They turn playful/ You turn playful

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"Y/N!" Osano yelled, walking behind you. Y/N her rolled your eyes as he followed you to the store. "Can we please get some soda?" She turned around, looking at Osano.
7"I told you already! I don't have enough money for that!" He pouted and stayed behind her during the whole trip to the store, mumbling some colorful words. Y/N rolled her eyes and got him a little bottle of his favorite soda.
"Thanks Y/N." He bent down and kissed her cheek.
"Yeah yeah, thank me later."


"Let's make cupcakes." Y/N rubbed her head, doing her homework.
"Amao, no. I need to do my homework." He sat in his chair, crossing his arms and pouting. Amao kept bothering Y/N while she was trying to do her homework.

"Amao!" She snapped, putting down her pencil. "If you want to cook, then go do it yourself!" He walked over, putting his hands on her shoulders.
"I just want to cook with you.." Y/N was touched by this. She gave him a small smile and stood up.
"Let's go Amao."


You ignored his playful yells. He was trying to get you to play 'hide and seek' while he was hiding in the most obvious spots. "Come on Y/N! I want to play a game!" You looked over at him as you edited something on your laptop.
"There is the internet for you to do that." You plainly looked back at your screen and did your work. Not noticing the shadow in the back of you, you were quite startled when he swiveled you around. His nose was inches away from yours.

"Or I could play with you..." He kissed your lips and that leaded to a pretty hot make-out session. (no smut you lil nasties. Would you guys like a smut chapter if that ever comes to the case? Please comment because that would be great!)


No response.


Again, no response. You poked his cheek in annoyance as he looked at you in annoyance. "Y/N... Please l-leave my alone.. I-I need to finish this paper.." You huffed as your cheeks puffed out.
"Oko... Please. I need attention or else I'll die." His eyes widened, thinking that your not kidding. He put down his pencil and wrapped his arms around you.

"P-Please don't die!" You mentally smirked, cuddling into his chest. You finally got what you wanted.


"Lets race."
"Your funny if you think I'm running." You retorted at him, looking Aso's way.
He smirked and grabbed your waist, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "ASO!" He started to run around the track.
"This is great! Plus the view from here!" Your face turned red.
"You are dead to me! Dead I tell you!"


"Y/N?" He peeked in, only to see you trying to bandage your own knee. "Oh Y/N!" You looked up at him.
"Oh hey! I fell while running into school." Your tongue stuck on the outside of your mouth while you poorly put the bandage around the knee.
"Why where you running?"
You smiled and looked up at him once again.
"That's a story for a different time."
"You where late huh."
He sighed and shooed your hands away, doing the work him self. "Please be more careful." You chuckled at him being worried.


"Mido can I have my homework?" Your boyfriend held it right above you to where you couldn't reach it. The jumping only made it worse.
"Not unless you give me a kiss on the cheek." Your eyebrows furrowed, determined to get the paper and not let him win this playful game.

"You won't win this..." He smirked.

"Oh yes I will Y/N, because 1. I am taller than you and 2. This paper depends your grade." He stuck his tongue out at you. You let a sigh out in defeat and well, he wasn't wrong.

You went on your toes to give him a peck on the cheek, but he turned his head so it was on the lips. His hands went on your waist and deepened the kiss. Good thing not one teacher walked past, or student for that matter.


"Fight me Y/N." You just softly punched his nose, your nose stuck into a book. "Y/N, really. Punch me." You looked up at him, and just looked back. Osoro took the book and threw it across the school lawn.
"Osoro! What the fuck! " He looked actually a bit hurt that you yelled at him, and even cussed at him to. You realized the mistake you did and regretted it imminently. "I'm sorry.. It's just that I was really into the book."

He crossed his arms, looking away. "You should of gave me attention..." You chuckled.


You guys where playing a game of chess, both of you were also very competitive. "Your going down Meggy." His eyes flickered up at the word. He hated it when you called him 'Meggy'.
"Y/N.." He growled, moving his white chess piece over your last one.

"Now you have to stop calling me that stupid nick-name." He crossed his arms and had a smirk of a winner. You crossed your arms and turned away from him.
"It's not stupid."
He rolled his eyes. "Again Y/N? Your going to pout?" You looked over at him, and nodded. Megamo sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Fine, you just owe me a movie." Your eyes lightened up like fireworks and launched your top half across the table and gave him a hug. A small blush was on his face as you did so.

Hey hey hey! I am so sorry that I haven't been updating at all! I got back from the little vaca I was on and I just wanted to rest a bit. I will try to update a bit more since I have no life really anyways hah. Also school is starting soon and I'll be working quite soon too, so once that starts I will try to update once a week, and if I'm at school and have nothing else better to do during class or study hall? Make than 2 updates a week. Thanks! :D

- Panda dad

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