Osoro- Bad boy ~Lemon~

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(Again, I am so sorry because this will most likely suck. I SUCK AT SM U TS)


"SEXY NAUGHTY BITCHY ME!" You sang, swinging your hips and dying of laughter upon seeing yourself in the mirror.

"Hot." Osoro walked in, eating some popcorn and looking at you. "Very hot." He set his popcorn down and pulled some dollar bills out. "Dance some more?"
"You are such a fucking dick." The both of you laughed as you sat on his lap. "But your my dick."

"Oh I sure am.." He purred, running his hands down your waist. "How about you turn that ass around and you can see how much of a dick I am." Your cheeks turned red as you turned around, looking at Osoro and then his soft lips. He leaned in, caressing the side of your face and pulling you close. He softly kissed you lovingly and passionately. He licked the bottom of your lips, asking for an entrance. Just as suspected, you obeyed.

While Osoro was exploring his new territory, he tugged at the hem of your shirt while sliding his wet muscle on the top of your mouth. A lewd noise escaped from your mouth. You parted and lifted your shirt above your head, throwing it to an unknown corner so it would be never seen again. "Before we actually do this." His eyes where on your breasts, licking his lips.
"Eyes are up here dingus." Osoro's eyes flickered to yours and then he continued.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" You nodded, looking to the side shyly. No one has ever treated you like he has. Osoro was surely the best.
"I trust you." After those words, he went at it. His arms snaked around your back and un-clipped your bra, letting it fall down.  One of his hands went to your breasts, massaging them. 

You let out a soft moan as he placed his mouth on your bud (For the love of god, I can never say nipple). "Jesus." You whispered as his hands fiddled with your pant buttons. The two of you parted as you already got your pants off in a jiffy. Osoro smirked as he saw your panties. "Don't laugh! Not my fault I like frogs!" Osoro stood up, taking your hand and going to the bed. 


"Shut up or I will end you."

You sat on the bed, Osoro toppled over you like a tower. "Are you positive you want to do this?" You nodded, grabbing his face and pulling him down for a quick kiss. He smiled a bit. It was rare for him to do such a thing, but who couldn't smile over the one thing that they loved the most?

"I trust you Osoro, I love you." He nodded, slowly going down to your panties and rubbing your clit through the soft fabric. You let out a soft moan, softly gripping the sheets. "Just give it to me you ass." He chuckled at your response. 
"Well that's not very nice." Osoro purred, slowly pulling your underwear down and flinging it off.
"Wait wait wait." He looked up at you. "How come I don't have anything on and you do!" Osoro laughed, sitting back up and taking off... Everything. He was very well toned, with a couple of tan lines on his arms from actually wearing a short sleeved shirt. Your eyes widened. 'F U CK, damn...' You stared at the 'V' that dented his skin and pointed down to his member.
"Eyes are up here dingus." He said, mocking you from before. 
"Shut up." You hissed, and closed your eyes. You knew that this was going to hurt. A lot. 
"Make me." He smiled.

"Then get your ass moving." Osoro went back on the bed, pinning you down and kissing your lips roughly. He slid his tongue back in once again, rubbing the insides of your thigh with one hand making you moan quietly.  Once you two parted he already positioned himself in the front of your wet entrance and slowly slid himself in and started to thrust slowly, making sure not to hurt you. At first it was painful, but after a couple of thrusts it was a pleasurable pain.
"Please go faster." You moaned, opening your eyes and gripping the sheets. He nodded and plunged in you deeper and harder. Your eyes rolled as you mewed at the pleasure he was giving you. 

One of Osoros hands made it's way to your breasts, twisting the buds between his fingers and pulling on them gently. "Osoro!" You yelled, your back arching. He stopped and changed positions by laying on his side and lifting one of your legs up to get a better angle. "Oh my god." He chuckled huskily at your expression as he slid himself back in and pounded into your womanhood, riding out your first orgasm. "SWEET CHRI- Ahhh~" Your womanly juices made it's way to the sheets.

A couple minutes later and his thrusts started to get sloppier until he finally reached his peek. Osoro pulled out his member, his cum spilling out on the sheets. "Hope you enjoyed." He purred, softly nipping on your ear.

"Shut up you bad boy."


Okay, I just want to say thank you. To be honest, I never thought that my story would ever make it over 1K reads at the least, so I am super happy that I even made it over 5K reads. So I just want to say thank you kiddos, it means a lot to me. Most of all because I just started off this book as just a thing to do when I'm bored and now. WOW, I do it to give people like something to read now and tbh, it's weird. So thank you kiddos. -S.P

*CASUALLY CRIED AS I EDITED THIS ONE REAL QUICK BECAUSE I KNEW IT WASN'T THAT GOOD* I lowkey cringed but also didn't as I wrote this one again omlll...

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