Ayano- You're mine ~Lemon~

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(Hey hey I'm alive. I promised you guys smut in this book so here you go. As you know, I suck at these)


'Your P.O.V'

"OOP OOP! RAISE THE ROOF!" I raised up your hands, a huge smile on my face.

"What are you.. doing Y/N?" Ayano walked in with half of a sandwich eaten, he had seemed to express more of his emotions when he was me. "Are you..."

"Dancing? Yes." I turned around, smiling at him.

"Please, do that more often..."


"You really wanna know." A small smile appeared on his face. He walked up to me, placing his sandwich to the side and grabbing my waist, pulling me close to him. Ayano leaned close to my ears and said something that made shivers go down my spine. "Then I'll show you." He had already pinned me to the nearest wall, kissing up and down my neck. "You make me go insane Y/N." He purred, sucking on a spot of my neck that made me moan. I could feel his smirk on my skin. This man was going to touch me in many places, and I didn't care.

His mouth reached mine, and we got into a heated make-out. Ayano licked my bottom lip for an entrance, I knew better to oblige then disobey. He slippery muscle slid inside my mouth, exploring his well known territory. "Y/N." He breathed, his hands making their way to my back. "May I?" I nodded, there was no way I was backing out now. Ayano's hands un-clipped my bra with one swift motion, and then they were gone. He tugged my shirt over my head and looked at my breasts, licking his lips. My face flushed red, I raised my hands to cover them.

"D-Don't look at me like that." He gave me a reassuring smile. 

"You are beautiful the way you are Y/N. I couldn't love you more." I slowly put my arms down, my face red. Ayano raised one of his hands and started massaging the soft flesh, and sucking on the other one. He switched every now and then, enjoying the sounds of pleasure escaping my mouth. "A-Ayano." I breathed, he stopped and looked up, his grey eyes clouded with lust. "Let me pleasure you." My face got more red. Ayano got off me. walking over to the bed with a grin on his face.

"Let's get on with it then." I slowly made my way over there, sitting on his lap and kissing his lips softly while him on the other hand, was rough. My hands slowly slid down his chest, and I palmed him through his layers of clothing. A groan erupted from him, grabbing my hips and squeezing them. I took it as a sign to just get on with it. 

"Such an impatient boy." I chuckled sliding down from his lap and onto my knees. He un-zipped his pants, and I did the rest. 'Fuck. He's big.' My eyes widened, I took his manhood with one hand and started stroking. He rolled his head backward, breathy moans escaping his mouth. I finally put the tip in my mouth, going up and down, pumping the rest that I couldn't get. He grabbed a portion of my head, and bobbed my head up and down. I listened to him moaning my name, I was pleased with my work. 

"Fuck Y/N! I'm gon-" A warm liquid shot down my throat. I parted from his manhood and swallowed, my face flushed a beautiful red color. "Now it's time I do this to you." He growled hungerly. Before I knew it, I was on my back. "Can I go this far?" I nodded a yes. Ayano kissed my chest, down to my stomach, and then down to my wet heat. His hands did his magic, and then before I knew it, I was fully naked in front of him.

"Hey!~" I said, tugging at the hem of his shirt. "This isn't fair." He rolled his eyes, and took off his shirt. I was taken by surprise when I saw a very FINE ASS looking body. Ayano rolled his eyes once he spotted the look I was giving him. Soon enough he was back at it.

"Are you positive?"

"Yes Ayano." It was too late to back out now. He gave a quick kiss to my inner thigh, and stuck his tongue inside me, moving it around. I let out a moan, almost melting at his touch. "Oh god Ayano!" I moaned, his tongue and hands abusing my womanhood. "Please." I begged, running my hands through his soft black hair.

"Please what?" That bastard.

"Please fuck me." A triumph smile graced his face as he sat up, positioning his manhood in front of my heat. Suddenly pain surged through my body, he stayed there and wiped my tears away. Ayano stayed there and wait till I nodded to give him a sign to move again. I just nodded and he slowly started thrusting in and out of my. I moaned his name, gripping the sides of my F/C sheets. Pleasure flowed through me, and I eventually had a knot forming in my stomach. "Ayano, I'm going to." My womanly juices poured out of my. Oh but he wasn't finished.

Ayano rid through my organsm, making more lust fill through me until he was done and had pulled out. He lied next to me, wrapping his arms around me. "I love you." I decided to ruin the moment.

"We didn't fucking wear a condom." He chuckled.

"My pull out game is strong. don't worry." (IM FUCKING SORRY I HAD TOO)


I turned so awkward writing that, but I hope this one was better than the last lmaoo. I'm getting better at these...Very slowly.. But I do hope you Ayano lovers enjoyed this one!

Sidenote!- If any of you beautiful children like JEFF THE KILLER you should go check out my book 'Loveless!' it's a work in progress, but if you do decide to check it out it would be awesOOOMe. Okay, done self promoting myself. A smut will soon be here in the future, don't worry ;)

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