is that all you got Kizano? A simple 'I'm sorry?' and you think we are going to make up and kiss?" He was going to say something and then you interrupted. "Well guess what asshole! I don't roll that way and you can kiss your pathetic ass goodbye!" Tears where in his eyes at the moment. A small pang of pity hit you. You didn't even let him say the rest.

"Y/N... I am deeply sorry for what I did, I should've listened when you said that girl liked me.. And I didn't. I payed the consequences and this is what happened. I deserve all of this." He looked down, looking like he has just killed a kitten. How could you not forgive him for this? That is all you wanted to hear. "I miss you so much. The club isn't the same without you."

You walked over to him and raised his chin. "Thank you." You kissed him on the lips, and so did he.


"Sorry!" You smiled sweetly at him. 
"Why are you saying sorry Oko?"
"I don't... Know.."

(lmao had to)


Aso has been acting strange, mean at the matter of that. People have been saying that he hasn't been going to his practices. Yes, you where his ex but you still cared for him at the least. You saw him walking and caught his arm and dragged him down the hall. He didn't say a word until you stopped on the roof. "What's the matter with you Aso?" He turned his head to the side, now confused.

"What do you mean?" You scoffed, crossing your arms.

"Don't give me that bull. You've been sucking at sports lately, you are the best aren't you?" He nodded. "Then act like it."

"I-I'm sorry." His blonde hair fell over his eyes as he looked down. "Just. After we broke up, no. After what I caused." He corrected himself, looking back up at you with teary eyes. "I'm a mess Y/N. I-I didn't mean to call you that, you are beautiful just the way you are." Now tears where in your eyes, you knew he needed a hug and so you did. "A-Am I forgiven?" You nodded. 

"If I'm a fatass, then I'm your fatass." You felt him chuckle and hug you back.


"You fell down again didn't you." You nodded happily, happy to see your boyfriend. "You have got to stop hurting yourself, you could get hurt."


"Y/N, see me after class." The whole class 'ooooo'ed at you as Mido said that, his arms crossed and looking serious as ever. After the both of you broke up, he has cleaned himself up a lot. 

'What could this possibly be about?' You thought as the bell rang in your ears. 'Guess I'm going to be finding out.' As all the kids left, you stayed only wondering what you did wrong.

"So Miss Y/N." You looked up, almost cringing at your name coming from his mouth. "Your grades have been going down, should I be concerned?" Mido lowered his glasses and looked at you.

"No. Can I leave now?/" You simply said, packing up your things like he was going to say yes, until his hand came crashing down on your stuff.
"Y/N." He said, looking down at you with glasses off. "I'm sorry." Mido smiled, a friendly one. Not one of those seductive ones that said 'lets fuck' just a smile to say I'm sorry, and you fell for it.

"You are forgiven."


He grabbed your arm and dragged you down the hallway. "Who the fu-" You started and turned your head to the side, seeing Osoro dragging me to the door. fear filled into me. "Osoro! What the hell! Are you going to kill me!" He said nothing, which made you think worse. "Let go!" You tried to shove the boys hand off your small wrist. Osoro stopped once they finally got outside. "Explain yourself!" You yelled, tugging your arm away.

"I love you okay?" You furrowed your eyebrows at his response. 

"Bullshit, I'm not your type." You hissed, looking at him in the eye. He looked hurt.

"I know what I said was wrong, but listen Y/N. You are the most perfect girl ever to me. Your eyes, and even those little quirks you do (Quirks: Like facial features you do when you are happy, disgusted, all that stuff). Please Y/N, let me be with you again." His words where touching to you.

"Fine, but you have ass loads of making up to do." Osoro smiled. 

"Anything to get you back Y/N."


Megamo ran to school, his white locks flowing behind him. He noticed that you haven't been coming to school, and didn't want blood on his hands, including if it was for someone he loved.
He ran down your street and knocked on your house door, you came and opened it. "Mega-" You got interrupted with a hug and tears wetting the top of your shoulder. "Megamo, what are you doing here." Your voice hit his ears like church bells, he missed it so much.

"Y-Y/N, your alive." He cried, shaking as he hugged you. You seemed a bit confused.

"Yes? I am?" You even seemed confused on why you where still alive.

"I thought you where dead." He backed away, gaining his proper stature back. "Listen Y/N. I love you okay? I know what I said made you think I don't, but Y/N. You are worth something to me, I love you with all my heart. I don't care what people say about you, you are you. I want to help you get over your depression." He softly grabbed your hand and brought into his. "I know It seems like I don't care about it at all, but please trust me. Trust me again and I will help you." 

Tears poured out of your eyes from his touching words. "I love you too." 

All was forgiven.

Woooo! I think this chapter has been my favorite to write so far! New character coming up next, so if you haven't voted yet (It should be the next chapter bc I'm stupid and didn't know how to put it before this one :,) ) Please do! So far it's between Yandere-Kun and Nemesis-Kun. So lets see which one wins my children! - Panda Dad

Thank you for joining the updates of yandere sim male rivals x reader ^^

(doing that for now on at the end of chapters, the line is originally yandere-dev's so there is my credit, no getting butthurt)

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