KIZANA (Femxfem)

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Now, let's start off with something new shall we (pft you smarties already know by now since the picture huh)? I'm going to work on the delinquents after this. I had a request for this character, and if any of you gay folks love this girl. Well here you are, a fem Kizana x reader! Once again, I won't do certain senarios because I might not see them doing it, but for this some of the scenario might be the same (just genderswapped) but just a lil edited, so have fun!


How you met

  "Alright Alright! Class listen up! You are being partnered up with people who need help the most, and also someone to help them." The teacher claps and looks around the class while reading out names. Your head lazily looked up as you groaned and mentally glared at the teacher. 'Great! I have to SOCIALIZE." Y/N wasn't the most popular girl in the school, but also wasn't a loser if you know what I'm saying.
"Y/N and Kizana."
"What." Y/N spoke aloud, not really meaning too. She earned a couple of glares from some  of the boys in the class. Why would they do that? Kizana waltzed her way over to Y/N's seat, sitting down next to her and flipped up her purple twin twirls, giving Y/N an astonishing smile "So Y/N, I guess we're partners.~ I bet you are the one needing help! And I will greatly assist!" she said, smiling and bowing down.
'Dear god help me.' You gave her a fake smile back. "I guess you are."

You become friends

  Well. She insisted on going to your house and working. As in she insisted, Kizana forced you to let her in. You showed her to your room and started to work. "Wait how did you know where I live?" She smiled innocently. 

"I simply asked around. It's a wonder what you can do when you are popular." She laughed, flipping her hair up once again. You did the first problem and started on the second, rolling your eyes. "Wait. How did you do that?" Y/N looked up. "What do you mean?" She pointed to the first problem with a purple colored fingernail.
"How did you do THAT!" You chuckled.
"Use the algebraic equation that we took notes on." She looked at her, frowning.
"I didn't take notes."
Y/N gets up and digs through her bag, getting some notes out. She hands it to him. "There!"
"Thank you friend." Y/N sits down next to her and started to work.
"Friends huh?" You laughed.
"What's so funny?" She looked up, looking into her E/C (eye color) eyes.
"Didn't think me and you would ever be friends." Kizana smiled wider than ever.
"Well we are now Hun!"

Hanging out

  Kizana had tricked you into joining the drama club so you two could hang out more. How exactly?
"Y/N. I am declaring war on you!" Kizana marched in, slamming her hand on your desk. Of course, you looked up at her embarrassed. This was in the middle of your class for petes sake! Everyone was looking at the two of you.
"What the hell Kizana!" You whisper yelled at her, putting your head down to avoid the stares.
 "I'm declaring war on you Y/N, do I have to repeat myself?" You grabbed her by the arm, dragging her out of the classroom. You pulled her to the side.
"What are you doing? What's this for?!" Kizana smiled innocently.
"I want you to join the drama club, if you don't. I'm putting a war against you." You raised your hand to rub your temples.
"Why am I friends with you..." You groaned, turning away from her.
"Is that a yes?"
You sighed. "Yes." This girl was a bundle of trouble.

Feelings (from Kizana's P.O.V)

  I looked at her as she helped with our project. 'She's so smart... So perfect.' My cheeks turned a bit pink at the thought of the angle in front of me. Y/N looked over at me with a very confused expression on her face. "Kizana...What are you staring at?" I smiled.
"Just at art." Y/N rolled her eyes and continued at on her work. 'When she says my name, it drives me crazy!' She looked to the side.
"Stop staring, it's creeping me out." I swear to god I saw a small blush on her cheeks.
"S-sorry!" My face turned red as I turned away and did my part of the project, sneaking glances at her. 'So perfect, but why would she like a girl? I really hope she does..'  

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