You get sick/He gets sick

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Osano was home sick, and you being the most best girlfriend there is, you went to his house and pampered him with love. 

"Y/n, your going to get sick." He looked down at you, his face a bit red. 

"Osano, you deserve this love so shhhh." He closed his mouth and just took in all the love you where giving him. 

"Your going t-" He started, sneezing right after.

"Osano, shut up and let me have this."


"You are not making food while sick!" You yelled, throwing a rubber spoon at Amao's head. You where over at his house, of course taking care of him since he was down with a bad cold. 

"Y/N, calm down." Those could of been his last words, you know you never should say 'calm down' to a woman.

"Sit you ass in your room right now, I'm going to make some soup." He paled. 

"Y-yes dear."

Minutes later you came into his room with a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup with some crackers. "T-thank you love.."


"Maybe a kiss will make me feel better." He puckered his lips, leaning onto you.

"Kizano, I don't wanna get sick." You put a hand up between you and his lips. "I love you, but with your adorable snotty face like this. No kisses." He pouted, leaning back onto his bed and crossing his arms.

"You are so mean Y/N."


"Y-Y/N, you don't have to." You put soup on his lap, smiling at him and then sitting down right next to him.

"I'm doing this because I want to." you said, cuddling up to his chest and closing your eyes. Oko didn't move an inch.

He knows not to wake the beast.


You sneezed, and then another came. "Jesus christ!" You held a tissue up to your nose. "It's like Niagara falls up in here!" Aso walked in, laughing at your remark. 

"You still have that senses of humor, even if you are sick." He ruffled your hair, giving you a goofy smile. "You are such a dork Y/N."

"But I am your dork and you like it. So hush!" You covered yourself with the blankets.

"True true."


"Please tell me you aren't faking this." He looked down at you. You where pale, really pale. 

"I'm not." You coughed, covering your arm with your mouth. "I really don't feel well Mujo." He sighed, rubbing your back and calling the office to tell them that your going home. 

"Please get better Y/N, I would hate for my love to get even worse." He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Mujo, you'll get sick." You shooed him away.

"Worth it."


"Y/N?" He looked at the empty seat in the front of the class.

"She's sick today Mr. Mido!" One of the students called out, staring at him like he was lunch as always. 

"Sick? Such a shame." He frowns, a bitter expression on his face. He can't really come over to your house or your parents would question on why your teacher was in the house. Imagine the trouble you would get into. 

The next day you where at school, he had a soup made for you at lunch. "Welcome back love, hope you get better." Mido patted your head and smiled.

"Best boyfriend ever." You croaked, smiling right back. 


"Excuse me?" He roars, grabbing one of his 'members' by their school uniform. "She's sick?" His intense eyes looked into the boys.

"Y-yes, she w-wasn't in class at all." He let go of the poor souls shirt and stomped off. 

"Why didn't you tell me sooner you little shit!" Osoro says, leaving the school grounds and heading to your house right away.

"I'm coming in Mrs. L/N!" He yells, opening the door. No one was home, but you of course. 

"Osoro?" You whispered, poking your head up from behind the couch. "What are you doing here?"

"To make you feel better." After that, he planted his cute little butt next to you for the whole day.


"He never gets sick though." You said, crossing your arms and looking at the other student council members. "So?" They all looked at each other.

"Then why don't you go and find out whats wrong if your so worried about him." You furrowed your eyebrows and stomped off.

"Fine ya assholes." You growled, making your way down to his house.
(Makin my downtown, walking fast faces past and I'm home BOUND DO DOD DOD ODODO)

"Megamo?" You walked into the big white house. "Megammmoooo." Magically he walked out, a towel around his waist and his hair sticking to his head.

"Ye-" He looked at you directly in the eye. "Y/N! I'm not decent!" He yelled, turning and running down the hallway.

"Megamo! Are you sick?"

"NO! I just wanted to have a day off!" You shook your head.

"Such a idiot." 


You where sick, and Ayano was right at your side. "I need to use the bathroom."


"Ayano, let me get up."

"No." You didn't get up at all through the whole day.


"Y/N." He said, sitting next to you on the roof. 

"Yes?" You looked up at him, and coughing

"Are you going home sick today?" You shook your head.

"I can't afford it, I need to finish some papers and-" Nemesis interrupted you with a plain 'go home'. "Nemy, I can't."
"Yes you can." He took your hand and dragged you down the stairs and to the front office. "She's going home." The lady just looked at him and nodded, not really caring about 2 teens leaving.

"Nemy..." You coughed again. "You really didn't need to." 

"I did, I can't afford my girlfriend getting sick." He looked down at you.

and smiled.


P.S- if we get to 10k reads I'll throw in a little special chapter with whom ever I choose. Russian Roulette my children ;) 


I just want to say, I can't believe I made it over 50k reads. You guys are the best readers ever! Thank you so much! 

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