He and his buddy gets 'Happy'

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(Some of these will be short because I have major writers block at the moment. So please enjoy this one! One of them might include something special ;} a lil sucky suc- so a tiny smut senario in this just to give my apology~)
(Also this is the middle of the night right now, so please cut me some slack on some of them. ^^ tHANKS)



Osano was giving you a piggy back ride. Your boobages (thats what I call boobs kay) pressing against his back.

"C-can I stop now?" He said, in just above a whisper tone.


"Y/N." He groaned, getting tired but not minding the pressure on his back.

"No." You said, leaning in on him.

"Y/N! Get off! Your giving me a boner!" Just like that, you jumped off his back with a red face.


Amao and you where playing with some frosting, white frosting
"Y/N!" He yelled and knocked you to your knees, squirting some white frosting bits onto your face.

"Amao!" You yelled, red in the face as he looked down at you with the same expression.

"I-I have to go."


"lets reenact '50 shades of black' Y/N.~" (I know its grey, but I dont wanna give credit, so there) Kizano said, leaning in on you as you did your homework. 

"No Kizano."
"How in hell am I suppose to relive me bo-"

"Okay ew!" You said, turning to him and throwing a tissue box at him. "Go crazy with that!" He walked out, laughing. "Men!" That poor tissue box.


-He is a bit too innocent for that, but maybe if I do smut I will do something good. Btw, the smut will be in all different chapters. Who would you want first?-


Aso picked you up, carrying you away from your friends. "Aso!" You yelled, hitting his back as he lugged you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Put me down!" You yelled even more as his laughter filled the air.

"I can't with this nice view." A slap hit your ass as you grumbles some very strong words at him. He finally put you down behind the gym, where you two usually 'talked'. 

"Go Aso! You little twa-" His lips cut you off, pinning you (softly) to the wall behind the both of you. His wet muscle licked the bottom of your lip. You being the nice girlfriend you are, you let him in. Aso explored his already claimed area, trying to make you groan. "Aso." You breathed, feeling something poke your leg. He backed away.


"Go fix your boner." He hurried away, red in the face.

"I'm sorry!"


-Same with Oko, sorry. I just can't see Mujo being like that yet ^^-


Mido came over while your parents where gone, bringing some movies and snacks to the house. You answered almost right away, hugging your boyfriend and dragging him to the couch. "Someone wants to get the business eh?" Your face went red as he said that, sitting down on the soft couch next to him. "Don't be so coy Y/N." He purred, leaning onto you. That set you off, not in a bad way.

You scooted over and sat on his lap, kissing everywhere but his lips. Mido didn't  take kindly to this at all. He took your face and made you kiss him. A smile graced your face as you kissed him back. A little 'something something' poked your thigh, so you stopped. "Why so red Y/N?~" He purred, leaning in onto you. 

"Y-you should go fix that." And with that, Mido left your house red in the face as he did his deed.



"Osoro." He said nothing as he read his viperman comic on the bed. "Osoro..." You groaned, leaning back onto the door. Then something hit you, a small little idea implanted in your brain. "Osoro.~" You fake moaned, watching his face grow red and him sit up.

"W-was that you?" You nodded, a proud smirk on your face. He grabbed you and pushed you on the top of him. 

"Osoro!" You gasped as he kissed you roughly, his large hands on your waist. You melted into the kiss and grinded your body against his, making him moan and grab your ass.

"P-Please Y/N." You stopped, turning your head in confusion.

"What do you want me to do?" His face turned red as he sat up and pushed you a but back, unzipping his pants. You mentally smiled and did the rest for him, pulling the underwear down and his member sprung out.

You put your mouth around it, not sure how to do this but you did your best. You bobbed your head up and down on his member, pumping the rest of it that you couldn't fit into your mouth. His hand had a fist full of your H/L H/C hair, making you go faster until he came. "Y/N!~" He panted, lifting your head up."We'll finish this later."


  Megamo looked at you as you licked a Popsicle up and down. You eyed this and mentally smirked. "Megamo.~" You purred as he finally looked you in the eyes. You licked the first top of the popsicle, twirling your tongue around it and then putting most of it in your mouth. His face went red, making him look like a tomato with white hair.

"Y/N! That is very unladylike!" He yelled, taking your cold treat away from you.

"What was I doing?" You smirked as he pointed at you.

"You know damn well what you did, you are such a bad girl." Sudden realization hit him as he scurried away, leaving you laughing in the park. Let's say he was in the bathroom for quite a while!

Yandere- Kun-

You sat on Ayano's lap, eating some popcorn. His lap was a little uncomfortable so you wiggled around a bit. A soft groan was heard from the back of you. You turned around to see a very red Ayano, your head turned like a confused puppy.

"Do that again Y/N, and you will regret it." And with that, you slid off his lap and sat on the opposite side of the couch. 


Hoped you liked it!- Peach dad

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