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(Picture- creds to owner, not mine also I'm just doing the main ones since doing all the other stuff would take to much time -U- )


How you first met-

You and Senpai where both pretty close friends, close enough to where his family considered you as family also. You've known Senpai for a long time, yet you  haven't really met his watlittle brother, but he's coming to Akademi high this year according to him. "Really?" He nodded.
"I'm just scared that people are going to hurt him or bully him." You smiled sweetly at Senpai.
"Don't worry about it! I'll keep a close eye on him." He smiled at you, a wave of relief going over him.
"Really?" He said, and you nodded.
"Of course! I would love to keep an eye on my best friends little brother." His cheeks reddened. 
"Thank you Y/N, it means the world to me."

A couple days later the 'new' student arrived. "Brother!~" A high pitched voice yelled, running to the boy beside you. 

"H-Hey Hanako!" Senpai looked over at you with a 'help me' look. Hanako was hugging the life out of him, and he looked straight at you. 

"Is this your girlfriend Taro?" His face burned a bright red and pushed his younger sibling away.
"No! I don't have an eye on anyone yet!" Taro said, looking to the side to avoid all eye contact. "Well Y/N, that's my little brother.." You laughed and waved at the boy.
"Nice to meet you! I'm Y/N L/N! But please call me Y/N!"

You become friends-

"Y/N!" You turned around, a little startled that someone was calling your name so loud at the ass crack of dawn. You saw Taro's little brother running towards you with a bright smile on his face, but where was Taro?
"Hey Hanako! Where is Taro?" He started to go into a giggling fit, his hands covering the bright smile on his face.

"Why? Do you liiiiike him?" You shook your head. Taro was like a older brother to you, even though he was older than you by 3 months.
"Of course not, just wondering where he is since we where suppose to hang out after school today." I thought his eye's couldn't get any brighter, I was proven wrong that very second.
"He's sick, but you could hang out with me!"
'Oh god why me, is this going to turn into a babysitting job?' You though, covering the annoyance with a smile. "Of course I could!"
"So where're friends now?!"

'No.' "Of course!"

Hanging out-

"Oh god please kill me." You said into the phone, talking with Taro before hanging out with his little brother at the park. "I didn't want to babysit him, come on." 
"Pleaaaaase." Taro's voice said through the phone. "You would owe me a big one." You just thought for a moment. He has done so much for you, why couldn't you do one simple thing back?

"Thank you so much Y/N." He said and then the dial tone.
"I should of never agreed."You growled, grabbing your books from the small square locker and heading out.

"You ready Y/N?" You looked to the side. Hanako's hair was out of that little pin that he had, and to be honest he didn't look that bad. You nodded and started to walk down the path. "We are going to the park right?" You nodded again. 
'God this is going to be a long day.'

Starting to get feelings-

You listened carefully to Hanako's story, he was telling you about the time that him and his family almost got mauled by a bear. "So by the time we got back the campsite was ruined. It was such a shame that we had to spend the rest of our last night in a motel." He crossed his arms. "I wanted marshmallows." You shook your head, laughter erupting from you.
"Hey, at least you survived." Hanako did some spooky fingers.
"Or did we." You laughed even more.
"I would hate to be friends with a ghost. While I'm 50 you'll still be what, 16?" He nodded. "That would suck." After you where done speaking, he went on rambling on about how mean Taro can be.

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓲𝓶𝓾𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓿𝓪𝓵𝓼 𝓧 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now