Part 1

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I woke up to the commotion of kids running around and playing with heavy breaths.

My head started rushing with adrenaline as the morning sunlight blinded me slightly.

Well, before we get started with this average day let me introduce myself, I'm Ara. I'm 9 years old and I'm an orphan.

I grew up with no 'companion' to hold my hand every step of the way.

My parents' last words to me were "We don't need you here!"

Well, looks like I'm not really worth even introducing myself, huh? Don't worry, I'm not offended.

Anyways, I slowly peep open my eyes again to the brightness of the sun peaking out of my window.

I rose up from my bed that's simply a pillow and blanket on the floor.

I gently rubbed my eyes in circles in hopes the sun won't burn my vision.

I prepared myself and rapidly got dressed into a pair of faded black jeans and a dark red shirt.

I don't prefer dresses for some odd reason. Probably due to the fact no one really bought me any dresses.

I brush my teeth noticing that they are about to fall out and head to the kitchen to get breakfast as I heard deep voices talking,"How about this girl? Ara?"

I tried to peek around the corner to see what's going on when I see 13 tall men looking at the book with all the pictures of the orphans.

"A-ara? Well, she's quite different from the rest of the children. It may be a little difficult to care for her." The old lady that took care of us said.

I don't think they would want to adopt a worthless child like me.

I turned around until a voice spoke,"It's okay. We'll take her!"

Did I hear that right?

I instinctively turned only to bump into the old lady's round stomach.

I stumbled from the obstacle and was about to fall until a huge hand prevented me from falling.

"Oh, there you are! Ara, these lovely gentleman want to adopt you!" The lady exclaimed as she stepped aside letting the 13 men have a good look at me.

"Hey Ara. I'm Jeonghan." The guy that saved me from falling introduced himself.

I cautiously lifted my hands and touched his hair. He looked alarmed at first but smiled softly admiring me.

His hair? It was so angelic and soft. It slightly dropped from my fingertips.

"You have my mom's hair." I whispered under my breathe as his hair complimented his aura.

Suddenly, more boys got lined beside Jeonghan and waited to be introduced,"Hi I'm Hoshi! This is Mingyu, The8, DK, Dino, Boo, Seungcheol, Joshua, Wonwoo, Vernon, Woozi, and Jun!"

He concluded with a heavy breathe at the end of his recital. I'm pretty sure I can't recite half of the names but I think I'll figure it out soon.

They all said greeted me and ensured me with a warm smile.

Why are they so nice to me? Mom and Dad never smiled at me before.

The unfamiliar feeling left a weird knot in my chest.

I admired their faces with awe until the old lady interrupted it, "Ara, why won't you go pack your things now?"

I nodded and rushed upstairs to pack my bags. I stuffed all my clothes and put them in my blue backpack that was on the verge of being ripped.

Suddenly without warning, I felt a stinging smack on my back. I reflectively turned around as I felt it burn.

I only noticed to see two girls that looked older than me standing there with nasty looks,"Out of all the people, they chose a freak." The girls with a high ponytail said.

I knew what was coming next so I shut my eyes waiting for an addition of a larger sting on my cheek but I noticed it never came.

I carefully pried my eyes open to see Vernon holding the girl's hand preventing me from getting slapped.

My eyes widened of shock from the scene, "Your behavior is one of the reasons why. This is unacceptable in our household." He stated with a half shouting voice causing to startle the girls.

The girls turned a bright red color as they fled the scene with watery eyes.

Vernon sighed with a heavy breath and grinned at me,"Sorry, Ara. Those girls are no good."

I stood there in shock knowing a complete stranger just stood up for me. But why?

"Thank you." I whispered as the unfamiliar words left my mouth.

He returned with a smile that showed his gums.

We returned downstairs with all my belongings to see 12 boys waiting for me patiently.

"Come on, Ara! Let's go!" They said in a unison chorus.

'Why are they doing this for me?

I don't deserve any of this.
Well that's it for the first chapter! Sorry if it was boring but I'll try my best to make it better! How did you like it? Sorry if my grammar isn't the best cuz I don't really pay attention in school lolol. Hopefully you are liking it so far and keep reading. Plz comment your thoughts and etc. Stay tuned for the next chapter Loves!

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