Part 13

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My breathing got faster and I couldn't stop it. Or maybe because I didn't want it to stop. Mingyu had his hand around me like a bear hug. My hands were still aggressively pulling my hair and it hurled so bad. "Shhhhh" Mingyu said softly. After that tingled in my ear I saw light behind me. I tuned around and saw Grandmother,"My poor Ara, I'm so sorry my kids were like that to you. I miss you so much my sunshine. Please stop hurting yourself love." She untangled my hands from my hair and dropped my hands on my lap. "It's okay Ara. Slow down your breathing." I did just as I was told and looked at her. She truly looked like an angel in disguise. "I love you Ara." She kissed me goodbye and left into the darkness. Did that just happen?
Mingyu POV
Ara breathing got slower. She stopped pulling her hair. She's not crying anymore. What happened? I looked around to see everyone shocked and I was too. Did something happen that we didn't see? I was just relieved that she stopped from having her breakdown,"Ara, Do you wanna go sleep?" It was dead silence until I felt a little nod against my chest. I breathed deeply and slowly got up with her wrapped around me. I walked all the way to her room and carefully tucked her in bed. Her eyes were puffy but I only got a glance before she turned on her other side. I sighed but accepted the fact that there must be a lot going on in her mind. I hated seeing her like this. I kissed the back of her head a goodnight and left with the lights closed. It's so cold today..
Ara's POV
I was left alone in my bed that was freezing. It was pitch black and it was so quiet I could even hear my breathing. If I just saw Grandmother does that mean she's not living anymore? Since that was her spirit? No I shouldn't think like that. I tried to clear my head clean of Grandmother. I stared at the ceiling trying to make myself sleepy and after that I don't remember what happened.
I was woken up by voices that were owned my family,"I don't know. She feels hot." "It was freezing last night maybe that's why she got sick." "Wait we woke her up. YAH WHY WERE YOU SO LOUD!" "SHHHHHHH" I got adjusted to the light and my eyes felt heavy. I felt terrible and my nose was stuffy."Oppa, I don't feel good." I said with my eyes closed. "I know. You're burning up Ara. Just rest today and we will take care of you." I heard Joshua say while rubbing my forehead hoping the heat will go away. Even though I slept, I still felt so tired. "I'm hungry.." I said while looking at Joshua Oppa. He looked at Mingyu and Mingyu just left with no words. Joshua looked back at me with a smile,"Mingyu will get you something to eat. Do you want to take a hot bath first?" I looked at him and just nodded cause I knew it would be for the best. I slowly got up and my whole world just went wobbly. I tried to stand straight so I used my surroundings as balance. It was actually just Joshua's hands or hands of the other members as I was passing by. I stumble all the way to the bathroom and locked myself in. I went to turn on the bath water and let it run. I looked in the mirror and really saw how terrible I looked. My eyes had huge bags and my lips looked chapped. I look down to see sharp scissors. I instantly remembered last night. I also remembered one of Dad's punishments. He used to get a knife or scissors and cut into my arm 'BAD'. I flinched at the thought. I picked up the scissors and slowly put it closer to my arm consciously wanting to write the same letters. "Ara! I have some clothes for you outside the door!" DK said before I heard footsteps leaving. I dropped the scissors and fell down in shock,"What's happening to me?" My hands were shaking with fear and I was already filled with fear.

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