New Character: Yandere-Kun (Ayano)

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(Creds to artist C:) 

How you met-

You walked down the dingy hallways of your school, trying to find the art club. "Where in hell would it be?" You said to yourself, questioning this school at the moment. This place was like a labyrinth. 

"Would you like some help?" A flat voice said into your ear. This voice sounded dead, non-living, maybe even non-human if you listened close enough, but this voice made you jump out of your skin. 

"Jesus Christ!" You turned around, holding your books tighter in fright. "You scared me Ayano." You smiled sweetly at the strange boy. He wasn't the most noticed student in this school, no one noticed him ever really. It was kind of sad.

"Sorry Y/N." He said, walking towards you. This all felt off to you.

"N-No! It's fine Ayano, and yes I would like some help." Your smile turned into a frown once you saw the red paint smock he was holding. "Your part of the art club?" He just nodded.

"Where do you need to go?" You dug into your F/C bag and got out a flier about the art club needing new members.

"A-Art club." You stuttered, cursing yourself quietly.

"Please follow." And so you did, not a hair harmed as you did. 

You become friends-

"Ayano!" You ran up the boy, gripping onto his shoulders. Surprised sparked in his dark grey emotionless eyes.

"Y-Y/N?" He cocked his head to the side, wondering what you where doing.

"How did you sleep?" You walked at his side as the both of you went down the path into school.

"Not bad." He simply asked, walking a bit faster. 'This girl is annoying, she is not my senpai! She could get in the way of this... Or she could help.' His mind growled, until your voice rang in his ears. An idea kindled in his hallow mind. 

"Good to hear!" You cheered, catching up to him. You looked up at the strange male and saw the annoyance in his eyes. "I'll let you be this morning." A small smile appeared on your S/C face, as you started to walk away, it spoke.

"Would you like to hang out during lunch next week?" Happiness filled you. 

"Yeah! That would be great!" You walked into the school, a little hop in your step. At least you made a new friend.

You hang out-

"What do you like to do for fun?" You shoved your bento into your mouth, looking up at Ayano with a board look. 

"Um, I like to read. Yes, read." He said, simply eating his food. He only had a sandwich, you where going to offer to make him a lunch but knowing those rumors about him. He wouldn't accept it at all. "Is something on your mind? You've been staring off into the distance for a good 2 minutes." His voice broke you out of the mini trance you where under. 

"Oh yeah! Just thinking." You said, taking another bite.

"About what?" He looked down at you, as you looked back.

"Would you like me to make you a lunch? You just have a boring sandwich, and that won't last you through the day." Ayano looked taken aback, a little surprised someone was offering him food. "I mean, as a friend Ayano. Don't get the thought that I like you in that pretty little head of yours." You looked away and stared at the sky.


"Hmm?" You looked at him again, a bit confused. 'He accepted.' You thought.

"I wouldn't mind you making my lunch." You smiled at this, excited to beat this task every morning for now on.

Start to get feelings-

Ayano P.O.V

'What is this feeling? Why does she make me feel like this?' My mind spoke as I carried a body to the gardening club during my gym class. I said I was feeling sick so they wouldn't suspect that I was doing anything. The body made a soft 'thump' as it hit the ground, the males now lifeless eyes staring out into the sky. 'I am suppose to feel this way for senpai!' My mind yelled, as I took my anger out on this poor standby-er, he met a terrible fate because of me. 

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